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Startup-arguments The ARCHandler uses the `Startup'-field of a MountList/DOSDriver to let the user pass some important information. The string in the `Startup'-field is parsed with ReadArgs(). The string should always have double-quotes around it and you should only use single-quotes (') in the string. Currently the arc-handler recognizes the following arguments: NAME LHA TEMPDIR BUFFERS DISKICON DRAWERICON NOEXTCHECK The template of the `Startup'-field is: NAME/K,LHA/K,TEMPDIR/K,BUFFERS/K/N,DISKICON/K,DRAWERICON/K,NOEXTCHECK/S Example: Startup ="LHA=Work:C/LhA DISKICON='Work:Extra Icons/'" NOTE: The `Install' script adds a `Startup' tool type to the `ARC'-dosdriver-icon. So, if you want to change the `Startup'-field, you should change the tool type (use the `Icons/Information...' menu item of the Workbench)!

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