607 Watchfulness - Christ an example of #MT 26:38,40; LU 6:12 - Commanded #MR 13:37; RE 3:2 - Exhortations to #1TH 5:6; 1PE 4:7 - God especially requires in ministers #EZE 3:17; ISA 62:6; MR 13:34 - Ministers exhorted to #AC 20:31; 2TI 4:5 - Faithful ministers exercise #HEB 13:17 - Faithful ministers approved by #MT 24:45,46; LU 12:41-44 - SHOULD BE . With prayer #LU 21:36; EPH 6:18 . With thanksgiving #COL 4:2 . With steadfastness in the faith #1CO 16:13 . With heedfulness #MR 13:33 . With sobriety #1TH 5:6; 1PE 4:7 . At all times #PR 8:34 . In all things #2TI 4:5 - Saints pray to be kept in a state of #PS 141:3 - MOTIVES TO . Expected direction from God #HAB 2:1 . Uncertain time of the coming of Christ #MT 24:42; 25:13; MR 13:35,36 . Incessant assaults of the devil #1PE 5:8 . Liability to temptation #MT 26:41 - Blessedness of #LU 12:37; RE 16:15 - Unfaithful ministers void of #ISA 56:10 - The wicked averse to #1TH 5:7 - Danger of remissness in #MT 24:48-51; 25:5,8,12; RE 3:3 - Illustrated #LU 12:35,36 - Exemplified . David #PS 102:7 . Anna #LU 2:37 . Paul #2CO 11:27 608 Watchmen - Soldiers generally acted as #MT 27:65,66 - Citizens sometimes acted as #NE 7:3 - WERE STATIONED . On watch towers #2KI 9:17; ISA 21:5 . On the walls of cities #ISA 62:6 . In the streets of cities #PS 127:1 . Around the temple in Jerusalem on special occasions #2KI 11:6 - Paraded the streets at night to preserve order #SO 3:3; 5:7 - IN TIME OF DANGER . Increase in number #JER 51:12 . Vigilant night and day #NE 4:9; ISA 21:8 . Reported the approach of all strangers #2SA 18:24-27; 2KI 9:18-20; ISA 21:6,7,9 . Sounded an alarm at the approach of enemies #EZE 33:2,3 - Vigilance of, vain without God's protection #PS 127:1 - Were relieved by turns #NE 7:3 - Danger of sleeping on their posts, referred to #MT 28:13,14 - Neglecting to give warning punished with death #EZE 33:6 - Often interrogated by passengers #ISA 21:11 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of ministers #ISA 5:28; 62:6; EZE 3:17; HEB 13:17 . (Blind,) of careless ministers #ISA 56:10 . (Looking for the morning,) of anxious waiting for God #PS 130:5,6 609 Water - One of the elements of the world #GE 1:2 - GOD ORIGINALLY . Created the firmament to divide #GE 1:6,7 . Collected into one place #GE 1:9 . Created fowls and fishes, etc. from #GE 1:20,21 - Necessary to vegetation #GE 2:5,6; Job 14:9; ISA 1:30 - Some plants particularly require #Job 8:11 - Necessary to the comfort and happiness of man #ISA 41:17; ZEC 9:11 - COLLECTED IN . Springs #JOS 15:19 . Pools #1KI 22:38; NE 2:14 . Ponds #EX 7:19; ISA 19:10 . Fountains #1KI 18:5; 2CH 32:3 . Wells #GE 21:19 . Brooks #2SA 17:20; 1KI 18:5 . Streams #PS 78:16; ISA 35:6 . Rivers #ISA 8:7; JER 2:18 . The sea #GE 1:9,10; ISA 11:9 . The clouds #GE 1:7; Job 26:8,9 - Rises in vapour to the clouds #EC 1:7; PS 104:8 - Drops from the clouds in rain #DE 11:11; 2SA 21:10 - DESCRIBED AS . Fluid #PS 78:16; PR 30:4 . Unstable #GE 49:4 . Penetrating #PS 109:18 . Reflecting images #PR 27:9 . Wearing the hardest substances #Job 14:19 . Cleansing #EZE 36:25; EPH 5:26 . Refreshing #Job 22:7; PR 25:25 - Congealed by cold #Job 38:29; PS 147:16,17 - WAS USED BY JEWS . As their principal beverage #GE 24:43; 1KI 13:19,22; 18:4; HO 2:5 . For culinary purposes #EX 12:9 . For washing the person #GE 18:4; 24:32 . For legal purification #EX 29:4; HEB 9:10,19 - Kept for purification in large waterpots #JOH 2:6 - Carried in vessels #GE 21:14; 1SA 26:11; MR 14:13 - Artificial mode of conveying, into large cities #2KI 20:20 - Frequently brackish and unfit for use #EX 15:23; 2KI 2:19 - The want of, considered a great calamity #EX 17:1-3; NU 20:2; 2KI 3:9,10; ISA 3:1 - In times of scarcity, sold at an enormous price #LA 5:4 - MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH . Turned into blood #EX 7:17,20 . Turned into wine #JOH 2:7-9 . Brought from the rock #EX 17:6; NU 20:11 . Brought from the jaw-bone of an ass #JUD 15:19 . Consumed by fire from heaven #1KI 18:38 . Divided and made to stand on heap #EX 14:21,22; JOS 3:16 . Trenches filled with #2KI 3:17-22 . Iron made to swim in #2KI 6:5,6 . Our Lord, etc. walking on #MT 14:26-29 . Healing powers communicated to #2KI 5:14; JOH 5:4; 9:7 - The world and its inhabitants once destroyed by #GE 7:20-23; 2PE 3:6 - The world not to be again destroyed by #GE 9:8-15; 2PE 3:7 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the support of God #ISA 8:6 . Of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit #ISA 41:17,18; 44:3; EZE 36:25; JOH 7:38,39 . Of persecutors #PS 124:4,5 . Of persecutions #PS 88:17 . Of hostile armies #ISA 8:7; 17:13 . (Still,) of the ordinances of the gospel #PS 23:2 . (Deep,) of severe affliction #PS 66:12; 69:1; ISA 30:20; 43:2 . (Deep,) of counsel in the heart #PR 20:5 . (Deep,) of the words of the wise #PR 18:4 . (Poured out,) of the wrath of God #HO 5:10 . (Poured out,) of faintness by terror #PS 22:14 . (Pouring, out of buckets,) of a numerous progeny #NU 24:7 . (Spilled on the ground,) of death #2SA 14:14 . (Its instability,) of a wavering disposition #GE 49:4 . (Its weakness,) of faintness and cowardice #JOS 7:5; EZE 7:17 . (Difficulty of stopping,) of strife and contention #PR 17:14 . (Rapidly flowing away,) of the career of the wicked #Job 24:18; PS 58:7 . (Many,) of different nations and people #RE 17:1,15; JER 51:13 . (Many,) of a variety of afflictions #2SA 22:17 . (Noise of many,) of the word of Christ #RE 1:15 . (Covering the sea,) of the general diffusion of the knowledge of God #ISA 11:9; HAB 2:14 610 Wave-offering - Placed in the hand of the priest and waved before the Lord #EX 29:24; LE 8:27 - CONSISTED OF . The fat, right shoulder, etc. of the priest's consecration ram #EX 29:22,23; LE 8:25,26 . The breast of the priest's consecration ram #EX 29:26; LE 8:29 . The breast of all peace offerings #LE 7:30; 9:18,21; 6:17,20 . Left shoulder, of Nazarite's peace offering #NU 6:17,19 . The first fruits of barely harvest #LE 23:10,11 . The first fruits of wheaten bread #LE 23:20 . The Jealousy offering #NU 5:25 . The leper's trespass offering #LE 14:12,24 - Of the fat, etc. of the consecration ram burnt on the altar #EX 29:25; LE 8:28 - Was given to the priest as his due #EX 29:26-28; LE 7:31,34; 8:29; 10:15; 23:20; NU 18:11 - Was to be eaten in a holy place by the priest's family #LE 10:14 611 Weeks - A period of time consisting of seven days #LE 23:15,16; LU 18:12 - A space of seven years sometimes so called #GE 29:27,28; DA 9:24,25,27 - Origin of computing time by #GE 2:2 - The feast of pentecost called the feast of weeks #EX 34:22; AC 2:1 612 Weights - Generally regulated by the standard of the sanctuary #EX 30:24 - Sometimes regulated by the king's standard #2SA 14:26 - Were frequently used in scales or balances #Job 31:6; ISA 40:12 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Gerah #EX 30:13; EZE 45:12 . Bekah or half shekel #GE 24:22 . Shekel #EX 30:13; EZE 45:12 . Dram #NE 7:70,71 . Maneh or pound #NE 7:71; EZE 45:12 . Talent #2SA 12:30; RE 16:21 - Value of money estimated according to #GE 23:16; 43:21; JER 32:9 - All metals were given by #EX 37:24; 1CH 28:14 - Provisions were sold by, in times of scarcity #LE 26:26; EZE 4:10,16 - THE JEWS . Forbidden to have various #DE 25:13,14 . Forbidden to have unjust #LE 19:35,36 . Frequently used unjust #MIC 6:11 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of sins #HEB 12:1 . Of the restraints put on the elements #Job 28:25 . (Heavy,) of the exceeding glory reserved for saints #2CO 4:17 613 Wells - First mention of #GE 16:14 - FREQUENTLY MADE . Near encampments #GE 21:30; 26:18 . Outside cities #GE 24:11; JOH 4:6,8 . In the courts of houses #2SA 17:18 . In the desert #2CH 26:10 - Supplied by springs #PR 16:22 - Supplied by the rain #PS 84:6 - Surrounded by trees #GE 49:22; EX 15:27 - Names often given to #GE 16:14; 21:31 - Canaan abounded with #DE 6:11 - Many supplied from Lebanon #SO 4:15 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Beerlahairoi #GE 16:14 . Bethlehem #2SA 23:15; 1CH 11:17,18 . Beer (east of Jordan) #NU 21:16-18 . Beer-sheba #GE 21:30,31 . Elim #EX 15:27 . Esek #GE 26:20 . Hagar #GE 21:19 . Haran #GE 29:3,4 . Jacob #JOH 4:6 . Rehoboth #GE 26:22 . Sitnah #GE 26:21 - Often deep and difficult to draw from #JOH 4:11 - Often covered to prevent their being filled with sand #GE 29:2,3 - Had troughs placed near for watering cattle #GE 24:19,20; EX 2:16 - FREQUENTED BY . Women who came to draw water #GE 24:13,14; JOH 4:7 . Travellers #GE 24:11,13,42; JOH 4:6 - Strangers not to draw from, without permission #NU 20:17 - Water of, frequently sold #NU 20:19 - Were a frequent cause of strife #GE 21:25; 26:21,22; EX 2:16,17 - Were often stopped up by enemies #GE 26:15,18; 2KI 3:19,25 - Often afforded no water #JER 14:3; ZEC 9:11 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the ordinances of the Church #ISA 12:3 . Of the Holy Spirit in saints #SO 4:15; JOH 4:14 . Of the mouth of the righteous #PR 10:11 . Of wisdom and understanding in man #PR 16:22; 18:4 . (A fruitful bough by,) of Joseph's numerous posterity #GE 49:22 . (Drinking from one's own,) of enjoyment of domestic happiness #PR 5:15 . (Without water,) of hypocrites #2PE 2:17 614 Whirlwind - Generally came from the south #Job 37:9; ISA 21:1; ZEC 9:14 - Sometimes came from the north #EZE 1:4 - Called the whirlwind of God #JER 23:19; 30:23 - Arose up from the earth #JER 25:32 - MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH . Elijah taken to heaven in #2KI 2:1,11 . God spoke to Job from #Job 38:1; 40:6 - Frequently continued for a long time #JER 30:23 - Destructive nature of #PR 1:27 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE . Speed with which God executes his purposes #NA 1:3 . Velocity of Christ's second coming #ISA 66:15 . Velocity of the chariots in hostile armies #ISA 5:28; JER 4:13 . Fury of God's judgments #JER 25:32; 30:23 . Sudden destruction of the wicked #PS 58:9; PR 1:27; ISA 17:13; 40:24; 41:16; JER 30:23 . Unavoidable fruit of a life of sin and vanity #HO 8:7 615 Wicked, The, are compared to - Abominable branches #ISA 14:19 - Ashes under the feet #MAL 4:3 - Bad fishes #MT 13:48 - Beasts #PS 49:12; 2PE 2:12 - Blind, The #ZEP 1:17; MT 15:14 - Brass and iron #JER 6:28; EZE 22:18 - Briars and thorns #ISA 55:13; EZE 2:6 - Bulls of Bashan #PS 22:12 - Carcasses trodden under feet #ISA 14:19 - Chaff #Job 21:18; PS 1:4; MT 3:12 - Clouds without water #Jude 1:12 - Corn blasted #2KI 19:26 - Corrupt trees #LU 6:43 - Deaf adders #PS 58:4 - Dogs #PR 26:11; MT 7:6; 2PE 2:22 - Dross #PS 119:119; EZE 22:18,19 - Early dew that passes away #HO 13:3 - Evil figs #JER 24:8 - Fading oaks #ISA 1:30 - Fiery oven #PS 21:9; HO 7:4 - Fire of thorns #PS 118:12 - Fools building upon sand #MT 7:26 - Fuel of fire #ISA 9:19 - Garden without water #ISA 1:30 - Goats #MT 25:32 - Grass #PS 37:2; 92:7 - Grass on the housetop #2KI 19:26 - Green bay-trees #PS 37:35 - Green herbs #PS 37:2 - Heath in the desert #JER 17:6 - Horses rushing into the battle #JER 8:6 - idols #PS 115:8 - Lions greedy of prey #PS 17:12 - Melting wax #PS 68:2 - Morning-clouds #HO 13:3 - Moth-eaten garments #ISA 50:9; 51:8 - Passing whirlwinds #PR 10:25 - Potsherds #PR 26:23 - Raging waves of the sea #Jude 1:13 - Reprobate silver #JER 6:30 - Scorpions #EZE 2:6 - Serpents #PS 58:4; MT 23:33 - Smoke #HO 13:3 - Stony ground #MT 13:5 - Stubble #Job 21:18; MAL 4:1 - Swine #MT 7:6; 2PE 2:22 - Tares #MT 13:38 - Troubled sea #ISA 57:20 - Visions of the night #Job 20:8 - Wandering stars #Jude 1:13 - Wayward children #MT 11:16 - Wells without water #2PE 2:17 - Wheels #PS 83:13 - Whited sepulchres #MT 23:27 - Wild ass's colt #Job 11:12 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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