2.4.1 SIRDS-graph-editor In this editor the visible intervall, the scaling of the axis and some other attributes of a SIRDS-graph can be set. For each the x-, y- and z-axis a visible intervall must be choosen x- and y-axis run as known horizontally and vertically on the monitor while the z-axis seems to "touch" the user magically... With "colors" you can choose how many colors should be used to create the SIRDS-graph. The number of colors has no effect on the output speed. And last but not least you can choose an "Accuracy", with that a graph should be calculated. At a lower accuracy only fewer function-values will be calculated and the output-speed will increase - but the graph of the function may get a bit unprecise ans show some "steps". But in a SIRDS graph the low resolutions are of a high importance because it sometimes may take really long to create a SIRDS... You can load and save graph-settings with any filename with "Load..." and "Save...". After leaving the graph-editor with "Ok" the active graph gets redrawn to make the probably made changes visible. When leaving the editor via "Cancel" or simply closing the window nothing will be changed of course and the old settings stay valid.

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