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Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure. A special feature brought to you by Microsoft Microsoft Product Information

Office Professional

General Tips

Set the short date format to display four-digit years, both in your computer's Control Panel Regional Settings and in the default display formatting for each Office program.

See the Year 2000 Product Guide for each of the Microsoft Office programs you use for information on how they handle dates.

Office 2000 Professional - 32-Bit Windows(English)
Office Professional 97 - 32-Bit Windows (English)
Office Professional 95 - 32-Bit Windows (English)
Office Professional 4.XX - 16-Bit Windows (English)

Office Professional 95 - 32-Bit Windows

Recommendation: Install the Office 95 Year 2000 Update. To request the update on CD-ROM call 8880-673-8925 toll free.

See the Year 2000 Product Guide for your computer operating system and install prerequisite updates for Year 2000 compliance.

Date handling: With the Year 2000 update:

Two-digit years 00 - 19 in Excel 95 are interpreted to be between 2000 and 2019; the shortcuts 20 - 99 are interpreted to be between 1920 and 1999.

Two-digit years 00 - 79 in Schedule + are interpreted to be between 2000 and 2079; the shortcuts 80 - 99 are interpreted to be between 1980 and 1999.

PowerPoint 95 presentations that contain date formats set to update automatically can be saved correctly to PowerPoint 4 format. Presentations with date formats set to display two-digit years and saved as PowerPoint 4.0 presentations will display the dates correctly.

For more information: See the Office Professional 95 Product Guide document. See the Year 2000 Product Guide for each of the Microsoft Office programs you use.

Office Professional 4.XX - 16-Bit Windows

Recommendation: Install the updated Acc2Date.exe.

Date handling: By default, Access 2.0 interprets dates that are entered by the user or imported from a text file as occurring in the 1900s. After installing the Acc2Date.exe, two-digit shortcuts 00 - 29 are interpreted to be years between 2000 and 2029; 30 - 39 are interpreted to be between 1930 and 1999.

PowerPoint 4.0 does not convert two-digit shortcuts to four-digit years.

Excel 5.0 interprets two-digit years less than 20 to be in the 2000s and two-digit years 21 or larger to be in the 1900s.

For more information: See the Office Professional 4.XX Product Guide document and the Word 5.0 Product Guide document. See the Year 2000 Product Guide for each of the Microsoft Office programs you use.

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