1 Solomon's princes. 7 His twelve officers for provision. 20 The peace and largeness of his kingdom. 22 His daily provision. 26 His stables. 29 His wisdom. VERSE 1 - over all Israel. * 1Ki 11:13,35,36; 12:19,20 2Sa 5:5 1Ch 12:38 2Ch 9:30 Ec 1:12 VERSE 2 - the princes. That is, great, chief, or principal men; for none of them were princes, in the common acceptation of the word. * Ex 18:21 2Sa 8:15-18; 20:23-26 1Co 12:28 - Azariah. * 1Ch 6:8-10; 27:17 - priest. or, chief officer. VERSE 3 - Shisha. * 2Sa 20:25 - Sheva. * 1Ch 18:6 - Shavsha. scribes. or, secretaries. recorder. or, remembrancer. * 2Sa 8:16; 20:24 1Ch 18:15 Isa 62:6 *margins VERSE 4 - Benaiah. See on ch. * 1Ki 2:35 - Zadok. See on ch. * 1Ki 2:26,27,35 VERSE 5 - son of Nathan. * 1Ki 1:10-53 2Sa 7:2; 12:1-15,25 - the officers. * :7 - the principal. * 2Sa 8:18; 20:26 - the king's. * 2Sa 15:37; 16:16; 19:37,38 1Ch 27:33 Pr 22:11 Joh 13:23 * Joh 15:14,15 Jas 2:23 VERSE 6 - Adoniram. * 1Ki 12:18 2Sa 20:24 - Adoram. tribute. or, levy. * 1Ki 5:13,14; 9:15 VERSE 7 - officers. These are doubtless to be considered as general receivers; for, as Sir John Chardin observes, "the revenues of the princes of the East are paid in the fruits and productions of the earth: there are no other taxes on the peasants." - each man. * 1Ch 27:1-15 VERSE 8 - The son of Hur. or, Ben-hur. * Jud 17:1; 19:1 VERSE 9 - The son of Dekar. or, Ben-dekar. Shaalbim. * Jos 19:42 - Shaalabbin. Beth-shemesh. See on * 1Sa 6:12,20 VERSE 10 - The son of Hesed. or, Ben-hesed. Sochoh. See on * Jos 15:35 - Hepher. * Jos 12:17; 17:2 VERSE 11 - The son of Abinadab. or, Ben-abinadab. Dor. * Jos 12:23; 17:11 Jud 1:27 VERSE 12 - Taanach. See on * Jos 17:11 Jud 5:19 - Megiddo. * 2Ki 23:29,30 - Beth-shean. * 1Sa 31:10,12 - Zartanah. * 1Ki 7:46 - Zarthan. * Jos 3:16 - Zaretan. Jezreel. * 1Ki 18:46 - Abel-meholah. * 1Ki 19:16 VERSE 13 - The son of Geber. or, Ben-geber. Ramoth-gilead. * 1Ki 22:3 De 4:43 Jos 20:8; 21:38 2Ki 9:1,14 - the towns. * Nu 32:41 De 3:14 - Argob. * De 3:4,8,13,14 Ps 22:12; 68:15 - threescore great cities. These were the fortified cities; their gates and bars being covered with plates of brass. VERSE 14 - Mahanaim. or, to Mahanaim. * Ge 32:2 2Sa 2:8; 17:24,27 VERSE 15 - Naphtali. * Jos 19:32-39 - the daughter. * :11 1Sa 18:18 VERSE 16 - Asher. * Jos 19:24-31 VERSE 17 - Issachar. * Jos 19:17-23 VERSE 18 - Shimei. * 1Ki 1:8 Zec 12:13 - Benjamin. * Jos 18:20-28 VERSE 19 - the country of Sihon. * Nu 21:21-35 De 2:26-37; 3:1-17 Jos 13:9-12 VERSE 20 - as the sand. * 1Ki 3:8 Ge 13:16; 15:5; 22:17 Pr 14:28 - eating. * 1Sa 30:16 1Ch 12:39 Job 1:18 Ps 72:3-7 Ec 2:24 Isa 22:13 * Mic 4:4 Zec 3:10; 9:15 Ac 2:46 VERSE 21 - Solomon. * :24 Ge 15:18 Ex 23:31 De 11:24 Jos 1:4 2Ch 9:26-31 Ezr 4:20 * Ps 72:8-11 - brought. * 1Sa 10:27 2Ki 17:3 2Ch 17:5; 32:23 Ps 68:29; 72:10,11; 76:11 VERSE 22 - provision. Heb. bread. measures. Heb. cors. * :22 VERSE 23 - Ten fat. * Ne 5:17,18 - harts. Dr. Shaw understands {ayil} as the name of the genus, including all the species of the deer kind, whether they are distinguished by round horns, as the stag, or by flat ones, as the fallow deer, or by the smallness of the branches, as the roe. - roe-bucks. See note on De 15:22. - fallow-deer. {Yachmur,} rendered {bubalus} by the Vulgate, probably the buffalo; and though "the flesh of a buffalo does not seem so well tasted as beef, being harder and more coarse," yet in our times, "persons of distinction, as well as the common people, and even the European merchants, eat a good deal of it, in the countries where that animal abounds." Niebuhr, Descrip. de l'Arab p. 146. VERSE 24 - Azzah. * Ge 10:19 Jud 16:1 - Gaza. all the kings. See on ver. * :21 Ps 72:8,11 - had peace. * 1Ki 5:4 1Ch 22:9 Ps 72:3,7 Isa 9:7 Lu 2:14 Heb 7:1,2 VERSE 25 - safely. Heb. confidently. * Isa 60:18 Jer 23:5,6; 33:15,16 Eze 38:11 *marg: - every man. * 2Ki 18:31 Mic 4:4 Zec 3:10 - from Dan. * Jud 20:1 2Sa 17:11; 24:15 VERSE 26 - forty thousand. * 1Ki 10:25,26 De 17:16 2Sa 8:4 2Ch 1:14; 9:25 Ps 20:7 VERSE 27 - those officers. * :7-19 VERSE 28 - dromedaries. or, mules, or swift beasts. * Es 8:10,14 Mic 1:13 VERSE 29 - God. See on ch. * 1Ki 3:12,28; 10:23,24 2Ch 1:10-12 Ps 119:34 Pr 2:6 Ec 1:16; 2:26 * Jas 1:5,17; 3:17 - largeness. * Isa 60:5 - as the sand. See on ver. * :20 Ge 41:49 Jud 7:12 Jer 33:22 Hab 1:9 VERSE 30 - the children. * Ge 25:6 Job 1:3 Da 1:20; 4:7; 5:11,12 Mt 2:1,16 - the wisdom of Egypt. * Isa 19:11,12 Ac 7:22 VERSE 31 - wiser. See on ch. * 1Ki 3:12 Mt 12:42 Lu 11:31 Col 2:3 - Ethan. * 1Ch 15:19 Ps 89:1 *title - Heman. * 1Ch 2:6; 6:33; 15:17 Ps 88:1 *title - his fame. * 1Ki 5:7; 10:1,6 2Ch 9:23 Mt 4:24 VERSE 32 - he spake. * Pr 1:1-31:30 Ec 12:9 Mt 13:35 - songs. * So 1:1-17 VERSE 33 - the cedar tree. The word {airez,} whence the Chaldee and Syriac {arzo,} and the Arabic and Ethiopic {arz,} and Spanish {alerze,} unquestionably denotes the cedar; it is thus rendered by the LXX. and other versions, [ ,] and by the Vulgate {cedrus;} and the inhabitants of mount Lebanon still call it {ars.} The cedar is a large and nobel evergreen tree, and grows on the most elevated part of the mountain, is taller than the pine, and so thick that five men together could scarcely fathom one. It shoots out its branches at ten or twelve feet from the ground; they are large and distant from each other, and are perpetually green. The wood is of a brown color, very solid and incorruptible, if preserved from wet. The tree bears a small cone, like that of the pine. * Nu 24:6 2Ki 19:23 Ps 92:12 - the hyssop. * Ex 12:22 Nu 19:18 Ps 51:7 Heb 9:19 - of beasts. See on * Ge 1:20-25 VERSE 34 * 1Ki 10:1 2Ch 9:1,23 Isa 2:2 Zec 8:23 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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