1 Christ is the door, and the good shepherd. 19 Divers opinions of him. 23 He proves by his works that he is Christ the Son of God; 31 escapes the Jews; 39 and goes again beyond Jordan, where many believe on him. VERSE 1 - Verily. See on ch. * Joh 3:3 - He. * :9 Jer 14:15; 23:16,17,21,32; 28:15-17; 29:31,32 Eze 13:2-6 * Mt 7:15; 23:16 *etc: * Ro 10:15 Eph 4:8-12 Heb 5:4 1Pe 1:10 2Pe 2:1 1Jo 4:1 - the same. * :8,10 Isa 56:10-12 Eze 34:2-5 Zec 11:4,5,16,17 Ro 16:18 * 2Co 11:13-15 Tit 1:11 2Pe 2:3,14-19 VERSE 2 - he that. * :7,9 Ac 20:28 1Ti 3:2-7; 4:14 Tit 1:5 Re 1:20; 2:1 - the shepherd. * :11,12,14 Ps 23:1; 80:1 Ec 12:11 Isa 40:11; 63:11 Eze 34:23 * Mic 5:5 Zec 11:3,5,8; 13:7 Heb 13:20 1Pe 2:25; 5:4 VERSE 3 - the porter. * Isa 53:10-12 1Co 16:9 Col 4:3 1Pe 1:12 Re 3:7,8,20 - the sheep. * :4,16,26,27; 6:37,45 So 8:13 - and he. * :14,27 Ex 33:17 Ro 8:30 Php 4:3 2Ti 2:19 Re 20:15 - and leadeth. * Ps 23:2,3; 78:52,53; 80:1 Isa 40:11; 42:16; 49:9,10 Jer 31:8,9 * Jer 50:4-6 Eze 34:11-16 Re 7:17 VERSE 4 - he goeth. * Joh 12:26; 13:15; 14:2,3 De 1:30 Mic 2:12,13 Mt 16:24 1Co 11:1 * Eph 5:1 Php 2:5-11 Heb 6:20; 12:2 1Pe 2:21; 4:1; 5:3 - for. * :8,16; 3:29; 18:37 So 2:8; 5:2 VERSE 5 * 1Ki 22:7 Pr 19:27 Mr 4:24 Lu 8:18 Eph 4:11-15 Col 2:6-10 * 2Ti 3:5-7; 4:3 1Pe 2:1-3 1Jo 2:19,21; 4:5,6 Re 2:2 VERSE 6 - they understood not. * Joh 6:52,60; 7:36; 8:27,43 Ps 82:5; 106:7 Pr 28:5 Isa 6:9,10; 56:11 * Da 12:10 Mt 13:13,14,51 1Co 2:14 1Jo 5:20 VERSE 7 - I am. * :1,9; 14:6 Eph 2:18 Heb 10:19-22 - the sheep. * Ps 79:13; 95:7; 100:3 Isa 53:6 Eze 34:31 Lu 15:4-6 VERSE 8 - came. See on ver. * :1 Isa 56:10-12 Eze 22:25-28; 34:2 Zep 3:3 Zec 11:4-9,16 Ac 5:36 - but. * :5,27 VERSE 9 - the door. * :1,7; 14:6 Ro 5:1,2 Eph 2:18 Heb 10:19-22 - and shall. * Ps 23:1-6; 80:1-3; 95:7; 100:3,4 Isa 40:11; 49:9,10 Eze 34:12-16 * Zec 10:12 VERSE 10 - thief. * :1; 12:6 Isa 56:11 Eze 34:2-4 Ho 7:1 Mt 21:13; 23:14 Mr 11:17 * Ro 2:21 2Pe 2:1-3 - I am. * Joh 3:17; 6:33,51; 12:47 Mt 18:11; 20:28 Lu 19:10 1Ti 1:15 - more abundantly. * Ro 5:13-21 Heb 6:17; 7:25 2Pe 1:11 VERSE 11 - the good. * :14 Ps 23:1; 80:1 Isa 40:11 Eze 34:12,23; 37:24 Mic 5:4 Zec 13:7 * Heb 13:20 1Pe 2:25; 5:4 - giveth. * Ge 31:39,40 1Sa 17:34,35 2Sa 24:17 Isa 53:6 Eph 5:2 Tit 2:14 * 1Pe 2:24 VERSE 12 - he that. * :3 Isa 56:10-12 Eze 34:2-6 Zec 11:16,17 1Ti 3:3,8 2Ti 4:10 * Tit 1:7 1Pe 5:2 2Pe 2:3 - the wolf coming. * Mt 7:15; 10:16 Ac 20:29 VERSE 13 - careth not. * Joh 12:6 Ac 18:17 Php 2:20 VERSE 14 - good. See on ver. * :11 - know. * :27 Ps 1:6 2Ti 2:19 Re 2:2,9,13,19; 3:1,8,15 - am. * Joh 17:3,8 Isa 53:11 2Co 4:6 Eph 1:17; 3:19 Php 3:8 2Ti 1:12 * 1Jo 5:20 VERSE 15 - As. * Joh 1:18; 6:46; 8:55; 17:25 Mt 11:27 Lu 10:21 Re 5:2-9 - and I. * :11,17; 15:13 Isa 53:4-6,8,10 Da 9:26 Zec 13:7 Mt 20:28 Ga 1:4; 3:13 * Eph 5:2 1Ti 2:5,6 Tit 2:14 1Pe 2:24; 3:18 1Jo 2:2 Re 5:9 VERSE 16 - other. * Joh 11:52 Ge 49:10 Ps 22:26-31; 72:17-19; 86:9; 98:2,3 Isa 11:10 * Isa 24:13-16; 42:10-12; 43:6; 49:6; 52:10; 56:8 Ho 1:10 Zec 2:11 * Zec 8:20-23 Ac 18:10 Ro 9:23,24; 15:9-13 Eph 2:14 1Pe 2:10 - them. * Ac 15:14 Ro 8:29,30 Eph 2:1-5,15-18 2Th 2:13 Tit 3:3-5 - they shall. * :27; 6:37 Mt 17:5 Ac 22:14 Re 3:20 - there. * Eze 37:22 Eph 2:14 - one shepherd. * :2,11 Ec 12:11 Eze 34:23 Heb 13:20 1Pe 2:25; 5:4 VERSE 17 * Joh 3:25; 15:9,10; 17:4,5,24-26 Isa 42:1,21; 53:7-12 Heb 2:9 VERSE 18 - man. * Joh 18:5,6; 19:11 Mt 26:53-56 - but. * Joh 2:19-21 Isa 53:10-12 Ac 2:24,32; 3:15 Php 2:6-8 Tit 2:14 * Heb 2:9,14,15 - This. * Joh 6:38; 14:31; 15:10 Ps 40:6-8 Heb 5:6-9; 10:6-10 VERSE 19 * Joh 7:40-43; 9:16 Mt 10:34,35 Lu 12:51-53 Ac 14:4; 23:7-10 1Co 3:3 * 1Co 11:18 VERSE 20 - He hath. * Joh 7:20; 8:48,52 Mt 9:34; 10:25 Mr 3:21 Ac 26:24 - why. * Joh 7:46-52; 8:47; 9:28,29 Isa 53:8 Ac 18:14,15; 25:19,20; 26:30-32 VERSE 21 - Can. * Joh 9:6,32 Ex 4:11; 8:19 Ps 94:9; 146:8 Pr 20:12 Isa 35:5,6 Mt 11:5 VERSE 22 VERSE 23 - in Solomon's. * Ac 3:11; 5:12 VERSE 24 - How. * 1Ki 18:21 Mt 11:3 Lu 3:15 - make us to doubt. or, hold us in suspense. If. * Joh 1:19; 8:25,53; 9:22 Lu 22:67-70 2Co 3:12 VERSE 25 - I told. * Joh 5:17-43; 8:12,24,58 - the works. * :32,38; 3:2; 5:36; 7:31; 11:47; 12:37; 14:11; 20:30 Ac 2:22; * 10:38 Heb 2:3 VERSE 26 - because. * :4,27; 6:37,44,45,65; 8:47; 12:37-40 Ro 11:7,8 2Co 4:3,4 1Jo 4:6 VERSE 27 - sheep. * :4,8,16; 5:25; 8:43 Mt 17:5 Ac 3:23 Heb 3:7 Re 3:20 - and I. * :3,14 Mt 7:23; 25:12 Lu 13:27 1Co 8:3 Ga 4:9 2Ti 2:19 - and they. * :4; 8:12; 12:26; 21:22 1Ki 18:21 Mt 16:24 Mr 8:34; 10:21 Lu 9:23 * Re 14:4 VERSE 28 - I give. * Joh 3:16,36; 5:39,40; 6:27,40,47,68; 11:25; 17:2 Ro 5:21; 6:23 1Ti 1:16 * 1Jo 2:25; 5:13-20 Jude 1:21 - they. * Joh 3:15; 4:14; 5:24; 6:37,39,40; 14:19; 17:12; 18:9 1Sa 2:9 Job 17:9 * Ps 37:28; 103:17,18; 125:1,2 Pr 4:18; 24:16 Isa 45:17; 54:17; 55:3 * Jer 31:3,34; 32:40 Mr 13:22 Ro 5:2,9,17; 8:1,29,33-39 Php 1:6 * Col 3:3,4 2Th 2:13 1Pe 1:5 Heb 7:25 1Jo 2:19; 5:13,18 Jude 1:1,24 - neither. * Joh 17:11,12 De 33:3 Ps 31:5 Lu 22:31,32; 23:46 Ac 7:59 2Ti 1:12 * Heb 7:25 VERSE 29 - which. * Joh 6:37; 17:2,6,9,11 - is greater. * Joh 14:28 Ex 18:11 Ps 145:3 Da 4:3 Mal 1:14 VERSE 30 * Joh 1:1,2; 5:17,23; 8:58; 14:9,23; 16:15; 17:10,21 Mt 11:27; 28:19 * 1Ti 3:16 Tit 2:13 1Jo 5:7,20 VERSE 31 * Joh 5:18; 8:59; 11:8 Ex 17:4 1Sa 30:6 Mt 21:35; 23:35 Ac 7:52,58,59 VERSE 32 - Many. * :25,37; 5:19,20,36 Mt 11:5 Ac 2:22; 10:38 - for. * 1Sa 19:4-6 2Ch 24:20-22 Ps 35:12; 109:4,5 Ec 4:4 1Jo 3:12 VERSE 33 - but. * Le 24:14 1Ki 21:10 - makest. * :30; 5:18 Ps 82:6 Ro 13:1 Php 2:6 VERSE 34 - in. * Joh 12:34; 15:25 Ro 3:10-19 - I said. * Ps 82:1,6,7 - gods. * Ex 4:16; 7:1; 22:28 Ps 138:1 VERSE 35 - unto. * Ge 15:1 De 18:15,18-20 1Sa 14:36,37; 15:1; 23:9-11; 28:6; 30:8 * 2Sa 7:5 1Ch 22:8 2Ch 11:2,3; 19:2 Ro 13:1 - the scripture. * Joh 12:38,39; 19:28,36,37 Mt 5:18; 24:35; 26:53-56; 27:35 Lu 16:17 * Lu 24:26,27,44-46 Ac 1:16 VERSE 36 - whom. * Joh 3:34; 6:27 Ps 2:2,6-12 Isa 11:2-5; 42:1,3; 49:1-3,6-8; 55:4 * Isa 61:1-3 Jer 1:5 - sent. * Joh 3:17; 5:30,36,37; 6:38,57; 8:42; 17:4,5,8,18,21 Ro 8:3 Ga 4:4 * 1Jo 4:9-14 - I am. * :30-33; 5:17,18; 9:35-37; 19:7; 20:28,31 Mt 26:63-66; 27:43,54 Lu 1:35 * Ro 1:4; 9:5 VERSE 37 * :25,32; 5:31; 12:37-40; 14:10; 15:24 Mt 11:20-24 VERSE 38 - believe the. * Joh 3:2; 5:36 Ac 2:22; 4:8-12 - that ye. * :30; 14:9-11,20; 17:11,21-23 VERSE 39 * :31; 7:30,44; 8:59 Lu 4:29,30 VERSE 40 - the place. * Joh 1:28; 3:26 - there. * Joh 7:1; 11:54 VERSE 41 - many. * Joh 3:26 Mt 4:23-25 Mr 1:37 Lu 5:1; 12:1 - John did. * Mt 14:2 Lu 7:26-28 - but. * Joh 1:29,33,34; 3:29-36 Mt 3:11,12 Lu 7:29,30 VERSE 42 * Joh 2:23; 4:39,41; 8:30; 11:45; 12:42 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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