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Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure. A special feature brought to you by Microsoft Microsoft Product Information

Visual Basic

Visual Basic 6.0 - 32-Bit Windows (English)
Visual Basic 5.0 - 32-Bit Windows (English)
Visual Basic 4.0 - 32-Bit Windows (English)
Visual Basic 4.0 - 16-Bit Windows (English)
Visual Basic 3.0 - 16-Bit Windows (English)
Visual Basic 2.0 - 16-Bit Windows (English)
Visual Basic 1.0 - 16-Bit Windows (English)

Visual Basic 6.0 - 32-Bit Windows

Recommendation: No action necessary.

Date handling: Two-digit years 30 - 99 are interpreted to be between 1930 and 1999; two-digit years 00 - 29 are interpreted to be between 2000 and 2029.

For more information: See the Visual Basic 6.0 - 32-Bit Windows Product Guide document and Knowledge Base article, "How to Prepare Visual Basic Applications for the Year 2000". Also see the white paper, "Developing Year 2000 Compliant Applications in Microsoft Visual Basic."

Visual Basic 5.0 - 32-Bit Windows

Recommendation: No action necessary.

Date handling: Two-digit years 30 - 99 are interpreted to be between 1930 and 1999; two-digit years 00 - 29 are interpreted to be between 2000 and 2029.

For more information: See the Visual Basic 5.0 - 32-Bit Windows Product Guide document and Knowledge Base article, "How to Prepare Visual Basic Applications for the Year 2000". Also see the white paper, "Developing Year 2000 Compliant Applications in Microsoft Visual Basic."

Visual Basic 4.0 - 32-Bit Windows

Recommendation: If the version number of oleaut32.dll on your computer is lower than 2.20, install OLEAUT32.DLL version 2.20.4118.

To determine which version of the oleaut.32.dll is on your computer:

Click the Start button, select the Find menu item, and click on Files or Folders. In the Name & Location tab, type (without quotes) "oleaut32.dll" in the field titled "Named." Select the drive in the "Look in" field that your operating system lives on (usually (C:) ). Click "Find Now." When the file shows up in the box, right click on the file and select "Properties." Click the right hand tab that says "Version."

Date handling: With OleAut32.dll version 2.20 and later, two-digit years 30 - 99 are interpreted to be between 1930 and 1999; two-digit shortcuts 00 - 29 are interpreted to be between 2000 and 2029.

For more information: See the Visual Basic 4.0 - 32-Bit Windows Product Guide document and Knowledge Base article, "How to Prepare Visual Basic Applications for the Year 2000". Also see the white paper, "Developing Year 2000 Compliant Applications in Microsoft Visual Basic."

Visual Basic 4.0 - 16-Bit Windows

Recommendation: Enter four digits for years.

Date handling: Two-digit shortcuts for years are interpreted to be in the same century as the current system date.

For more information: See the Visual Basic 4.0 - 16-Bit Windows Product Guide document and Knowledge Base article, "How to Prepare Visual Basic Applications for the Year 2000". Also see the white paper, "Developing Year 2000 Compliant Applications in Microsoft Visual Basic."

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