Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 13, 1999.

Y2K home   site map
  ò  What is the Year 2000 Challenge?
  ò  Should I Care?
  ò  What Can I Do?
  Exploring Your PC
 page pointer  Three Parts of Your PC
  ò  Hardware
  ò  Software
  ò  Personal Files
  Taking Action
  ò  Action Steps
  ò  Hardware
  ò  Software
  ò  Personal Files
  ò  Action Summary
  Learning More
  ò  Quick Tips
  ò  FAQ
  ò  Glossary
  ò  Microsoft Product Analyzer
  ò  Microsoft Product Information
  ò  Microsoft Links
  ò  General Year 2000 Reading Links
Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure. A special feature brought to you by Microsoft Three Parts of Your PC

There is no single "fix" for making a PC system ready for the year 2000. Why? Because year 2000 errors can originate in several different areas of your PC system, including its:

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Personal (Data) Files

Let's take a brief tour of each of these three system areas and find out how they relate to the year 2000 challenge. When we're finished, you'll be better prepared to evaluate your own computing environment.

Let's start with your PC's HARDWARE.

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