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Scout's ARexx interface *********************** It's a feature of MUI to give each application its own ARexx port. Therefore `Scout' also has an ARexx port that usually has the name `SCOUT.X'. The X stands for a decimal number that will be incremented, if a so called port already exists. You will find the name of Scout's ARexx port in the window you get, if you select the `Project/About' menu. Using tasknames: ---------------- If a task or a process was started from shell and hasn't detached itself, you will find the name of the command being executed, where usually the taskname is displayed. The real name of those tasks usually is something like `Background CLI', but such a taskname isn't useful. *Example:* If you start a non detaching task like `DH0:Debug/Sushi' from shell, you will see `DH0:Debug/Sushi' as taskname. Some ARexx commands need a taskname as parameter. You have to select those from CLI started self detaching tasks by using their command names like `Scout' displays them in the lists of tasks. Scout supports following ARexx commands: ======================================== `FindTask' *Usage:* `FindTask' TASKNAME This command returns the address of the task TASKNAME, if it is in system. `FreezeTask' *Usage:* `FreezeTask' TASKNAME The task TASKNAME will be frozen. `ActivateTask' *Usage:* `ActivateTask' TASKNAME The frozen task TASKNAME will be activated. `RemoveTask' *Usage:* `RemoveTask' TASKNAME This command removes the task TASKNAME. `SendBreak' *Usage:* `SendBreak' TASKNAME `Scout' sends the task TASKNAME a certain signal mask that includes the signals CTRL-C and CTRL-D. Many programs support these signals and finish themselves, if they receive one of them. `SendSignal' *Usage:* `SendSignal' TASKNAME HEXSIGNAL This command allows you to send a signal HEXSIGNAL to the task TASKNAME. The signal must specified as a hexadecimal number. *Example:* SendSignal 'scout' 0x001000 sends task `scout' a CTRL-C and after that `Scout' ends. `SetTaskPri' *Usage:* `SetTaskPri' TASKNAME PRIORITY The task TASKNAME gets a new priority (PRIORITY). `RemovePort' *Usage:* `RemovePort' PORTNAME The port PORTNAME will be removed from `Scout'. `GetLockNumber' *Usage:* `GetLockNumber' LOCKPATTERN This command returns the number of locks which have paths matching to the pattern LOCKPATTERN. *Example:* Use the command GetLockNumber 'WORK:Utilities/#?' and you will know, how many locks are currently used for files in the directory `WORK:Utilities/'. `RemoveLocks' *Usage:* `RemoveLocks' LOCKPATTERN Use this command and all locks which have paths matching to the pattern LOCKPATTERN will be removed. (See also `GetLockNumber'.) `OpenWindow' *Usage:* `OpenWindow' WINDOWID All windows you get if you select a gadget of the main window, can be opened with this command. The WINDOWID is the same text you find on the main window gadgets. *Example:* OpenWindow 'Mounted Devs' will open the window with the list of mounted devices. `FindName' *Usage:* `FindName' NODETYPE NODENAME This command allows you to find a certain node. You only have to know its name (NODENAME) and its type (NODETYPE). NODETYPE can have following values: `LIBRARY', `DEVICE', `RESOURCE', `MEMORY', `SEMAPHORE', `PORT' or `INPUTHANDLER'. *Example:* If you want to get the address of the `disk.resource' you must use: FindName RESOURCE 'disk.resource' `GetPriority' *Usage:* `GetPriority' NODEADDRESS This command allows you to check the priority of a certain node structure. This includes all following structure types: tasks, libraries, devices, resources, ports, residents, input handlers, interrupts, semaphores and the elements of the memory list. You only have to know the address (NODEADDRESS) of that structure. *Example:* The following ARexx commands store the priority of your chip memory in the variable `pri': FindName MEMORY 'chip memory' addr = result GetPriority addr pri = result `SetPriority' *Usage:* `SetPriority' NODETYPE NODENAME If you want to change the priority of the node NODENAME, you can use this command. Again NODETYPE can have following values: `LIBRARY', `DEVICE', `RESOURCE', `MEMORY', `SEMAPHORE', `PORT' or `INPUTHANDLER'. `FindResident' *Usage:* `FindResident' RESIDENTNAME This command returns the address of the resident structure RESIDENTNAME. `FindInterrupt' *Usage:* `FindInterrupt' INTERRUPTNAME The address of the interrupt INTERRUPTNAME will be returned. `FlushDevs' *Usage:* `FlushDevs' All not used devices will be removed. The used memory will be freed. `FlushFonts' *Usage:* `FlushFonts' If a diskfont is in memory, but no program uses it, it will be removed. `FlushLibs' *Usage:* `FlushLibs' All not used libraries will be removed. The used memory will be freed. `FlushAll' *Usage:* `FlushAll' This function includes `FlushDevs', `FlushFonts' and `FlushLibs'. All not used devices, libraries and fonts will be removed and the used memory will be freed. `ClearResetVectors' *Usage:* `ClearResetVectors' The six reset vectors will be cleared, if you select this function (see Vectors).

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