1 Jeremiah, complaining of the wicked's prosperity, by faith sees their ruin. 5 God admonishes him of his brethren's treachery against him; 7 and mourns his heritage. 14 He promises to the repentant return from captivity. VERSE 1 - Righteous. * Jer 11:20 Ge 18:25 De 32:4 Ps 51:4; 119:75,137; 145:17 Da 9:7 * Hab 1:13-17 Zep 3:5 Ro 3:5,6 - talk. or, reason the case. * Job 13:3 Isa 41:21 - Wherefore doth. * Jer 5:28 Job 12:6; 21:7-15 Ps 37:1,35; 73:3-28; 92:7; 94:3,4 Pr 1:32 * Hab 1:4 Mal 3:15 - deal. * :6; 5:11 Isa 48:8 Ho 6:7 VERSE 2 - hast. * Jer 11:17; 45:4 Eze 17:5-10; 19:10-13 - grow. Heb. go on. near. * Isa 29:13 Eze 33:31 Mt 15:8 Mr 7:6 Tit 1:16 VERSE 3 - knowest. * Jer 11:20 2Ki 20:3 1Ch 29:17 Job 23:10 Ps 17:3; 26:1; 44:21 * Ps 139:1,23 Joh 21:17 1Jo 3:20,21 - toward. or, with. pull. * Jer 17:18; 18:21-23; 20:12; 48:15; 50:27; 51:4 - the day. * Jer 11:19 Ps 44:22 Jas 5:5 VERSE 4 - long. * Jer 9:10; 14:2; 23:10 - the herbs. * Ps 107:34 Joe 1:10-17 - the beasts. * Jer 4:25; 7:20 Ho 4:3 Hab 3:17 Ro 8:22 - He. * Jer 5:13,31 Ps 50:21 Eze 7:2-13 VERSE 5 - thou hast. * Pr 3:11; 24:10 Heb 12:3,4 1Pe 4:12 - canst. * Jer 26:8; 36:26; 38:4-6 - swelling. * Jer 49:19; 50:44 Jos 3:15 1Ch 12:15 Ps 42:7; 69:1,2 VERSE 6 - thy brethren. * Jer 9:4; 11:19,21; 20:10 Ge 37:4-11 Job 6:15 Ps 69:8 Eze 33:30,31 * Mic 7:5,6 Mt 10:21 Mr 12:12 Joh 7:5 - yea. * Isa 31:4 Ac 16:22; 18:12; 19:24-29; 21:28-30 - have called, etc. or, cried after thee fully. though. * Ps 12:2 Pr 26:25 Mt 22:16-18 - fair words. Heb. good things. VERSE 7 - have forsaken. * Jer 11:15; 51:5 Isa 2:6 Ps 78:59,60 Ho 9:15 Joe 2:15; 3:2 - I have given. * Jer 7:14 La 2:1-22 Eze 7:20,21; 24:21 Lu 21:24 - dearly beloved. Heb. love. VERSE 8 - crieth out. or, yelleth. Heb. giveth out his voice. * Jer 2:15; 51:38 - therefore. * Ho 9:15 Am 6:8 Zec 11:8 VERSE 9 - Mine. Or rather, as the learned Bochart renders, "Is then my heritage (people) to me as a fierce hy'na? Is there a wild beast all around upon her?" i.e., the land of Canaan. The hy'na is a kind of wolf, a little bigger than a mastiff; color grey, streaked with black: it is of a solitary and savage disposition. - speckled bird. or, a bird having talons. the birds. * Jer 2:15 2Ki 24:2 Eze 16:36,37; 23:22-25 Re 17:16 - come ye. * Jer 7:33 Isa 56:9 Eze 39:17-20 Re 19:17,18 - come. or, cause them to come. VERSE 10 - pastors. * Jer 6:3; 25:9; 39:3 - my vineyard. * Ps 80:8-16 Isa 5:1-7 Lu 20:9-16 - trodden. * Isa 43:28; 63:18 La 1:10,11 Lu 21:14 Re 11:2 - pleasant portion. Heb. portion of desire. See on ch. * Jer 3:19 VERSE 11 - made it. * Jer 6:8; 9:11; 10:22,25; 19:8 - it mourneth. * :4-8; 14:2; 23:10 La 1:1-5:22 Zec 7:5 - layeth. * Ec 7:2 Isa 42:25; 57:1 Mal 2:2 VERSE 12 - spoilers. * Jer 4:11-15; 9:19-21 - the sword. * Jer 15:2; 34:17; 47:6; 48:2 Le 26:33 Isa 34:6; 66:15,16 Eze 5:2 * Eze 14:17 Am 9:4 Zep 2:12 Re 19:16-21 - no. * Isa 57:21 Mt 24:21,22 Re 6:4 VERSE 13 - sown. * Le 26:16 De 28:38 Mic 6:15 Hag 1:6; 2:16,17 - put. * Jer 3:23-25 Isa 30:1-6; 31:1-3; 55:2 Hab 2:13 Ro 6:21 - they. or, ye. VERSE 14 - A.M. 3401. B.C. 603. against. * Jer 48:26,27; 50:9-17; 51:33-35 Eze 25:3-15 Am 1:2-15 Zep 2:8-10 - that. * Jer 2:3; 49:1,7 Ps 105:15 Ob 1:10-16 Zec 1:15; 2:8; 12:2-4 - I will. * Jer 48:1-51:64 Eze 25:1-32:32; 35:1-15 - and pluck. * Jer 3:18; 32:37 De 30:3 Ps 106:47 Isa 11:11-16 Eze 28:25; 34:12,13 * Eze 36:24; 37:21; 39:27,28 Ho 1:11 Am 9:14,15 Zep 3:19,20 * Zec 10:6-12 VERSE 15 - after. * Jer 48:47; 49:6,39 De 30:3 Isa 23:17,18 - heritage. * Jer 48:47; 49:6,39 Nu 32:18 De 3:20 VERSE 16 - my name. See on ch. * Jer 4:2; 5:2 De 10:20,21 So 1:8 Isa 9:18-21; 45:23; 65:16 Ro 14:11 - as they. * Jos 23:7 Ps 106:35,36 Zep 1:5 - built. * Isa 19:23-25; 56:5,6 Zec 2:11 Ro 11:17 1Co 3:9 Eph 2:19-22 * 1Pe 2:4-6 VERSE 17 - if. * Ps 2:8-12 Isa 60:12 Zec 14:16-19 Lu 19:27 2Th 1:8 1Pe 2:6-8 - pluck. * :14-17; 18:7; 31:28 Eze 19:12 Da 7:4-8; 11:4 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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