Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 13, 1999.

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Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure. A special feature brought to you by Microsoft Microsoft Product Information


General Tips

To ensure that dates in Word documents are represented correctly in date-related calculations, insert Date field types with four-digit years.

Word 2000 - 32-Bit Windows (English)
Word (Macintosh) 98 (English)
Word 97 8.0 - 32-Bit Windows (English)
Word 95 7.XX - 32-Bit Windows (English)
Word 6.XX - 16-Bit Windows (English)
Word (Macintosh) 6.XX (English)
Word 5.5 - DOS (English)
Word (Macintosh) 5.1a (English)
Word 5.0 - DOS (English)
Word 2.0 - 16-Bit Windows (English)

Word 2000 - 32-Bit Windows

Recommendation: No action necessary.

Date handling: Two-digit shortcuts for the years 00 - 29 are interpreted to be between 2000 and 2029; and 30 - 99 are interpreted to be between 1930 and 1999.

For more information: See the Word 2000 Product Guide document.

Word 98 (Macintosh)

Recommendation: No action necessary.

Date handling: Dates imported from another program or entered with an Insert Date/Time command are not handled as date values.

In Table/Sort and in Microsoft Word fields, two-digit shortcuts for the years 00 - 29 are interpreted to be between 2000 and 2029, and 30 - 99 are interpreted to be between 1930 and 1999.

For more information: See the Word 98 (Macintosh) Product Guide document.

Word 97 8.0 - 32-Bit Windows

Recommendation: Update Word 97 by installing Office 97 Service Release 2. To request the update on CD-ROM call 888-673-8925 toll free.

Date handling: In Table/Sort and in Microsoft Word fields, two-digit shortcuts for the years 00 - 29 are interpreted to be between 2000 and 2029, and 30 - 99 are interpreted to be between 1930 and 1999.

For more information: See the Word 97 Product Guide document.

Word 95 7.XX - 32-Bit Windows

Recommendation: Install the Office 95 Year 2000 Update. To request the update on CD-ROM call 888-673-8925 toll free.

Date handling: Once the update is installed, two-digit shortcuts for the years 00 - 29 are interpreted to be between 2000 and 2029, and 30 - 99 are interpreted to be between 1930 and 1999.

For more information: See the Word 95 7.XX Product Guide document.

Word 6.XX - 16-Bit Windows

Recommendation: See the paper "Find File Fails with Dates Beyond Year 2000" for information on how to work around this issue.

Date handling: Two-digit shortcuts for years are interpreted to be in the 1900s (with the exception of 00, which is interpreted as the year 2000).

For more information: See the Word 6.XX Product Guide document.

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