1 Jeremiah proclaims God's covenant; 8 rebukes the Jews' disobeying thereof; 11 prophesies evils to come upon them; 18 and upon the men of Anathoth, for conspiring to kill him. VERSE 1 * :1 VERSE 2 - A.M. 3406. B.C. 598. * :6; 34:13-16 Ex 19:5 2Ki 11:17; 23:2,3 2Ch 23:16; 29:10 * 2Ch 34:31 VERSE 3 * De 27:26; 28:15-68; 29:19,20 Ga 3:10-13 VERSE 4 - I commanded. * Jer 31:32 Ex 24:3-8 De 5:2,3; 29:10-15 Eze 20:6-12 Heb 8:8-10 - iron. * De 4:20 1Ki 8:51 Isa 48:10 - Obey. See on ch. * Jer 7:22,23; 26:13 Ex 20:6; 23:21,22 Le 26:3,12 De 11:27; 28:1-14 * 1Sa 15:22 Zec 6:15 Mt 28:20 Heb 5:9 - ye be. * Jer 24:7; 30:22; 31:31,33; 32:28 Ge 17:8 Le 26:12 Eze 11:20; 14:11 * Eze 36:28; 37:23,27 Zec 8:8; 13:9 2Co 6:16 Heb 8:10 VERSE 5 - perform. * Ge 22:16-18; 26:3-5 Ps 105:9-11 - a land. * Ex 3:8-17 Le 20:24 De 6:3; 7:12,13 - So be it. Heb. Amen. * Jer 28:6 De 27:15-26 Mt 6:13 1Co 14:16 VERSE 6 - Proclaim. * Jer 3:12; 7:2; 19:2 Isa 58:1 Zec 7:7 - Hear. See on ver. * :2-4 Ps 15:5 Joh 13:17 Ro 2:13 Jas 1:22 VERSE 7 - I earnestly. * 1Sa 8:9 Eph 4:17 2Th 3:12 - in the. See on ch. * Jer 7:13,23-25; 25:4; 35:15 Ex 15:26; 23:21,22 De 4:6; 5:29; 6:2; 8:6 * De 10:12,13; 11:26-28; 12:32; 28:1-14; 30:20 VERSE 8 - obeyed. * Jer 3:17; 6:16,17; 7:24,26; 9:13,14; 35:15; 44:17 Ne 9:16,17,26,29 * Eze 20:8,18-21 Zec 7:11 - imagination. or, stubbornness. * Jer 7:24 *marg: - therefore. * Le 26:16-46 De 28:15-68; 29:21-24; 30:17-19; 31:17,18; 32:20-26 * Jos 23:13-16 Eze 20:37,38 VERSE 9 * Jer 5:31; 6:13; 8:10 Eze 22:25-31 Ho 6:9 Mic 3:11; 7:2,3 Zep 3:1-4 * Mt 21:38,39; 26:3,4,15 Joh 11:53 Ac 23:12-15 VERSE 10 - turned. * Jer 3:10 1Sa 15:11 2Ch 34:30-33 Ho 6:4; 7:16 Zep 1:6 - iniquities. * Jud 2:17,19 Ps 78:8-10,57 Eze 20:18-21 Zec 1:4 Ac 7:51,52 - the house of Israel. See on ch. * Jer 3:6-11; 31:32 Le 26:15 De 31:16 2Ki 17:7-20 Eze 16:59; 44:7 * Ho 6:7; 8:1 Heb 8:9 VERSE 11 - I will bring. * :17; 6:19; 19:3,15; 23:12; 35:17; 36:31 2Ki 22:16 2Ch 34:24 Eze 7:5 - which. * Jer 15:2 Pr 29:1 Isa 24:17 Am 2:14,15; 5:19; 9:1-4 1Th 5:3 Heb 1:3 * Re 6:16,17 - escape. Heb. go forth of. cry. * Jer 14:12 Ps 18:41; 66:18 Pr 1:28 Isa 1:15 Eze 8:18 Mic 3:4 * Zec 7:13 Lu 13:24-28 VERSE 12 - go. * Jer 2:28; 44:17-27 De 32:37 Jud 10:14 2Ch 28:22 Isa 45:20 - trouble. Heb. evil. VERSE 13 - For according. * Jer 2:28; 3:1,2 De 32:16,17 2Ki 23:4,5,13 Isa 2:8 Ho 12:11 - up altars. * Jer 19:5; 32:35 2Ki 21:4,5 - shameful thing. Heb. shame. VERSE 14 - pray. * Jer 7:16; 14:11; 15:1 Ex 32:10 Pr 26:24,25 1Jo 5:16 - for. See on ver. * :11 Ps 66:18 Ho 5:6 - trouble. Heb. evil. * :11 VERSE 15 - What, etc. Heb. What is to my beloved in my house? * Lu 8:28 *Gr: - my. * Jer 2:2; 3:14; 12:7 Ho 3:1 Mt 22:11 Ro 11:28 - to do. * Jer 3:8; 7:8-11; 15:1 Ps 50:16 Pr 15:8; 21:27; 28:9 Isa 1:11-15; 50:1 - seeing. * Jer 3:1,2 Eze 16:25-34; 23:2-21 - the holy. * Hag 2:12-14 Tit 1:15 - thou doest evil. or, thy evil is. * Pr 2:14; 10:23; 26:18 1Co 13:6 Jas 4:16 VERSE 16 - A green. * Ps 52:8 Ro 11:17-24 - with. * Ps 80:16 Isa 1:30,31; 27:11 Eze 15:4-7; 20:47,48 Mt 3:10 * Joh 15:6 VERSE 17 - that. See on ch. * Jer 2:21; 12:2; 24:6; 42:10; 45:4 2Sa 7:10 Ps 44:2; 80:8,15 Isa 5:2 * Isa 61:3 Eze 17:5 - pronounced. * :11; 16:10,11; 18:8; 19:15; 26:13,19; 35:17; 36:7; 40:2 VERSE 18 - the Lord. * :19 1Sa 23:11,12 2Ki 6:9,10,14-20 Eze 8:6-18 Mt 21:3 Ro 3:7 VERSE 19 - I was. * Pr 7:22 Isa 53:7 - and I. * Jer 18:18; 20:10 Ps 31:13; 35:15; 37:32,33 Isa 32:7 Mt 26:3,4 - destroy. "Let us kill the prophet, and burn his prophecies." tree with the fruit. Heb. stalk with his bread. let us cut. * Ps 83:4 Isa 53:8 Da 9:26 Lu 20:10-15 - from. * Job 28:13 Ps 27:13; 52:5; 116:9; 142:5 - that his. * Ps 109:13; 112:6 Pr 10:7 Isa 38:11 Nu 1:14 VERSE 20 - judgest. * Jer 12:1 Ge 18:25 Ps 98:9 Ac 17:31 - triest. * Jer 17:10; 20:12 1Sa 16:7 1Ch 28:9; 29:17 Ps 7:9 Re 2:23 - let. * Jer 15:15; 17:18; 18:20-23 2Ti 4:14 Re 6:9,10; 18:20 - revealed. * 1Sa 24:15 Job 5:8 Ps 10:14,15; 35:2; 43:1; 57:1 Php 4:6 1Pe 2:23 VERSE 21 - that seek. * Jer 12:5,6; 20:10 Mic 7:6 Mt 10:21,34-36 Lu 4:24 - Prophesy. * Isa 30:10 Am 2:12; 7:13-16 Mic 2:6-11 - thou. * Jer 20:1,2; 38:1-6 Mt 21:35; 22:6; 23:34-37 Lu 13:33,34 * Ac 7:51,52 VERSE 22 - punish. Heb. visit upon. young. * Jer 9:21; 18:21 2Ch 36:17 La 2:21 1Th 2:15,16 VERSE 23 - no. * :19; 44:27 Isa 14:20-22 - the year. * Jer 5:9,29; 8:12; 23:12; 46:21; 48:44; 50:27 Ho 9:7 Mic 7:4 Lu 19:44 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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