NAME UMSLogin -- Open the UMS MB for a certain user. SYNOPSIS login = UMSLogin( user, passwd ) D0 D2 D3 LONG UMSLogin( STRPTR, STRPTR ); FUNCTION Opens the MB, checking the password and returning a 'login' handle when successful. The given 'user'-name must be known to the MBP and the password 'passwd' must match. If the MBP does not already run, it will be automatically started. All other functions in ums.library requiry a valid 'login' handle to work. INPUTS user - Name or 'alias' of an user known to the MBP. passwd - The user's correct password. A pointer to the null-string is allowed, NULL itself isn't. RESULT login - Internally used handle to track and remember resources associated with each Login. Different for a single user's multiple Logins. One Login may be used only by one process at a time. Greater 0 on success, lower or equal 0 on failure. EXAMPLE long login = UMSLogin( "Martin Horneffer", "secret"); NOTES If multiple MBPs are running on the same machine, you may use UMSRLogin() to specify which one to use. SEE ALSO UMSRLogin(), UMSLogout()

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