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Options ******* There are some options for `Scout' which you can use, when you start the program. The following options are available from shell and as tool types from Workbench. *Example:* Scout TOOLPRI=1 ICONIFIED starts `Scout' iconified with a priority of one. `ICONIFIED' *Usage:* `ICONIFIED' If this option is activ, `Scout' starts iconified. `PORTNAME' *Usage:* `PORTNAME'=PORTNAME The name of Scout's ARexx port can be changed into PORTNAME. Without this option the ARexx port is called `SCOUT.X'. The X stands for a decimal number that will be incremented, if a so called port already exists. `TOOLPRI' *Usage:* `TOOLPRI'=VALUE This option allows you to change the priority of Scout's process into VALUE. `STARTUP' *Usage:* `STARTUP'=SCRIPTNAME You can choose an ARexx script SCRIPTNAME, that will be executed at the start of `Scout'. In this way you can open more than only the main window. If for example the ARexx script includes the command `OpenWindow Tasks', the task list window will always be opened when the program starts. (See also Scout's ARexx Interface.)

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