1 Solomon marries Pharaoh's daughter. 2 High places being in use, Solomon sacrifices at Gibeon. 5 Solomon at Gibeon, in the choice which God gave him, preferring wisdom, obtains wisdom, riches, and honor. 16 Solomon's judgment makes him renowned. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2990. B.C. 1014. An. Ex. Is. 477. affinity. * 2Ch 18:1 Ezr 9:14 - and took. * 1Ki 7:8; 9:24; 11:1 - the city. * 2Sa 5:7 1Ch 11:7 - his own. * 1Ki 7:1-12 - the house. * 1Ki 6:1-38; 7:13-15 2Ch 2:1-4:22 Ezr 5:11 - the wall. * 1Ki 9:15-19 VERSE 2 - the people. It was not right to offer sacrifices in any place but where the tabernacle and ark were; and wherever they were, whether on a high place or a plain, sacrifices might be lawfully offered, previously to building of the temple. The tabernacle was now at Gibeon, (2 Ch 1:3,) which was therefore called the great high place; whither we find Solomon, without censure, repaired to sacrifice. * 1Ki 22:43 Le 17:3-6; 26:30 De 12:2-5 2Ch 33:17 - was no. * 1Ki 5:3 1Ch 17:4-6; 28:3-6 Ac 7:47-49 VERSE 3 - loved. * De 6:5; 10:12; 30:6,16,20 2Sa 12:24,25 Ps 31:23 Mt 22:37 * Mr 12:29,30 Ro 8:28 1Co 8:3 Jas 1:12; 2:5 1Jo 4:19,20; 5:2,3 - walking. See on ver. * :6,14; 2:3,4; 11:34; 15:3 1Ch 28:8,9 2Ch 17:3-5 Joh 14:15,21 - only he. * 1Ki 15:14; 22:43 2Ki 12:3; 14:4; 15:4,35; 18:4,22 VERSE 4 - Gibeon. * 1Ki 9:2 Jos 9:3; 10:2 1Ch 16:39; 21:29 2Ch 1:3,7-12 - a thousand. * 1Ki 8:63 2Ch 1:6; 7:5; 29:32-35; 30:24 Isa 40:16 Mic 6:6,7 VERSE 5 - the Lord. * 1Ki 9:2 - in a dream. * Ge 28:12,13 Nu 12:6 Job 33:14,15 Mt 1:20; 2:13,19 - Ask what. * 2Ch 1:7-12 Mt 7:7,8 Mr 10:36,38-51; 11:24 Joh 14:13,14; 15:16 * Jas 1:5,6 1Jo 5:14,15 VERSE 6 - thy servant. * Nu 12:7 2Sa 7:5 - great. * 2Sa 7:8-12; 12:7,8; 22:47-51 1Ch 29:12-14 Ps 78:70-72 - mercy. or, bounty. * Ps 13:6; 116:7; 119:17 2Co 9:5,11 - according. * 1Ki 2:4; 9:4; 15:5 2Ki 20:3 Ps 15:2; 18:20-24 - that. See on ch. * 1Ki 1:48 VERSE 7 - thou hast. * Da 2:21; 4:25,32; 5:18,21 - a little. * 1Ch 29:1 Job 32:6-8 Ec 10:16 Jer 1:6 Mt 18:3,4 - to go. * Nu 27:17 De 31:2 1Sa 18:16 2Sa 5:2 Ps 121:8 Joh 10:3,4,9 VERSE 8 - thy people. * Ex 19:5,6 De 7:6-8 1Sa 12:22 Ps 78:71 - cannot. * Ge 13:16; 15:5; 22:17 1Ch 21:2,5,6; 27:23,24 VERSE 9 - Give therefore. * 1Ch 22:12; 29:19 2Ch 1:10 Ps 119:34,73,144 Pr 2:3-9; 3:13-18 * Pr 16:16 Jas 1:5; 3:17 - understanding. Heb. hearing. * Pr 20:12 - to judge. * :28 Ps 72:1,2 Pr 14:8 Ec 7:11,19; 9:15-18 Joh 5:30 - discern. * 2Sa 14:17 Isa 11:2-4 1Co 2:14,15 Eph 5:17 Php 1:10 *Gr: * Heb 5:14 - who is able. * Ex 3:11,12; 4:10-13 Jer 1:6 Mt 3:11,14 2Co 2:16; 3:5 VERSE 10 - pleased. * Pr 15:8 VERSE 11 - hast not. * Ps 4:6 Pr 16:31 Mt 20:21,22 Ro 8:26 Jas 4:2,3 - long life. Heb. many days. discern. Heb. hear. * :9 *marg: VERSE 12 - I have done. * Ps 10:17 Isa 65:24 Ro 8:26,27 1Jo 5:14,15 - I have given. * :28; 2:6,9; 4:29-34; 5:12; 10:3-8,23,24 2Ch 1:11,12; 2:12; 9:5-8 * Ec 1:13,16 Lu 21:15 - neither. * Mt 12:42 Col 2:3 VERSE 13 - And I. * Ps 84:11,12 Mt 6:33 Ro 8:32 1Co 3:22,23 Eph 3:20 - riches. * 1Ki 4:21-24; 10:23-29 Pr 3:16 - shall not be. or, hath not been. VERSE 14 - if thou. * 1Ki 2:3,4 1Ch 22:12,13; 28:9 2Ch 7:17-19 Ps 132:12 Zec 3:7 - as thy. See on ver. * :3; 9:4,5; 15:5 2Ch 17:3,4; 29:2; 34:2 Ac 13:22 - I will lengthen. * De 5:16; 25:15 Ps 21:4; 91:16 Pr 3:2,16 1Ti 4:8 VERSE 15 - awoke. * Ge 41:7 Jer 31:26 - before. * 2Sa 6:17 1Ch 16:1,2 - peace offerings. * 1Ki 8:63,65 Le 3:1-17; 7:11-19 2Sa 6:18,19 2Ch 7:5,7-10; 30:22-26 - a feast. * Ge 31:54; 40:20 Es 1:3 Da 5:1 Mr 6:21 VERSE 16 - two women. * Le 19:29 De 23:17 Jos 2:1 - harlots. The word {zanoth,} rendered harlots, is here translated by the Targumist, the best judge in this case, {pundekon,} "tavern-keepers:" see on Jos 2:1. * Jud 11:1 Had these women been harlots, it is not likely that they would have dared to appear before Solomon; nor is it likely that such persons would have been permitted in the reign of David. Their husbands might at this time have been following their necessary occupations in distant parts. - stood. * Ex 18:13,16 Nu 27:2 VERSE 17 - O my lord. * Ge 43:20 Ro 13:7 VERSE 18 * :18 VERSE 19 VERSE 20 - midnight. * Job 24:13-17 Ps 139:11 Mt 13:25 Joh 3:20 - took. * :21 VERSE 21 - give. * Ge 21:7 1Sa 1:23 La 4:3,4 VERSE 22 - Nay. * :23,24 VERSE 23 * :23 VERSE 24 VERSE 25 - Divide. This was apparently a very strange decision; but Solomon saw that the only way to discover the real mother was by the affection and tenderness should would necessarily shew to her offspring. The plan was tried, and succeeded; and it was a proof of his sound judgment, penetration, and acquaintance with the human heart, or rather, of his extraordinary and supernatural wisdom. See ver. 28. The two following instances are in some faint manner to be compared to Solomon's decision, inasmuch as they also work upon the human sympathies. Suetonius, in his Life of the emperor Claudian, tells us, that this emperor discovered a woman to be the real mother of a young man, whom she refused to acknowledge, by commanding her to marry him, the proofs being doubtful on both sides; for, rather than commit incest, she confessed the truth. Diodorus Siculus also informs us, that Ariopharnes, king of Thrace, being appointed to decided between three young men, each of whom professed to be the son of the deceased king of the Cimmerians, and claimed the succession, discovered the real son by ordering each to shoot an arrow into the dead body of the king: two of them did this without hesitation; but the real son of the deceased monarch refused. * Pr 25:8 VERSE 26 - her bowels. * Ge 43:30 Isa 49:15 Jer 31:20 Ho 11:8 Php 1:8; 2:1 1Jo 3:17 - yearned. Heb. were hot. * Ps 39:3 - give her. * Ro 1:31 2Ti 3:3 VERSE 27 VERSE 28 - feared. * Ex 14:31 Jos 4:14 1Sa 12:18 1Ch 29:24 Pr 24:21 - the wisdom. * :9-12 Ezr 7:25 Ec 7:19 Da 2:21,47; 5:11 1Co 1:24,30 Col 2:3 - in him. Heb. in the midst of him. to do. * Ps 72:2,4 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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