Microsoft Y2K  
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 Year 2000
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Microsoft Year 2000 White Papers

Microsoft Operating System Interactions with BIOS and Real Time Clock
This paper addresses the interaction of the computerÆs Real Time Clock (RTC) and basic input/output system (BIOS) with the following Microsoft« operating systems: Windows NT« version 3.51, Windows NT« version 4.0, Windows« 98, Windows« 95, Windows« 3.x, and MS-DOS« version 5.x or later. Windows« operating systems insulate applications from most, although not all, Year 2000 rollover issues.

Building Year-2000 Compliant Applications with Visual Studio and Windows DNA
The Microsoft« Windows DNA architecture represents a comprehensive new framework for integrating client/server and internet software solutions on the Windows platform. Windows DNA is based on the premise of software component integration and interoperability. DNA combines "component based" software development with a "service based" operating system. However, integrated software components and modularity do not protect the developer from introducing Year 2000 compliance problems in their applications. Regardless of the tools used to develop software today, a clear Year 2000 philosophy is needed to avoid spending time reworking an application in future years.

Year 2000 Test Considerations
The information in this paper should be viewed as high-level testing recommendations which organizations can use to scope and implement their year 2000 efforts.

The information in this paper pertains to Ctime and the impact that it has on productsÆ ability to work into the 21st century. Ctime is a function of the C programming language that is used to calculate time.

The Automation Libraries and the Year 2000
In efforts to improve code efficiency and lower the total cost of ownership for our products, Microsoft has recommended to internal developers to use a common Automation Library for handling dates. Over the years, the library has been updated to reflect changing customer needs and add additional functionality. This paper will address your most frequently asked questions.


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