1 David, having given a charge to Solomon, 3 of religiousness; 5 of Joab; 7 of Barzillai; 8 of Shimei; 10 dies. 12 Solomon succeeds. 13 Adonijah, moving Bath-sheba to sue unto Solomon for Abishag, is put to death. 26 Abiathar, having his life given him, is deprived of the priesthood. 28 Joab fleeing to the horns of the altar, is there slain. 35 Benaiah is put in Joab's room, and Zadok in Abiathar's. 36 Shimei, confined to Jerusalem, by occasion of going thence to Gath, is put to death. VERSE 1 - the days. * Ge 47:29 De 31:14; 33:1 2Ti 4:6 2Pe 1:13-15 - charged. * Nu 27:19 De 3:28; 31:23 Ac 20:28-31 1Ti 1:18; 6:13 2Ti 4:1 VERSE 2 - I go. * Jos 23:14 Job 16:22; 30:23 Ps 89:48 Heb 9:27 - be thou. * De 17:19,20; 31:6 Jos 1:6,7 1Ch 28:20 Eph 6:10 2Ti 2:1 - and shew. * 1Ki 3:7 2Sa 10:12 Ec 12:13 1Co 16:13 1Ti 4:12 VERSE 3 - And keep. * De 29:9 Jos 1:7; 22:5 1Ch 22:12,13; 28:8,9; 29:19 - statues. See on * De 4:1,5,8; 5:1; 6:1,2 - testimonies. * De 4:45 Ps 19:7; 119:2,111,138 - written. * De 17:18-20 Mal 4:4 - that thou. * De 29:9 - prosper. or, do wisely. * Jos 1:7,8 *marg: * 1Sa 18:5,14,30 2Ch 31:20,21 Ps 1:2,3; 119:98-100 Pr 3:1-4 - where ever. * 2Sa 8:6,14 2Ki 18:7 VERSE 4 - That the Lord. * Ge 18:19 De 7:12 1Ch 28:9 Joh 15:9,10 Jude 1:20,21,24 - his word. * 2Sa 7:11-16,25 1Ch 17:11-15; 22:9-11; 28:5-7 Ps 89:29-37 * Ps 132:11,12 - walk. * 1Ki 3:3,14; 8:23 Ge 17:1 Le 26:3 2Ki 20:3; 23:3,25 2Ch 17:3 Lu 1:6 - with all their heart. * De 6:5; 10:12; 11:13 Mt 22:37 - fail, etc. Heb. be cut off from thee from the throne. * 1Ki 8:25 2Sa 7:12,13,16 Ps 37:9,22 Zec 14:2 VERSE 5 - Joab. * 1Ki 1:7,18,19 2Sa 3:39; 18:5,12,14; 19:5-7 - Abner. * 2Sa 3:27 - Amasa. * 2Sa 20:10 - Jether. * 2Sa 17:25 - Ithra. shed. Heb. put. put. * Jer 2:34; 6:15 Eze 24:7,8 VERSE 6 - according. * :9 Pr 20:26 - let. * :28-34 Ge 9:6 Nu 35:33 Pr 28:17 Ec 8:11 Isa 65:20 - in. * Ge 42:38 2Ki 22:20 Ps 37:37 Isa 48:22; 57:2,21 VERSE 7 - Barzillai. * 2Sa 17:27-29; 19:31-40 Pr 27:10 - eat. * 2Sa 9:7,10; 19:28 Lu 12:37; 22:28-30 Re 3:20,21 - when I fled. * 2Sa 15:13-15 VERSE 8 - Shimei. * :36-46 2Sa 16:5-8 - grievous. Heb. strong. he came. * 2Sa 19:16-23 Jer 4:2 VERSE 9 - hold him. Do not consider him as an innocent man; for, as thou art a wise man, and knowest how to treat such persons, treat him as he deserves; only, as I have sworn to him that I would not put him to death, "bring not his hoar head down to the grave with blood." So Solomon understood David; for, after he had commanded Joab to be slain, in obedience to his father, he sent for Shimei, and knowing he ought to be well watched, he confined him to Jerusalem for the rest of his life: and so it appears David should be understood; for the negative particle {lo,} in the former clause, "hold him not guiltless," should be repeated in the latter clause, though not expressed; instances of which frequently occur in the Hebrew Scriptures. (See Jud 5:30. 1Sa 2:3. Ps 1:5; 9:18; 38:1; 75:5. Pr 5:16; 24:12, etc.) This is the view taken of the subject by Dr. Kennicott, and it seems the best and most correct mode of interpreting the text. * Ex 20:7; 22:28 Job 9:28 - wise. * 1Ki 3:12,28 - his. * :6 Ge 42:38; 44:31 - with. * Nu 32:23 VERSE 10 - So David. See on ch. * 1Ki 1:21 1Ch 29:28 Ac 2:29; 13:36 - the city. * 1Ki 3:1; 11:43 2Sa 5:7 1Ch 11:7 VERSE 11 - reigned over. * 2Sa 5:4 1Ch 29:26,27 VERSE 12 - A.M. 2990. B.C. 1014. An. Ex. Is. 477. sat Solomon. * 1Ki 1:46 1Ch 29:23-25 2Ch 1:1 Ps 132:12 - his kingdom. * 2Sa 7:12,13,29 Ps 72:8-20; 89:36,37 VERSE 13 - Adonijah. See on ch. * 1Ki 1:5-10,50-53 - Comest. * 1Sa 16:4,5 2Ki 9:18-22 1Ch 12:17,18 Lu 10:5,6 VERSE 14 * 2Sa 14:12 Lu 7:40 VERSE 15 - Thou knowest. * 1Ki 1:5,25 2Sa 15:6,13; 16:18 - for it was. * 2Sa 7:12; 12:24 1Ch 22:9,10; 28:5-7 Pr 21:30 Jer 27:5-8 Da 2:22 VERSE 16 - deny me not. Heb. turn not away my face. * Ps 132:10 Pr 30:7 VERSE 17 - Abishag. * 1Ki 1:2-4 2Sa 3:7; 12:8 VERSE 18 - Well. * Pr 14:15 VERSE 19 - rose up. * Ex 20:12 Le 19:3,32 - she sat. * Ps 45:9; 110:1 Mt 25:33 VERSE 20 - I desire. * Mt 20:20,21 Joh 2:3,4 - Ask on. * Mt 7:7-11; 18:19; 10:35,36; 11:24 Lu 11:9,10 Joh 14:13,14; 15:16 VERSE 21 - Let Abishag. * 2Sa 16:21,22 VERSE 22 - why dost. * Mt 20:22 Mr 10:38 Jas 4:3 - the kingdom. * 1Ki 1:5-7,11,24,25 VERSE 23 - God. * 1Ki 20:10 Ru 1:17 1Sa 14:44 2Sa 3:9,35; 19:13 2Ki 6:31 - if Adonijah. We have already seen, that the whole harem of an eastern monarch was a part of the regal succession (See note on 2 Sa 16:23); and it was treason for a subject to claim any wife or virgin who had once formed a part of it. Solomon evidently considered the request of Adonijah in this light; and was convinced that he was still aiming to seize the crown, to which he considered this as one step. But it is very doubtful, how far the plea either of policy or state necessity can justify Solomon in thus embruing his hands in his brother's blood, whatever might have been his treasonable intentions or conduct. - spoken. * Ps 64:8; 140:9 Pr 18:6,7 Ec 10:12 Lu 19:22 VERSE 24 - as the Lord. See on ch. * 1Ki 1:29 - set me. * 1Ki 3:6,7; 10:9 1Ch 29:23 2Ch 1:8,9 - made me. * Ex 1:21 1Sa 25:28 2Sa 7:11-13,27 1Ch 17:10,17,23 Ps 127:1 - as he promised. * 1Ch 22:10 - put. * 1Ki 1:52 Ec 8:11-13 VERSE 25 - he fell. * :31,34,46 Jud 8:20,21 1Sa 15:33 2Sa 1:15; 4:12 VERSE 26 - Abiathar. * :35; 1:7,25 - Anathoth. * Jos 21:18 Isa 10:30 Jer 1:1 - worthy of death. Heb. a man of death. * 1Sa 26:16 2Sa 12:5 *marg: - barest. * 1Sa 22:20-23; 23:6-9 2Sa 15:24,29 1Ch 15:11,12 - hast been. * 2Sa 15:24-29 Mt 10:42 Lu 22:28 Ga 3:4 VERSE 27 - So Solomon. This was for having taken part with Adonijah; but by it a remarkable prophecy was fulfilled. God had told Eli, (1 Sa 2:30-36) that the priesthood should depart from his house; Abiathar was the last of the priests of Ithamar, of which family was Eli the high priest. Zadok, who succeeded, was of the family of Eleazar; and by this change the priesthood reverted to its ancient channel. - that he. * 1Sa 2:30-36; 3:12-14 Mt 26:56 Joh 12:38; 19:24,28,36,37 - Shiloh. * Jos 18:1 Ps 78:60 Jer 7:12-14 VERSE 28 - Joab had. * 1Ki 1:7 De 32:35 2Sa 18:2,14,15 - caught. See on ch. * 1Ki 1:50 Ex 27:2 VERSE 29 - he is by. * Ex 21:14 Eze 9:6 1Pe 4:17 - Go. * :25,31,46 VERSE 30 VERSE 31 - Do. * Ex 21:14 - that thou. * Ge 9:5,6 Nu 35:33 De 19:12,13; 21:8,9 2Ki 9:26 Pr 28:17 * Ac 28:4 - which. * :5 - and from. * 2Sa 3:28 VERSE 32 - return. * :44 Ge 4:11 Jud 9:24,57 Ps 7:16 - two men. * 2Sa 3:27; 20:10 - more righteous. * 1Sa 15:28 2Sa 4:11 2Ch 21:13 Es 1:19 - my father. * 2Sa 3:26,37 - Abner. * 2Sa 3:27 - Amasa. * 2Sa 20:10 - Jether. * :5 2Sa 17:25 - Ithra. VERSE 33 - return upon. See on ver. * :32 2Sa 3:29 2Ki 5:27 Ps 101:8; 109:6-15 Mt 27:25 - upon David. * 2Sa 3:28 Pr 25:5 - his house. * Ps 89:29,36,37; 132:12 Isa 9:6,7; 11:1-9 Lu 1:31-33; 2:14 VERSE 34 - Benaiah. * :25,31,46 - and fell. It appears that he slew him at the very altar. The altar was so sacred among all the people, that, in general, even the vilest wretch found safety, if he once reached it. This led to many abuses, and the perversion of public justice; and God decreed (Ex 24:14) that the presumptuous murderer, who had taken refuge at his altar, should be dragged thence and put to death. - buried. * 2Ki 21:18 2Ch 33:20 - in the. * Jos 15:61 Mt 3:1 VERSE 35 - in his room. * Job 34:24 - Zadok. See on ver. * :27 Nu 25:11-13 1Sa 2:35 1Ch 6:4-15,50-53; 24:3 Ps 109:8 * Ac 1:20 VERSE 36 - Shimei. * :8,9 2Sa 16:5-9 Pr 20:8,26 - Build. No doubt Solomon suspected that Shimei's influence would be dangerous upon his own estate and among his numerous dependents in different parts of the land; and therefore he proposed to him, as the condition of his indemnity for former crimes, that he should live in Jerusalem under his eye, and by no means remove thence. These terms Shimei readily agreed to, and solemnly swore to observe them; and for three years he lived unmolested and in affluence. But growing secure, in contempt of Solomon's authority and of the oath of God, upon an unnecessary business he took a journey, which according to his own engagement forfeited his life. Thus the Lord left him to be infatuated, that due punishment might be inflicted upon him; in order that every ringleader of opposition to Solomon's kingdom might be crushed, and others be intimidated by their examples. Solomon's throne by the death of this man was established in peace, and became a type of the Redeemer's kingdom of peace and righteousness.--SCOTT. * 1Ki 1:53 2Sa 14:24,28 VERSE 37 - over the. * 1Ki 15:13 2Sa 15:23 2Ki 23:6 2Ch 29:16 Jer 31:40 Joh 18:1 - Cedron. thy blood. See on ver. * :31,33 Le 20:9 Jos 2:19 2Sa 1:16 Eze 18:13 VERSE 38 - The saying. * 1Ki 20:4 2Ki 20:19 VERSE 39 - A.M. 2993. B.C. 1011. An. Ex. Is. 480. Achish. * 1Sa 21:10; 27:2,3 VERSE 40 - arose. * Pr 15:27 Lu 12:15 1Ti 6:10 VERSE 41 VERSE 42 - Did I not. * :36-38 Ps 15:4 Lu 19:22 - and thou saidst. * Lu 15:22 VERSE 43 - Why. * 2Sa 21:2 Eze 17:18,19 - commandment. * 2Ch 30:12 Ec 8:2 Ro 13:5 VERSE 44 - Thou knowest. * 2Sa 16:5-13 Joh 8:9 Ro 2:15 1Jo 3:20 - return. See on ver. * :32,33 Ps 7:16 Pr 5:22 Eze 17:19 Ho 4:9 *marg: VERSE 45 - blessed. * Ps 21:6; 72:17 - the throne. See on ver. * :24,33,34 Pr 25:5 Isa 9:6,7 VERSE 46 - the kingdom. * :12,45 2Ch 1:1 Pr 29:4 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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