1 The unequal comparison of God and idols. 17 The prophet exhorts to flee from the calamity to come. 19 He mourns the spoil of the tabernacle by foolish pastors. 23 He makes an humble supplication. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3397. B.C. 607. * Jer 2:4; 13:15-17; 22:2; 42:15 1Ki 22:19 Ps 50:7 Isa 1:10; 28:14 * Ho 4:1 Am 7:16 1Th 2:13 Re 2:29 VERSE 2 - Learn. * Le 18:3; 20:23 De 12:30,31 Eze 20:32 - be. * Isa 47:12-14 Lu 21:25-28 VERSE 3 - customs. Heb. statutes, or ordinances, are vanity. * :8; 2:5 Le 18:30 1Ki 18:26-28 Mt 6:7 Ro 1:21 1Pe 1:18 - one. See on * Isa 40:19-31; 44:9-20; 45:20 Ho 8:4-6 Hab 2:18,19 VERSE 4 - deck. * Ps 115:4; 135:15 Isa 40:19,20 - fasten. * Isa 41:6; 44:12; 46:7 VERSE 5 - speak. * Ps 115:5-8; 135:16-18 Hab 2:19 1Co 12:2 Re 13:14,15 - be borne. * Isa 46:1,7 - do evil. * Isa 41:23,24; 44:9,10; 45:20 1Co 8:4 VERSE 6 - there. * Ex 8:10; 9:14; 15:11 De 32:31; 33:26 2Sa 7:22 Ps 35:10; 86:8-10 * Ps 89:6-8 Isa 40:18,25; 46:5,9 - thou. * Jer 32:18 Ne 4:14; 9:32 Ps 48:1; 96:4; 145:3; 147:5 Isa 12:6 * Da 4:3,34 Mal 1:11 VERSE 7 - would. * Jer 5:22 Job 37:23,24 Lu 12:5 Re 15:4 - O King. * Ps 22:28; 72:11; 86:9 Isa 2:4 Zec 2:11 Re 11:15 - to thee. or, it liketh thee. * Ps 76:7 - among. See on ver. * :6 Ps 89:6 1Co 1:19,20 VERSE 8 - altogether. Heb. in one, or at once. brutish. * :14; 51:17,18 Ps 115:8; 135:18 Isa 41:29 Hab 2:18 Zec 10:2 * Ro 1:21,22 - the stock. * Jer 2:27 Isa 44:19 Ho 4:12 VERSE 9 - Silver. See on ver. * :4 - Tarshish. * 1Ki 10:22 Eze 27:12 - Uphaz. * Da 10:5 - are all. * Ps 115:4 VERSE 10 - the Lord. * 1Ki 18:39 2Ch 15:3 Joh 17:3 1Th 1:9 1Jo 5:20 - true God. Heb. God of truth. * De 32:4 Ps 31:5; 100:5; 146:6 - the living. * Jer 23:36 De 5:26 1Sa 17:26,36 Ps 42:2; 84:2 Isa 37:4,17 Da 6:26 * Mt 16:16; 26:63 Ac 14:15 1Ti 6:17 Heb 10:31 - everlasting king. Heb. King of eternity. * Ps 10:16; 93:2; 145:13 Isa 57:15 Da 4:3,34; 7:14 1Ti 1:17 - at. * Jud 5:4 Job 9:6 Ps 18:7; 68:11; 77:18; 97:4; 104:32; 114:7 Mic 1:4 * Na 1:6 Hab 3:6,10 Mt 27:51,52 Re 20:11 - the nations. * Ps 76:7; 90:11 Joe 2:11 Na 1:6 Mal 3:2 VERSE 11 - Thus. "In the Chaldean language." The gods. * Ps 96:5 - they. * :15; 51:18 Isa 2:18 Zep 2:11 Zec 13:2 Re 20:2 - under. * La 3:66 VERSE 12 - hath made. * Jer 32:17; 51:15-19 Ge 1:1,6-9 Job 38:4-7 Ps 33:6; 136:5,6 * Ps 146:5,6; 148:4,5 Joh 1:3 Col 1:16 - established. * Ps 24:2; 78:69; 93:1; 119:90 Pr 3:19; 30:4 Isa 45:18; 49:8 - stretched. * Job 9:8; 26:7 Ps 104:2,24 Isa 40:22; 42:5; 44:24; 45:12; 48:13 * Zec 12:1 VERSE 13 - uttereth. * Job 37:2-5; 38:34,35 Ps 18:13; 29:3-10; 68:33 - multitude. or, noise. He causeth. * 1Ki 18:41,45,46 Job 36:27-33 Ps 135:7; 147:8 - maketh. * Ex 9:23 1Sa 12:17,18 Job 38:25-27,34,35 Zec 10:1 *marg: - with. or, for. bringeth. * Job 38:22 Ps 135:17 VERSE 14 - man. See on ver. * :8; 51:17,18 Ps 14:2; 92:6; 94:8 Pr 30:2 Isa 44:18-20; 46:7,8 * Ro 1:22,23 - brutish in his knowledge. or, more brutish than to know. founder. * Jer 51:17 Ps 97:7 Isa 42:17; 44:11; 45:16 - and. * Ps 115:4-8; 135:16-18 Hab 2:18,19 VERSE 15 - vanity. * :8; 8:19; 14:22; 51:18 De 32:21 1Sa 12:21 Isa 41:24,29 Jon 2:8 * Ac 14:15 - in the. * :11; 8:12 Isa 2:18-21 Zep 1:3,4 Zec 13:2 VERSE 16 - portion. * Jer 51:19 Ps 16:5,6; 73:26; 119:57; 142:5 La 3:24 - former. * :12 Pr 16:4 Isa 45:7 - Israel. * Ex 19:5 De 32:9 Ps 74:2; 135:4 Isa 47:6 - The Lord. * Jer 31:35; 32:18; 50:34 Isa 47:4; 51:15; 54:5 VERSE 17 - A.M. 3404. B.C. 600. thy wares. * Jer 6:1 Eze 12:3-12 Mic 2:10 Mt 24:15 - inhabitant. Heb. inhabitress. * Jer 21:13 *marg: VERSE 18 - I will. * Jer 15:1,2; 16:13 De 28:63,64 1Sa 25:29 - that. * Jer 23:20 Eze 6:10 Zec 1:6 VERSE 19 - Woe. * Jer 4:19,31; 8:21; 9:1; 17:13 La 1:2,12-22; 2:11-22; 3:48 - Truly. * Ps 39:9; 77:10 Isa 8:17 La 3:18-21,39,40 Mic 7:9 VERSE 20 - tabernacle. * Jer 4:20 Isa 54:2 La 2:4-6 - my children. * Jer 31:15 Job 7:8 Pr 12:7 Isa 49:20-22 - there. * Jer 4:20 Isa 51:16 VERSE 21 - the pastors. See on ver. * :8,14; 2:8; 5:31; 8:9; 12:10; 23:9-32 Isa 56:10-12 Eze 22:25-30 * Eze 34:2-10 Joh 10:12,13 Zec 10:3 - their. * Jer 23:1; 49:32; 50:17 Eze 34:5,6,12 Zec 13:7 VERSE 22 - the noise. * Jer 1:15; 4:6; 5:15; 6:1,22 Hab 1:6-9 - a den. * Jer 9:11 Mal 1:3 VERSE 23 * Ps 17:5; 37:23; 119:116,117 Pr 16:1; 20:24 VERSE 24 - correct. * Jer 30:11 - See on * Ps 6:1; 38:1 Hab 3:2 - lest. * Job 6:18 Isa 40:23; 41:11,12 - bring me to nothing. Heb. diminish me. VERSE 25 - Pour. See on * Ps 79:6,7 - that know. * Job 18:21 Joh 17:25 Ac 17:23 1Co 15:34 1Th 4:5 2Th 1:8 - call. * Ps 14:4 Isa 43:22; 64:7 Zep 1:6 - eaten. * Jer 8:16; 50:7,17; 51:34,35 Ps 27:2 La 2:22 Eze 25:6-8; 35:5-10 * Ob 1:10-16 Zec 1:15 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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