2.4 SIRDS-graph-windows SIRDS-graph-windows can be opened by the user at any number. With the graphs you can look at functions in a three-dimensional SIRDS coordinate-system. Which function gets displayed or not in a graph-window can be selected in the functioneditor. The graph-windows and the function-editor run parallel so that you can switch between them and work simultaneously in both of them. Graph-windows are resizeable. Clicking the gadget "Redraw" will cause the graph to become actualized and make every changes visible that may have been made to the function since the last redraw. The coordinate-system of the graph can be adjusted in the SIRDS-graph-editor via menu or gadget "Edit"" link "SIRDSEINSTELLER" 0} via menu or gadget "Edit". The present intervall and the name of the graph get displayed in the graph-windows title. As long as a SIRDS-graph-window is active, you can select one of the following menus: Project New Graph... - Creates a new graph-window. The graph type ( 2D-graph or SIRDS-graph) has to be specified in a little requester. Help... - Opens the context-sensitive online-help like pressing the HELP-key About... - Opens an info-window Quit - Quit Graph2D Graph Redraw - The graph gets recalculated showing all changes that have been made to the functions since the last time Edit... - The SIRDS-graph-editor opens, where you can configure the graph Print - Prints the graph via the Workbench-drivers and setings. You can edit a scaling factor here. Save IFF... - Sorry, not implemented!!!

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