NAME UMSErrNum -- Return the number of the last error. SYNOPSIS error = UMSErrNum( login ) D0 D2 WORD UMSErrNum( LONG ); FUNCTION UMS functions usually return zero to indicate an error. When this happens, this routine may be called to get a more specific error code. By some means, this routine corresponds to an UMS login as dos.library/IoErr() does to a DOS-process. INPUTS login - Login handle as returned by UMSLogin() or UMSRLogin(). RESULT error - an error number Possible UMS error numbers can be grouped into 4 ranges: 0: no error at all, the last UMS function call was successful. 100-199: a slight error. The last functions call was not successful, but may succeed if some slight changes will be made to its parameters. E.g. when an importer tries to import a message it migth get error '103' when the to-user does not exist on the local system. It then should change some message-fields in order to forward the message to the sysop. 200-299: a real error. The last function call was not successful at all and should not be retried. 300-: a severe error concerning the whole system. E.g. the server has terminated. A program receiving such an error is recommend to UMSLogout() and terminate asap. SEE ALSO UMSErrTxt()

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