616 Widows - Character of true #LU 2:37; 1TI 5:5,10 - GOD . Surely hears the cry of #EX 22:23 . Judges for #DE 10:18; PS 68:5 . Relieves #PS 146:9 . Establishes the border of #PR 15:25 . Will witness against oppressors of #MAL 3:5 - Exhorted to trust in God #JER 49:11 - SHOULD NOT BE . Afflicted #EX 22:22 . Oppressed #JER 7:6; ZEC 7:10 . Treated with violence #JER 22:3 . Deprived of raiment in pledge #DE 24:17 - SHOULD BE . Pleaded for #ISA 1:17 . Honored, if widows indeed #1TI 5:3 . Relieved by their friends #1TI 5:4,16 . Relieved by the Church #AC 6:1; 1TI 5:9 . Visited in affliction #JAS 1:27 . Allowed to share in our blessings #DE 14:29; 16:11,14; 24:19-21 - Though poor, may be liberal #MR 12:42,43 - When young, exposed to may temptations #1TI 5:11-14 - SAINTS . Relieve #AC 9:39 . Cause joy to #Job 29:13 . Disappoint not #Job 31:16 - THE WICKED . Do no good to #Job 24:21 . Send, away empty #Job 22:9 . Take pledges from #Job 24:3 . Reject the cause of #ISA 1:23 . Vex #EZE 22:7 . Make a prey of #ISA 10:2; MT 23:14 . Slay #PS 94:6 - Curse for perverting judgment of #DE 27:19 - Woe to those who oppress #ISA 10:1,2 - Blessings on those who relieve #DE 14:29 - A type of Zion in affliction #LA 5:3 - Were released from all obligation to former husbands #RO 7:3 - Were clothed in mourning after the decease of husbands #GE 38:14,19; 2SA 14:2,5 - Reproach connected with #ISA 54:4 - Increase of, threatened as a punishment #EX 22:24; JER 15:8; 18:21 - LAWS RESPECTING . Not to be oppressed #EX 22:22; DE 27:19 . Raiment of, not to be taken in pledge by creditors #DE 24:17 . Bound to perform their vows #NU 30:9 . Not to intermarry with priests #LE 21:14 . To be allowed to glean in fields and vineyards #DE 24:19 . To have a share of the triennial tithe #DE 14:28,29; 26:12,13 . To share in public rejoicings #DE 16:11,14 . When daughters of priests and childless to partake of the holy things #LE 22:13 . When left childless, to be married by their husband's nearest of kin #DE 25:5,6; RU 3:10-13; 4:4,5; MT 22:24-26 - Allowed to marry again #RO 7:3 - Intermarrying with, of kings considered treason #1KI 2:21-24 - Not to be deplored by, considered a great calamity #Job 27:15; PS 78:64 - Were under the special protection of God #DE 10:18; PS 68:5 - Were frequently oppressed and persecuted #Job 24:3; EZE 22:7 - Specially taken care of by the Church #AC 6:1; 1TI 5:9 - Often devoted themselves entirely to God's service #LU 2:37; 1TI 5:10 - Instances of great liberality in #1KI 17:9-15; MR 12:42,43 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . A desolate condition #ISA 47:8,9 . Zion in captivity #LA 1:1 617 Wind, The - Variable nature of #EC 1:6 - GOD . Created #AM 4:13 . Restrains #Job 28:25; PS 107:29 . Brings forth, out of his treasuries #PS 135:7; JER 10:13 . Raises #PS 107:25; JON 4:8 . Changes #PS 78:26 . Assuages #MT 8:26; 14:32 . Gathers, in his hand #PR 30:4 - Accomplishes the purposes of God #PS 148:8 - Theory of, above man's comprehension #JOH 3:8 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . North #PR 25:23; SO 4:16 . South #Job 37:17; LU 12:55 . East #Job 27:21; EZE 17:10; HO 13:15 . West #EX 10:19 . Euroclydon #AC 27:14 . The simoom or pestilential wind #2KI 19:7,35; JER 4:11 . The whirlwind #Job 37:9 - Drying nature of #GE 8:1; ISA 11:15 - Purifying nature of #Job 37:21; JER 4:11 - WHEN VIOLENT CALLED . Storm #Job 9:17; 27:20; JON 1:4 . Storm #Job 21:18; PS 83:15 . Stormy wind #PS 148:8; EZE 13:11,13 . Windy storm #PS 55:8 . Great and strong wind #1KI 19:11 . Mighty wind #AC 2:2; RE 6:13 . Fierce wind #JAS 3:4 . Rough wind #ISA 27:8 - From the north drives away rain #PR 25:23 - Frequently brings rain #1KI 18:44,45; 2KI 3:17 - Often blighting #PS 103:16; ISA 40:7 - Movement of the leaves of trees, etc. by, noticed #ISA 7:2; MT 11:7; RE 6:13 - TEMPESTUOUS . Raises the sea in waves #PS 107:25; JOH 6:18 . Drives about the largest ships #MT 14:24; AC 27:18; JAS 3:4 . Destroys houses #Job 1:19; MT 7:27 - MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH . Locusts brought by #EX 10:13 . Locusts removed by #EX 10:19 . Red sea divided by #EX 14:21 . Quails brought by #NU 11:31 . Rocks and mountains rent by #1KI 19:11 . Raises on account of Jonah #JON 1:4 . Calmed by casting out Jonah #JON 1:15 . Calmed by Christ #MT 8:26; 14:32 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the operations of the Holy Spirit #EZE 37:9; JOH 3:8; AC 2:2 . Of the life of man #Job 7:7 . Of the speeches of the desperate #Job 6:26 . Of terrors which pursue the soul #Job 30:15 . Of molten images #ISA 41:29 . Of iniquity which leads to destruction #ISA 64:6 . Of false doctrines #EPH 4:14 . (Chaff or stubble before,) of the wicked #Job 21:18; PS 1:4 . (Without rain,) of one who boasts of a false gift #PR 25:14 . (When destructive,) of the judgments of God #ISA 27:8; 29:6; 41:16 . (Sowing,) of a course of sin #HO 8:7 . (Feeding upon) of vain hopes #HO 12:1 . (Bringing forth,) of disappointed expectations #ISA 26:18 618 Wine - First mention of #GE 9:20,21 - WAS MADE OF . The juice of the grape #GE 49:11 . The juice of the pomegranate #SO 8:2 - First mode of making, notice #GE 40:11 - Generally made by treading the grapes in a press #NE 13:15; ISA 63:2,3 - Refining of, alluded to #ISA 25:6 - Improved by age #LU 5:39 - PLACES CELEBRATED FOR . Canaan in general #DE 33:28 . Possessions of Judah #GE 49:8,11,12 . Lebanon #HO 14:7 . Helbon #EZE 27:18 . Assyria #2KI 18:32; ISA 36:17 . Moab #ISA 16:8-10; JER 48:32,33 - Many kinds of #NE 5:18 - Sweet, esteemed for flavour and strength #ISA 49:26; AM 9:13; MIC 6:15 - Red, most esteemed #PR 23:31; ISA 27:2 - Often spiced to increase its strength, etc. #PR 9:2,5; 23:30; SO 8:2 - WAS USED . As a beverage from the earliest age #GE 9:21; 27:25 . At all feasts and entertainments #ES 1:7; 5:6; ISA 5:12; DA 5:1-4; JOH 2:3 . For drink offerings in the worship of God #EX 29:40; NU 15:4-10 . For drink offerings in idolatrous worship #DE 32:37,38 . As a medicine #LU 10:34; 1TI 5:23 - First fruits of, to be offered to God #DE 18:4; 2CH 31:5 - With corn and oil, denoted all temporal blessings #GE 27:28,37; PS 4:7; HO 2:8; JOE 2:19 - Given in abundance to the Jews when obedient #HO 2:22; JOE 2:19,24; ZEC 9:17 - The Jews frequently deprived of, as a punishment #ISA 24:7,11; HO 2:9; JOE 1:10; HAG 1:11; 2:16 - The Jews frequently drank, to excess #ISA 5:11; JOE 3:3; AM 6:6 - In times of scarcity, was mixed with water #ISA 1:22 - Sometimes mixed with milk as a beverage #SO 5:1 - CHARACTERISED AS . Cheering God and man #JUD 9:13; ZEC 9:17 . Gladdening the heart #PS 104:15 . Strengthening #2SA 16:2; SO 2:5 . Making mirthful #ES 1:10; EC 10:19 - Custom of presenting to travellers #GE 14:18; 1SA 25:18 - Custom of giving to persons in pain or suffering, mixed with drugs #PR 31:6; MR 15:23 - Forbidden to the priests while engaged in the tabernacle #LE 10:9 - Forbidden to Nazarites during their separation #NU 6:3 - The Rechabites never drank #JER 35:5,6 - IN EXCESS . Forbidden #EPH 5:18 . Infuriates the temper #PR 20:1 . Impairs the health #1SA 25:37; HO 4:11 . Impairs the judgment and memory #PR 31:4,5; ISA 28:7 . Inflames the passions #ISA 5:11 . Leads to sorrow and contention #PR 23:29,30 . Leads to remorse #PR 23:31,32 - An article of extensive commerce #EZE 27:18 - Was stored in cellars #1CH 27:27 - Was kept in bottles #1SA 25:18; HAB 2:15 - Consequence of putting (when new), into old bottles #MT 2:22 - The love of Christ to be preferred to #SO 1:2,4 - Water miraculously turned into #JOH 2:9 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the blood of Christ #MT 26:27-29 . Of the blessing of the gospel #PR 9:2,5; ISA 25:6; 55:1 . Of the wrath and judgments of God #PS 60:3; 75:8; JER 13:12-14; 25:15-18 . Of the abominations of the apostasy #RE 17:2; 18:3 . Of violence and rapine #PR 4:17 619 Winter - God makes #PS 74:17 - Yearly return of, secured by covenant #GE 8:22 - Coldness and inclemency of, noticed #PR 20:4; JOH 10:22 - UNSUITED FOR . Travelling #MT 24:20; 2TI 4:21 . Navigation #AC 27:9 - Ships were laid up in port during #AC 27:12; 28:11 - The Jews frequently had special houses for #JER 36:22; AM 3:15 - Illustrative of seasons of spiritual adversity #SO 2:11 620 Wisdom of God, The - Is one of his attributes #1SA 2:3; Job 9:4 - DESCRIBED AS . Perfect #Job 36:4; 37:16 . Mighty #Job 36:5 . Universal #Job 28:24; DA 2:22; AC 15:18 . Infinite #PS 147:5; RO 11:33 . Unsearchable #ISA 40:28; RO 11:33 . Wonderful #PS 139:6 . Beyond human comprehension #PS 139:6 . Incomparable #ISA 44:7; JER 10:7 . Underived #Job 21:22; ISA 40:14 - The gospel contains treasures of #1CO 2:7 - Wisdom of saints is derived from #EZR 7:25 - All human wisdom derived from #DA 2:1 - Saints ascribe to him #DA 2:20 - EXHIBITED IN . His works #Job 37:16; PS 104:24; 136:5; PR 3:19; JER 10:12 . His counsels #ISA 28:29; JER 32:19 . His foreshadowing events #ISA 42:9; 46:10 . Redemption #1CO 1:24; EPH 1:8; 3:10 . Searching the heart #1CH 28:9; RE 2:23 . Understanding the thoughts #1CH 28:9; PS 139:2 - EXHIBITED IN KNOWING . The heart #PS 44:21; PR 15:11; LU 16:15 . The actions #Job 34:21; PS 139:2,3 . The words #PS 139:4 . His saints #2SA 7:20; 2TI 2:19 . The way of saints #Job 23:10; PS 1:6 . The want of saints #DE 2:7; MT 6:8 . The afflictions of saints #EX 3:7; PS 142:3 . The infirmities of saints #PS 103:14 . The minutest matters #MT 10:29,30 . The most secret things #MT 6:18 . The time of judgment #MT 24:36 . The wicked #NE 9:10; Job 11:11 . The works, etc. of the wicked #ISA 66:18 - Nothing is concealed from #PS 139:12 - The wicked question #PS 73:11; ISA 47:10 - Should be magnified #RO 16:27; Jude 1:25 621 Witness of The Holy Spirit - Is truth #1JO 5:6 - To be implicitly received #1JO 5:6,9 - BORNE TO CHRIST . As Messiah #LU 3:22; JOH 1:32,33 . As coming to redeem and sanctify #1JO 5:6 . As exalted to be a Prince and Savior to give repentance, etc. #AC 5:31,32 . As perfecting saints #HEB 10:14,15 . As foretold by himself #JOH 15:26 . In heaven #1JO 5:7,11 . On earth #1JO 5:8 - The first preaching of the gospel confirmed by #AC 14:3; HEB 2:4 - The faithful preaching of the Apostles accompanied by #1CO 2:4; 1TH 1:5 - GIVEN TO SAINTS . On believing #AC 15:8; 1JO 5:10 . To testify to them of Christ #JOH 15:26 . As an evidence of adoption #RO 8:16 . As an evidence of Christ in them #1JO 3:24 . As an evidence of God in them #1JO 4:13 - Borne against all unbelievers #NE 9:30; AC 28:25-27 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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