1 Christ raises Lazarus, four days buried. 45 Many Jews believe. 47 The high priests and Pharisees gather a council against Christ. 49 Caiaphas prophesies. 54 Jesus hides himself. 55 At the passover they enquire after him, and lay wait for him. VERSE 1 - Now. The raising of Lazarus from the dead, being a work of Christ beyond measure great, the most stupendous of all he had hitherto performed, and beyond all others calculated to evince his Divine majesty, was therefore purposely recorded by the Evangelist John; while it was omitted by the other Evangelists, probably, as Grotius supposes, because they wrote their histories during the life of Lazarus, and they did not mention him for fear of exciting the malice of the Jews against him; as we find from ch. 12:10, that they sought to put him to death, that our Lord might not have such a monument of his power and goodness remaining in the land. - was sick. * :3,6 Ge 48:1 2Ki 20:1-12 Ac 9:37 - Lazarus. * :5,11; 12:2,9,17 Lu 16:20-25 - Bethany. * Joh 12:1 Mt 21:17 Mr 11:1 - Mary. * Lu 10:38-42 VERSE 2 - that Mary. * Joh 12:3 Mt 26:6,7 Mr 14:3 - anointed. * Lu 7:37,38 VERSE 3 - he. * :1,5; 13:23 Ge 22:2 Ps 16:3 Php 2:26,27 2Ti 4:20 Heb 12:6,7 * Jas 5:14,15 Re 3:19 VERSE 4 - This. * Joh 9:3 Mr 5:39-42 Ro 11:11 - for. * :40; 9:24; 12:28; 13:31,32 Php 1:11 1Pe 4:11,14 - that. * Joh 2:11; 5:23; 8:54; 13:31,32; 17:1,5,10 Php 1:20 1Pe 1:21 VERSE 5 - loved. * :8,36; 15:9-13; 16:27; 17:26 VERSE 6 - he abode. * Ge 22:14; 42:24; 43:29-31; 44:1-5; 45:1-5 Isa 30:18; 55:8,9 * Mt 15:22-28 VERSE 7 - Let. * Joh 10:40-42 Lu 9:51 Ac 15:36; 20:22-24 VERSE 8 - the Jews. * Joh 10:31,39 Ps 11:1-3 Mt 16:21-23 Ac 21:12,13 - and goest. * Ac 20:24 VERSE 9 - Are. * Joh 9:4 Lu 13:31-33 - he stumbleth not. * Joh 12:35 Pr 3:23 Jer 31:9 VERSE 10 * Ps 27:2 Pr 4:18,19 Ec 2:14 Jer 13:16; 20:11 1Jo 2:10,11 VERSE 11 - he saith. * Joh 3:29; 15:13-15 Ex 33:11 2Ch 20:7 Isa 41:8 Jas 2:23 - sleepeth. * :13 De 31:16 Da 12:2 Mt 9:24 Mr 5:39 Ac 7:60 1Co 15:18,51 * 1Th 4:14,15; 5:10 - awake. * :43,44; 5:25-29 Da 12:2 1Co 15:34 Eph 5:14 VERSE 12 * :12 VERSE 13 VERSE 14 - plainly. * Joh 10:24; 16:25,29 VERSE 15 - I am glad. * :35,36 - for. * Joh 12:30; 17:19 Ge 26:24; 39:5 Ps 105:14 Isa 54:15; 65:8 2Co 4:15 * 2Ti 2:10 - to. * :4; 2:11; 14:10,11 1Jo 5:13 VERSE 16 - Thomas. * Joh 20:24-29; 21:2 Mt 10:3 Mr 3:18 Lu 6:15 - Let. * :8; 13:37 Mt 26:35 Lu 22:33 VERSE 17 - four. * :39; 2:19 Ho 6:2 Ac 2:27-31 VERSE 18 - fifteen furlongs. that is, about two miles. * Joh 6:19 Lu 24:13 Re 14:20; 21:16 VERSE 19 - to comfort. * Ge 37:35 2Sa 10:2 1Ch 7:21,22 Job 2:11; 42:11 Ec 7:2 Isa 51:19 * Jer 16:5-7 La 1:2,9,16,21; 2:13 Ro 12:15 2Co 1:4 1Th 4:18; 5:11 VERSE 20 - as soon. * :30 Mt 25:1,6 Ac 10:25; 28:15 1Th 4:17 VERSE 21 - if. * :32,37; 4:47-49 1Ki 17:18 Ps 78:19,41 Mt 9:18 Lu 7:6-10,13-15; 8:49-55 VERSE 22 - that. * :41,42; 9:31 Mr 9:23 Heb 11:17-19 - God will give it thee. * Joh 3:35; 5:22-27; 17:2 Ps 2:8 Mt 28:18 VERSE 23 - Thy. * :43,44 VERSE 24 - I know. * Joh 5:28,29 Ps 17:15; 49:14,15 Isa 25:8; 26:19 Eze 37:1-10 Da 12:2,3 * Ho 6:2; 13:14 Mt 22:23-32 Lu 14:14 Ac 17:31,32; 23:6-9; 24:15 * Heb 11:35 VERSE 25 - I am. * Joh 5:21; 6:39,40,44 Ro 5:17-19; 8:11 1Co 15:20-26,43-57 2Co 4:14 * Php 3:10,20,21 1Th 4:14 Re 20:5,10-15; 21:4 - the life. * Joh 1:4; 5:26; 6:35; 14:6,19 Ps 36:9 Isa 38:16 Ac 3:15 Ro 8:2 * Col 3:3,4 1Jo 1:1,2; 5:11,12 Re 22:1,17 - he that. * Joh 3:36 Job 19:25-27 Isa 26:19 Lu 23:43 Ro 4:17; 8:10,11,38,39 * 1Co 15:18,29 2Co 5:1-8 Php 1:23 1Th 4:14 Heb 11:13-16 VERSE 26 - whosoever. * Joh 3:15-18; 4:14; 5:24; 6:50,54-58; 8:52,53; 10:28 Ro 8:13 1Jo 5:10-12 - Believest. * Joh 9:35; 14:10 Mt 9:28; 26:53 Mr 9:23 VERSE 27 - Yea. * Joh 1:49; 4:42; 6:69; 9:36-38; 20:28-31 Mt 16:16 Ac 8:37 1Jo 5:1 - which. * Joh 6:14 Mal 3:1 Mt 11:3 Lu 7:19,20 1Ti 1:15,16 1Jo 5:20 VERSE 28 - and called. * :20; 1:41,45; 21:7 Zec 3:10 Lu 10:38-42 1Th 4:17,18; 5:11 Heb 12:12 - The Master. * Joh 13:13; 20:16 - come. * Joh 10:3 So 2:8-14 Mr 10:49 VERSE 29 * Ps 27:8; 119:59,60 Pr 15:23; 27:17 So 3:1-4 VERSE 30 VERSE 31 - Jews. * :19 - She goeth. * Ge 37:35 2Sa 12:16-18 1Co 2:15 VERSE 32 - she fell. * Lu 5:8; 8:41; 17:16 Re 5:8,14; 22:8 - if. * :21,37; 4:49 VERSE 33 - the Jews. * Ro 12:15 - he groaned. * :38; 12:27 Mr 3:5; 9:19; 14:33-35 Heb 4:15; 5:7,8 - was troubled. Gr. he troubled himself. * Ge 43:30,31; 45:1-5 VERSE 34 * Joh 1:39; 20:2 Mt 28:6 Mr 15:47; 16:6 VERSE 35 * :33 Ge 43:30 Job 30:25 Ps 35:13-15; 119:136 Isa 53:3; 63:9 * Jer 9:1; 13:17; 14:17 La 1:16 Lu 19:11,41 Ro 9:2,3 Heb 2:16,17 * Heb 4:15 VERSE 36 - Behold. * Joh 14:21-23; 21:15-17 2Co 8:8,9 Eph 5:2,25 1Jo 3:1; 4:9,10 Re 1:5 VERSE 37 - Could. * Joh 9:6 Ps 78:19,20 Mt 27:40-42 Mr 15:32 Lu 23:35,39 VERSE 38 - groaning. * :33 Eze 9:4; 21:6 Mr 8:12 - It was. * Ge 23:19; 49:29-31 Isa 22:16 Mt 27:60,66 VERSE 39 - Take. * Mr 16:3 - Lord. * :17 Ge 3:19; 23:4 Ps 49:7,9,14 Ac 2:27; 13:36 Php 3:21 VERSE 40 - Said. * :23-26 2Ch 20:20 Ro 4:17-25 - see. * :4; 1:14; 9:3; 12:41 Ps 63:2; 90:16 2Co 3:18; 4:6 VERSE 41 - And Jesus. * Joh 12:28-30; 17:1 Ps 123:1 Lu 18:13 - Father. * Mt 11:25 Lu 10:21 Php 4:6 VERSE 42 - I knew. * :22; 8:29; 12:27,28 Mt 26:53 Heb 5:7; 7:25 - but. * :31; 12:29,30 - that they. * :45-50; 9:24-34; 10:37,38; 20:31 Mt 12:22-24 - that thou. * Joh 3:17; 6:38-40; 7:28,29; 8:16,42; 10:36; 17:8,21,25 Ro 8:3 Ga 4:4 * 1Jo 4:9,10,14 VERSE 43 - Lazarus. * 1Ki 17:21,22 2Ki 4:33-36 Mr 4:41 Lu 7:14,15 Ac 3:6,12; 9:34,40 VERSE 44 - he that. * :25,26; 5:21,25; 10:30 Ge 1:3 1Sa 2:6 Ps 33:9 Eze 37:3-10 Ho 13:14 * Ac 20:9-12 Php 3:21 Re 1:18 - bound. 'Swathed about with rollers' or bandages, [keiria <2750>,] long strips of linen, a few inches in breadth, brought round the [sindon <4616>,] or sheet of linen in which the corpse was involved, and by which the [aromata,] or spices, were kept in contact with the flesh. In reply to sceptical objections, it is sufficient to observe, that he who could raise Lazarus from the dead, could, with a much less exertion of power, have so loosened or removed the bandages of his feet and legs as to have rendered it practicable for him to come forth. Tittman well observes, that Lazarus was restored not only to life but also to health, as appears from the alacrity of his motion; and this would constitute a new miracle. * Joh 20:5,7 - Loose. * :39 Mr 5:43 Lu 7:15 VERSE 45 - Jews. * :19,31; 2:23; 10:41; 12:9-11,17-19,42 VERSE 46 * Joh 5:15,16; 9:13; 12:37 Lu 16:30,31 Ac 5:25 VERSE 47 - gathered. * Ps 2:2-4 Mt 26:3; 27:1,2 Mr 14:1 Lu 22:2 Ac 4:5,6,27,28; 5:21 - What. * Joh 12:19 Ac 4:16,17; 5:24 VERSE 48 - we let. * Ac 5:28,38-40 - all. * Joh 1:7 Lu 8:12; 11:52 1Th 2:15,16 - and the. * De 28:50-68 Da 9:26,27 Zec 13:7,8; 14:1,2 Mt 21:40-42; 22:7 * Mt 23:35-38; 27:25 Lu 19:41-44; 21:20-24; 23:28-31 VERSE 49 - Caiaphas. * Joh 18:13,14 Lu 3:2 Ac 4:6 - Ye. * Joh 7:48,49 Pr 26:12 Isa 5:20-23 1Co 1:20; 2:6; 3:18,19 VERSE 50 * :48; 18:14; 19:12 Lu 24:46 Ro 3:8 VERSE 51 - being. * Ex 28:30 Jud 20:27,28 1Sa 23:9; 28:6 - he prophesied. * Nu 22:28; 24:2,14-25 Mt 7:22,23 1Co 13:2 2Pe 2:15-17 - that Jesus. * Joh 10:15 Isa 53:5-8 Da 9:26 Mt 20:28 Ro 3:25,26 2Co 5:21 Ga 3:13 * Ga 4:4,5 1Pe 2:24; 3:18 VERSE 52 - not. * Joh 1:29; 12:32 Ps 22:15,27; 72:19 Isa 49:6 Lu 2:32 Ro 3:29 1Jo 2:2 * Re 5:9; 7:9,10 - gather. * Joh 10:16 Ge 49:10 Ps 102:22,23 Isa 11:10-12; 49:18; 55:5; 56:8; 60:4 * Mt 25:31-34 Eph 1:9,10; 2:14-22 Col 1:20-23 - the children. * Ho 1:10 Ac 18:10 Ro 4:17; 8:29,30; 9:25,26 Eph 1:5; 3:11 * 2Th 2:13,14 - that were. * Eze 11:16,17; 34:12 Eph 2:14-17 Jas 1:1 1Pe 1:1 VERSE 53 - from. * Ne 4:16; 13:21 Ps 113:2 Mt 16:21; 22:46 - they. * :47 Ps 2:2; 31:13; 71:10 Mr 3:6 Ac 5:33; 9:23 - put. * Joh 12:10 Ps 109:4,5 Jer 38:4,15 Mt 26:59 Mr 14:1 VERSE 54 - walked. * Joh 4:1-3; 7:1; 10:40; 18:20 - went. * Joh 7:4,10,13 - Ephraim. Ephraim appears to be the same city which is called Ephrain, 2Ch. 13:19 (where see the Note), and Ephron, Jos. 15:9, which was situated eight miles north of Jerusalem, near Bethel, and apparently between that city and Jericho. Accordingly we find that a desert, or wilderness, extended from Jericho to Bethel (Jos. 16:1), called the wilderness of Bethaven (Jos. 18:12), in which Joshua and the Israelites slew the inhabitants of Ai. (Jos. 8:24.) * 2Sa 13:23 2Ch 13:19 VERSE 55 - passover. * Joh 2:13; 5:1; 6:4 Ex 12:11 *etc: - before. * Joh 7:8-10; 12:1 Ezr 3:1 *etc: * Ne 8:1 *etc: - to purify. * Joh 2:6 Ge 35:2 Ex 19:10,14,15 Nu 9:6 1Sa 16:5 2Ch 30:17-20 * Job 1:5 Ps 26:6 Ac 24:18 1Co 11:28 Heb 9:13,14 Jas 4:8 VERSE 56 * :8; 7:11; 11:7 VERSE 57 - had. * Joh 5:16-18; 8:59; 9:22; 10:39 Ps 109:4 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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