622 Wives - Not to be selected from among the ungodly #GE 24:3; 26:34,35; 28:1 - DUTIES OF, TO THEIR HUSBANDS . To love them #TIT 2:4 . To reverence them #EPH 5:33 . To be faithful to them #1CO 7:3-5,10 . To be subject to them #GE 3:16; EPH 5:22,24; 1PE 3:1 . To obey them #1CO 14:34; TIT 2:5 . To remain with them for life #RO 7:2,3 - SHOULD BE ADORNED . Not with ornaments #1TI 2:9; 1PE 3:3 . With modesty and sobriety #1TI 2:9 . With a meek and quiet spirit #1PE 3:4,5 . With good works #1TI 2:10; 5:10 - GOOD . Are from the Lord #PR 19:14 . Are a token of the favor of God #PR 18:22 . Are a blessing to husbands #PR 12:4; 31:10,12 . Bring honor on husbands #PR 31:23 . Secure confidence of husbands #PR 31:11 . Are praised by husbands #PR 31:28 . Are diligent and prudent #PR 31:13-27 . Are benevolent to the poor #PR 31:20 . Duty of, to unbelieving husbands #1CO 7:13,14,16; 1PE 3:1,2 . Should be silent in the Churches #1CO 14:34 - Should seek religious instruction from their husbands #1CO 14:35 - Of ministers should be exemplary #1TI 3:11 - Good-Exemplified . Wife of Manoah #JUD 13:10 . Orpah and Ruth #RU 1:4,8 . Abigail #1SA 25:3 . Esther #ES 2:15-17 . Elizabeth #LU 1:6 . Priscilla #AC 18:2,26 . Sarah #1PE 3:6 - Bad-Exemplified . Samson's wife #JUD 14:15-17 . Michal #2SA 6:16 . Jezebel #1KI 21:25 . Zeresh #ES 5:14 . Job's wife #Job 2:9 . Herodias #MR 6:17 . Sapphira #AC 5:1,2 623 Wolf, The - Rapacious nature of #GE 49:27 - Particularly fierce in the evening when it seeks its prey #JER 5:6; HAB 1:8 - Destructive to flocks of sheep #JOH 10:12 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the wicked #MT 10:16; LU 10:3 . Of wicked rulers #EZE 22:27; ZEP 3:3 . Of false teachers #MT 7:15; AC 20:29 . Of the devil #JOH 10:12 . Of the tribe of Benjamin #GE 49:27 . Of fierce enemies #JER 5:6; HAB 1:8 . (Taming of,) of the change effected by conversion #ISA 11:6; 65:25 624 Woman - Origin and cause of the name #GE 2:23 - ORIGINALLY MADE . By God in his own image #GE 1:27 . From one of Adam's ribs #GE 2:21,22 . For man #1CO 11:9 . To be an helpmeet for man #GE 2:18,20 . Subordinate to man #1CO 11:3 . To be the glory of man #1CO 11:7 - Deceived by Satan #GE 3:1-6; 2CO 11:3; 1TI 2:14 - Led man to disobey God #GE 3:6,11,12 - Curse pronounced on #GE 3:16 - Salvation promised through the seed of #GE 3:15; ISA 7:14 - Safety in childbirth promised to the faithful and holy #1TI 2:15 - CHARACTERISED AS . Weaker than man #1PE 3:7 . Timid #ISA 19:16; JER 50:37; 51:30; NA 3:13 . Loving and affectionate #2SA 1:26 . Tender and constant to her offspring #ISA 49:15; LA 4:10 - To wear her hair long as a covering #1CO 11:15 - Good and virtuous, described #PR 31:10-28 - Virtuous, held in high estimation #RU 3:11; PR 31:10,30 - FREQUENTLY . Fond of self-indulgence #ISA 32:9-11 . Subtle and deceitful #PR 7:10; EC 7:26 . Silly and easily led into error #2TI 3:6 . Zealous in promoting superstition and idolatry #JER 7:18; EZE 13:17,23 . Active in instigating to iniquity #NU 31:15,16; 1KI 21:25; NE 13:26 - Generally wore a vail in the presence of the other sex #GE 24:65 - Generally lived in a separated apartment or tent #GE 18:9; 24:67; ES 2:9,11 - Submissive and respectful to husbands #1PE 3:6; GE 18:12 - OF DISTINCTION . Fair and graceful #GE 12:11; 24:16; SO 1:8; AM 8:13 . Haughty in their demeanor #ISA 3:16 . Fond of dress and ornaments #ISA 3:17-23 . Wore their hair plaited and adorned with gold and pearls #ISA 3:24; 1TI 2:9 - Of the poorer classes swarthy from exposure to the sun #SO 1:5,6 - YOUNG . Called maids #EX 2:8; LU 8:51,52 . Called damsels #GE 24:55; MR 5:39 . Called virgins #GE 24:16; LA 1:4 . Gay and merry #JUD 11:34; 21:21; JER 31:13; ZEC 9:17 . Kind and courteous to strangers #GE 24:17 . Fond of ornaments #JER 2:32 . Required to learn from and imitate their elders #TIT 2:4 . Inherited parents' property when there was no male heir #NU 27:8 . Could not marry without consent of parents #GE 24:3,4; 34:6; EX 22:17 . Not to be given in marriage considered a calamity #JUD 11:37; PS 78:63; ISA 4:1 . Often taken captive #LA 1:18; EZE 30:17,18 . Punishment for seducing, when betrothed #DE 22:23-27 . Punishment for seducing when not betrothed #EX 22:16,17; DE 22:28,29 . Often treated with great cruelty in war #DE 32:25; LA 2:21; 5:11 . Of distinction, dressed in robes of various colors #2SA 13:18; PS 45:14 - Were required to hear and obey the law #JOS 8:35 - Had a court of the tabernacle assigned to them #EX 38:8; 1SA 2:2 - Allowed to join in the temple-music from the time of David #1CH 25:5,6; EZR 2:65; NE 7:67 - OFTEN ENGAGED IN . Domestic employments #GE 18:6; PR 31:15 . Agriculture #RU 2:8; SO 1:6 . Tending sheep #GE 29:9; EX 2:16 . Drawing and carrying water #GE 24:11,13,15,16; 1SA 9:11; JOH 4:7 . Grinding corn #MT 24:41; LU 17:35 . Spinning #PR 31:13,14 . Embroidery #PR 31:22 . Celebrating the victories of the nation #EX 15:20,21; JUD 11:34; 1SA 18:6,7 . Attending funerals as mourners #JER 9:17,20 - Vows of, when married not binding upon the husband #NU 30:6-8 - Unfaithfulness of, when married found out by the waters of jealousy #NU 5:14-28 - Punishment for injuring, when with child #EX 21:22-25 - To be governed by, considered a calamity by the Jews #ISA 3:12 - To be slain by, considered a great disgrace #JUD 9:54 - Considered a valuable booty in war #DE 20:14; 1SA 30:2 - Often treated with great cruelty in war #2KI 8:12; LA 5:11; EZE 9:6; HO 13:16 - ILLUSTRATIVE . (Gloriously arrayed,) of the Church of Christ #PS 45:13; GA 4:26; RE 12:1 . (Delicate,) of backsliding Israel #JER 6:2 . (Chaste and holy,) of saints #SO 1:3; 2CO 11:2; RE 14:4 . (Lewd,) of the Roman apostasy #RE 17:4,18 . (Wise,) of saints #MT 25:1,2,4 . (Foolish,) of mere professors #MT 25:1-3 . (At ease and careless,) of a state of carnal security #ISA 32:9,11 . (Forsaken,) of Israel in her captivity #ISA 54:6 625 Works, Good - Christ, an example of #JOH 10:32; AC 10:38 - CALLED . Good fruits #JAS 3:17 . Fruits meet for repentance #MT 3:8 . Fruits of righteousness #PHP 1:11 . Works and labors of love #HEB 6:10 - Are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God #PHP 1:11 - They alone, who abide in Christ can perform #JOH 15:4,5 - Wrought by God in us #ISA 26:12; PHP 2:13 - The Scripture designed to lead us to #2TI 3:16,17; JAS 1:25 - To be performed in Christ's name #COL 3:17 - Heavenly wisdom is full of #JAS 3:17 - Justification unattainable by #RO 3:20; GA 2:16 - Salvation unattainable by #EPH 2:8,9; 2TI 1:9; TIT 3:5 - SAINTS . Created in Christ to #EPH 2:10 . Exhorted to put on #COL 3:12-14 . Are full of #AC 9:36 . Are zealous of #TIT 2:14 . Should be furnished to all #2TI 3:17 . Should be rich in #1TI 6:18 . Should be careful to maintain #TIT 3:8,14 . Should be established in #2TH 2:17 . Should be fruitful in #COL 1:10 . Should be perfect in #HEB 13:21 . Should be prepared to all #2TI 2:21 . Should abound to all #2CO 9:8 . Should be ready to all #TIT 3:1 . Should manifest, with meekness #JAS 3:13 . Should provoke each other #HEB 10:24 . Should avoid ostentation in #MT 6:1-18 . Bring to the light their #JOH 3:21 . Followed into rest by their #RE 14:13 - Holy women should manifest #1TI 2:10; 5:10 - God remembers #NE 13:14; HEB 6:9,10 - Shall be brought into the judgment #EC 12:14; 2CO 5:10 - In the judgment, will be an evidence of faith #MT 25:34-40; JAS 2:14-20 - MINISTERS SHOULD . Be patterns of #TIT 2:7 . Exhort to #1TI 6:17,18; TIT 3:1,8,14 . God is glorified by #JOH 15:8 . Designed to lead others to glorify God #MT 5:16; 1PE 2:12 . A blessing attends #JAS 1:25 . The wicked reprobate to #TIT 1:16 . Illustrated #JOH 15:5 626 Years - The sun and moon appointed to mark out #GE 1:14 - Early computation of time by #GE 5:3 - DIVIDED INTO . Seasons #GE 8:22 . Months #GE 7:11; 1CH 27:1 . Weeks #DA 9:27; LU 18:12 . Days #GE 25:7; ES 9:27 - Length of, during the patriarchal age #GE 7:11; 8:13; 7:24; 8:3 - Commencement of, changed after the exodus #EX 12:2 - REMarkABLE . Sabbatical #LE 25:4 . Jubilee #LE 25:11 - In prophetic computation, days reckoned as #DA 12:11,12 - ILLUSTRATIVE . (Coming to,) of manhood #HEB 11:24 . (Well stricken in,) of old age #LU 1:7 . (Being full of,) of old age #GE 25:8 . (Acceptable,) of the time of the gospel #ISA 61:2; LU 4:19 . (Of the right hand of the Most High,) of prosperity #PS 77:10 . (Of the redeemed,) of redemption by Christ #ISA 63:4 . (Of visitation,) of severe judgments #JER 11:23; 23:12 . (Of recompences,) of judgments #ISA 34:8 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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