1 The man that was born blind restored to sight. 8 He is brought to the Pharisees. 13 They are offended at it, and excommunicate him; 35 but he is received of Jesus, and confesses him. 39 Who they are whom Christ enlightens. VERSE 1 - he saw. * :32 VERSE 2 - who. * :34 Mt 16:14 VERSE 3 - Neither. * Job 1:8-12; 2:3-6; 21:27; 22:5 *etc: * Job 32:3; 42:7 Ec 9:1,2 Lu 13:2-5 Ac 28:4 - but. * Joh 11:4,40; 14:11-13 Mt 11:5 Ac 4:21 VERSE 4 - must. * Joh 4:34; 5:19,36; 10:32,37; 17:4 Lu 13:32-34 Ac 4:20 - while. * Joh 11:9,10; 12:35 Ec 9:10 Isa 38:18,19 Eph 5:16 Col 4:5 VERSE 5 - long. * Joh 1:4-9; 3:19-21; 8:12; 12:35,36,46 Isa 42:6,7; 49:6; 60:1-3 Mal 4:2 * Mt 4:16 Lu 2:32 Ac 13:47; 26:18,23 Eph 5:14 Re 21:23 - I am. Our Lord here claims one of the titles given by the Jews to the Divine Being. So in Bammidbar Rabba, 15, fol. 229.1, 'The Israelites said to God, O Lord of the universe, thou commandest us to light lamps to thee, yet thou art the light of the world.' It was also a title of the Messiah (see Isa. 49:6; 60:1;) and in a remarkable passage of Yalkut Rubeni, fol. 6, it is said on Ge. 1:4, 'From this we learn that the holy and blessed God saw the light of the Messiah, and his works, before the world was created; and reserved it for the Messiah, and his generation, under the throne of his glory. Satan said to the holy and blessed God, For whom dost thou reserve that light which is under the throne of thy glory? God answered, For him who shall subdue thee, and overwhelm thee with confusion. Satan rejoined, Lord of the universe, shew that person to me. God said, Come, and see him. When he saw him, he was greatly agitated, and fell upon his face, saying, Truly this is the Messiah, who shall cast me and idolaters into hell.' VERSE 6 - he spat. * Mr 7:33; 8:23 Re 3:18 - anointed the eyes of the blind with the clay. or, spread the clay upon the eyes of the blind man. VERSE 7 - Go. * 2Ki 5:10-14 - the pool. * :11 Ne 3:15 - Siloah. * Isa 8:6 - Shiloah. - Sent. * Joh 10:36 Ro 8:3 Ga 4:4 - and came. * :39; 11:37 Ex 4:11 Ps 146:8 Isa 29:18,19; 32:3; 35:5; 42:7,16-18; 43:8 * Lu 2:32 Ac 26:18 VERSE 8 - Is not. * Ru 1:19 1Sa 21:11 - sat. * 1Sa 2:8 Mr 10:46 Lu 16:20-22; 18:35 Ac 3:2-11 VERSE 9 * :9 VERSE 10 * :15,21,26; 3:9 Ec 11:5 Mr 4:27 1Co 15:35 VERSE 11 - A man. * :6,7,27 Jer 36:17 VERSE 12 - Where. * Joh 5:11-13; 7:11 Ex 2:18-20 VERSE 13 * Joh 8:3-8; 11:46,47,57; 12:19,42 VERSE 14 * Joh 5:9,16; 7:21-23 Mt 12:1-14 Mr 2:23-28; 3:1-6 Lu 6:1-11; 13:10-17 * Lu 14:1 VERSE 15 - the Pharisees. See on ver. * :10,11,26,27 VERSE 16 - This man. * :24,30-33; 3:2; 5:36; 14:11; 15:24 - And there. * Joh 7:12,43; 10:19 Lu 13:31-33 Ac 14:4 VERSE 17 - He is. * Joh 4:19; 6:14 Lu 24:19 Ac 2:22; 3:22-26; 10:38 VERSE 18 * Joh 5:44; 12:37-40 Ge 19:14 Isa 26:11; 53:1 Lu 16:31 Heb 3:15-19 * Heb 4:11 VERSE 19 - Is this. See on ver. * :8,9 Ac 3:10; 4:14 VERSE 20 * :20 VERSE 21 VERSE 22 - because. * Joh 7:13; 12:42,43; 19:38; 20:19 Ps 27:1,2 Pr 29:25 Isa 51:7,12; 57:11 * Lu 12:4-9; 22:56-61 Ac 5:13 Ga 2:11-13 Re 21:8 - he should. * :34; 12:42; 16:2 Lu 6:22 Ac 4:18; 5:40 VERSE 23 - He is. * :21 VERSE 24 - Give. * Joh 5:23; 8:49; 16:2 Jos 7:19 1Sa 6:5-9 Ps 50:14,15 Isa 66:5 * Ro 10:2-4 - we know. * :16; 8:46; 14:30; 18:30; 19:6 Mr 15:28 Ro 8:3 2Co 5:21 - a sinner. * Lu 7:39; 15:2; 19:7 VERSE 25 - one. * :30; 5:11 1Jo 5:10 VERSE 26 VERSE 27 - I have. * :10-15 Lu 22:67 VERSE 28 - they. * :34; 7:47-52 Isa 51:7 Mt 5:11; 27:39 1Co 4:12; 6:10 1Pe 2:23 - but. * Joh 5:45-47; 7:19 Ac 6:11-14 Ro 2:17 VERSE 29 - know. * Joh 1:17 Nu 12:2-7; 16:28 De 34:10 Ps 103:7; 105:26; 106:16 Mal 4:4 * Ac 7:35; 26:22 Heb 3:2-5 - as for. * :16,24 1Ki 22:27 2Ki 9:11 Mt 12:24; 26:61 Lu 23:2 Ac 22:22 - we know not. * Joh 7:27,41,42; 8:14 Ps 22:6 Isa 53:2,3 VERSE 30 - herein. * Joh 3:10; 12:37 Isa 29:14 Mr 6:6 - and yet. * Ps 119:18 Isa 29:18; 35:5 Mt 11:5 Lu 7:22 2Co 4:6 VERSE 31 - we know. * Job 27:8,9; 35:12; 42:8 Ps 18:41; 34:15; 66:18-20 Pr 1:28,29; 15:29 * Pr 21:13; 28:9 Isa 1:15; 58:9 Jer 11:11; 14:12 Eze 8:18 Mic 3:4 * Zec 7:13 - if any. * Ps 34:15 Pr 15:29 - and doeth. * Joh 4:34; 7:17; 15:16 Ps 40:8; 143:10 Heb 10:7 1Jo 3:21,22 - him. * Joh 11:41,42 Ge 18:23-33; 19:29; 20:7 1Ki 17:20-22; 18:36-38 * 2Ch 32:20,21 Ps 99:6; 106:23 Jer 15:1 Jas 5:15-18 VERSE 32 - Since. It is worthy of remark, that, from the foundation of the world, no person born blind had been restored to sight, even by surgical operation, till about the year 1728; when the celebrated Dr. Cheselden, by couching the eyes of a young man fourteen years of age, restored them to perfect vision. This was the effect of well-directed surgery; that performed by Christ was wholly a miracle, effected by the power of God. The simple means employed could have had no effect in this case, and were merely employed as symbols. - the world. * Job 20:4 Isa 64:4 Lu 1:70 Re 16:18 VERSE 33 - were. * :16; 3:2 Ac 5:38,39 VERSE 34 - wast. * :2; 8:41 Job 14:4; 15:14-16; 25:4 Ps 51:5 Ga 2:15 Eph 2:3 - and dost. * :40; 7:48,49 Ge 19:9 Ex 2:14 2Ch 25:16 Pr 9:7,8; 26:12; 29:1 Isa 65:5 * Lu 11:45; 14:11; 18:10-14,17 1Pe 5:5 - And they. * :22; 6:37 Pr 22:10 Isa 66:5 Lu 6:22 3Jo 1:9 Re 13:17 - cast him out. or, excommunicated him. * Mt 18:17,18 1Co 5:4,5,13 VERSE 35 - and when. * Joh 5:14 Ps 27:10 Ro 10:20 - Dost. * Joh 1:49,50; 3:15-18,36; 6:69; 11:27; 20:28,31 Ac 8:37; 9:20 1Jo 4:15 * 1Jo 5:5,10,13,20 - the Son. * Joh 1:18,34; 10:36 Ps 2:7,12 Mt 14:33; 16:16 Mr 1:1 Ro 1:4 Heb 1:2-9 * 1Jo 5:13 VERSE 36 - Who. * Joh 1:38 Pr 30:3,4 So 5:9 Mt 11:3 VERSE 37 - Thou. * Joh 4:26; 7:17; 14:21-23 Ps 25:8,9,14 Mt 11:25; 13:11,12 Ac 10:31-33 VERSE 38 - Lord. * Joh 20:28 Ps 2:12; 45:11 Mt 14:33; 28:9,17 Lu 24:52 Re 5:9-14 VERSE 39 - For. * Joh 3:17; 5:22-27; 8:15 Jer 1:9,10 Lu 2:34; 13:30 2Co 2:16 - that they. * :25,36-38; 8:12; 12:46 Mt 11:5 Lu 1:79; 4:18; 7:21 Ac 26:18 2Co 4:4-6 * Eph 5:14 1Pe 2:9 - might be. * Joh 3:19; 12:40,41 Isa 6:9; 29:10; 42:18-20; 44:18 Mt 6:23; 13:13-15 * Lu 11:34,35 Ro 11:7-10 2Th 2:10 1Jo 2:11 VERSE 40 - Are. * :34; 7:47-52 Mt 15:12-14; 23:16 *etc: * Lu 11:39 *etc: * Ro 2:19-22 Re 3:17 VERSE 41 - If. * Joh 15:22-24 Pr 26:12 Isa 5:21 Jer 2:35 Lu 12:47; 18:14 Heb 10:26 * 1Jo 1:8-10 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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