601 Visions - God often made known his will by #PS 89:19 - God especially made himself known to prophets by #NU 12:6 - OFTEN ACCOMPANIED . A representative of the divine person and glory #ISA 6:1 . An audible voice from heaven #GE 15:1; 1SA 3:4,5 . An appearance of angels #LU 1:22,11; 24:23; AC 10:3 . An appearance of human beings #AC 9:12; 16:9 - Frequently difficult and perplexing to those who received them #DA 7:15; 8:15; AC 10:17 - OFTEN COMMUNICATED . In the night season #GE 46:2; DA 2:19 . In a trance #NU 24:16; AC 11:5 - Often recorded for the benefit of the people #HAB 2:2 - Often multiplied for the benefit of the people #HO 12:10 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . To Abraham #GE 15:1 . To Jacob #GE 46:2 . To Moses #EX 3:2,3; AC 7:30-32 . To Samuel #1SA 3:2-15 . To Nathan #2SA 7:4,17 . To Eliphaz #Job 4:13-16 . To Isaiah #ISA 6:1-8 . To Ezekiel (See chapters 10, 40-48 of Ezekiel) #EZE 1:4-14; 8:2-14; 11:24,25; 37:1-10 . To Nebuchadnezzar #DA 2:28; DA 4:5 . To Daniel (See chapters 7, 8, and 10 of Daniel) #DA 2:19 . To Amos #AM 7:1-9; 8:1-6; 9:1 . To Zechariah #ZEC 1:8; 3:1; 4:2; 5:2; 6:1 . To Paul #AC 9:3,6; 16:9; 18:9; 22:18; 27:23; 2CH 12:1-4 . To Ananias #AC 9:10,11 . To Cornelius #AC 10:3 . To Peter #AC 10:9-17 . To John (See also Rev chapters 4 - 22) #RE 1:12 - Sometimes withheld for a long season #1SA 3:1 - The withholding of a great calamity #PR 29:18; LA 2:9 - False prophets pretended to have seen #JER 14:14; 23:16 - The prophets of God skilled in interpreting #2CH 26:5; DA 1:17 602 Vows - Solemn promises made to God #PS 76:11 - WERE MADE IN REFERENCE TO . Devoting the person to God #NU 6:2 . Dedicating children to God #1SA 1:11 . Devoting property to God #GE 28:22 . Offering sacrifices #LE 7:16; 22:18,22; NU 15:3 . Afflicting the soul #NU 30:13 - To be voluntary #DE 23:21,22 - To be performed faithfully #NU 30:2 - To be performed without delay #DE 23:21,23 - Danger of inconsiderately making #PR 20:25 - Of children void without the consent of parents #NU 30:3-5 - Of married women void without consent of husbands #NU 30:6-8,10-13 - Of widows and women divorced from their husbands binding #NU 30:9 - Of wives, could only be objected to at the time of making #NU 30:14,15 - Might be redeemed by paying a suitable compensation #LE 27:1-8,11-23 - Clean beasts the subjects of, not to be redeemed #LE 27:9,10 - RECORDED IN SCRIPTURE . Of Jacob #GE 28:20-22; 31:13 . Of Israelites #NU 21:2 . Of Jephthah #JUD 11:30,31 . Of Hannah #1SA 1:1 . Of Elkanah #1SA 1:24 . Of David #PS 132:2-5 . Of mariners who cast out Jonah #JON 1:16 . Of Jonah #JON 2:9 . Of Lemuel's mother #PR 31:1,2 . Of Paul #AC 18:18 . Of certain Jews with Paul #AC 21:23,24,26 - All things dedicated by, to be brought to the tabernacle #DE 12:6,11,17,18,26 - Of things corrupt or blemished an insult to God #LE 22:23; MAL 1:14 - The hire of a prostitute or price of a dog could not be the subject of #DE 23:18 603 Waiting Upon God - As the God of providence #JER 14:22 - As the God of salvation #PS 25:5 - As the Giver of all temporal blessings #PS 104:27,28; PS 145:15,16 - FOR . Mercy #PS 123:2 . Pardon #PS 39:7,8 . The comfort of Israel #LU 2:25 . Salvation #GE 49:18; PS 62:1,2 . Guidance and teaching #PS 25:5 . Protection #PS 33:20; 59:9,10 . The fulfillment of His word #HAB 2:3 . The fulfillment of His promises #AC 1:4 . Hope of righteous by faith #GA 5:5 . Coming of Christ #1CO 1:7; 1TH 1:10 - Is good #PS 52:9 - God calls us to #ZEP 3:8 - Exhortations and encouragements to #PS 27:14; 37:7; HO 12:6 - SHOULD BE . With the soul #PS 62:1,5 . With earnest desire #PS 130:6 . With patience #PS 37:7; 40:1 . With resignation #LA 3:26 . With hope in His word #PS 130:5 . With full confidence #MIC 7:7 . Continually #HO 12:6 . All the day #PS 25:5 . Specially in adversity #PS 59:1-9; ISA 8:17 . In the way of His judgments #ISA 26:8 - Saints resolve on #PS 52:9; 59:9 - Saints have expectation from #PS 62:5 - Saints plead, in prayer #PS 25:21; ISA 33:2 - The patience of saints often tried in #PS 69:3 - THEY WHO ENGAGE IN . Wait upon Him only #PS 62:5 . Are heard #PS 40:1 . Are blessed #ISA 30:18; DA 12:12 . Experience His goodness #LA 3:25 . Shall not be ashamed #PS 25:3; ISA 49:23 . Shall renew their strength #ISA 40:31 . Shall inherit the earth #PS 37:9 . Shall be saved #PR 20:22; ISA 25:9 . Shall rejoice in salvation #ISA 25:9 . Shall receive the glorious things prepared by God for them #ISA 64:4 - Predicted of the Gentiles #ISA 42:4; 60:9 - Illustrated #PS 123:2; LU 12:36; JAS 5:7 - Exemplified . Jacob #GE 49:18 . Hannah #1SA 1:2 . David #PS 39:7 . Isaiah #ISA 8:17 . Micah #MIC 7:7 . Joseph #MR 15:43 604 Walls - Designed for separation #EZE 43:8; EPH 2:14 - Designed for defence #1SA 25:16 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Of cities #NU 13:28 . Of temples #1CH 29:4; ISA 56:5 . Of houses #1SA 18:11 . Of vineyards #NU 22:24; PR 24:31 - Frequently made of stone and wood together #EZR 5:8; HAB 2:11 - Were probably often strengthened with plates of iron or brass #JER 15:20; EZE 4:3 - OF CITIES . Often very high #DE 1:28; 3:5 . Strongly fortified #ISA 2:15; 25:12 . Had towers built on them #2CH 26:9; 32:5; PS 48:12; SO 8:10 . Houses often built on #JOS 2:15 . Were broad and places of public resort #2KI 6:26,30; PS 55:10 . Were strongly manned in war #2KI 18:26 . Kept by watchmen night and day #SO 5:7; ISA 62:6 . Houses sometimes broken down to repair, and fortify #ISA 22:10 . Danger of approaching too near to, in time of war #2SA 11:20,21 . Were battered by besieging armies #2SA 20:15; EZE 4:2,3 . Adroitness of soldiers in scaling alluded to #JOE 2:7-9 . Sometimes burned #JER 49:27; AM 1:7 . Frequently laid in ruins #2CH 25:23; 36:19; JER 50:15 . Destruction of, a punishment and cause of grief #DE 28:52; NE 1:3; 2:12-17 . The falling of, sometimes occasioned great destruction #1KI 20:30 . The bodies of enemies sometimes fastened on, as a disgrace #1SA 31:10 . Custom of dedicating #NE 12:27 . idolatrous rites performed on #2KI 3:27 . Instances of persons let down from #JOS 2:15; AC 9:24,25; 2CO 11:33 - Small towns and villages were not surrounded by #LE 25:31; DE 3:5 - OF HOUSES . Usually plastered #EZE 13:10; DA 5:5 . Had nails or pegs fastened into them when built #EC 12:11; ISA 22:23 . Liable to leprosy #LE 14:37 . Often infested with serpents #AM 5:19 . Could be easily dug through #GE 49:6; EZE 8:7,8; 12:5 . The seat next, was the place of distinction #1SA 20:25 - Hyssop frequently grew on #1KI 4:33 - MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH . Falling of the walls of Jericho #JOS 6:20 . Handwriting on the wall of Belshazzar's palace #DA 5:5,25-28 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of salvation #ISA 26:1; 60:18 . Of the protection of God #ZEC 2:5 . Of those who afford protection #1SA 25:16; ISA 2:15 . Of the Church as a protection to the nation #SO 8:9,10 . Of ordinances as a protection to the Church #SO 2:9; ISA 5:5 . Of the wealth of the rich in his own conceit #PR 18:11 . (Brazen,) of prophets in their testimony against the wicked #JER 15:20 . (Bowing or tottering,) of the wicked under judgments #PS 62:3; ISA 30:13 . (Of partition,) of separation of Jews and Gentiles #EPH 2:14 . (Daubed with untempered mortar,) of the teaching of false prophets #EZE 13:10-15 . (Whited,) of hypocrites #AC 23:3 605 War - Antiquity of #GE 14:2 - Originates in the lusts of men #JAS 4:1 - A time for #EC 3:8 - GOD . Frequently ordered #EX 17:16; NU 31:1,2; DE 7:1,2; 1SA 15:1-3 . Taught His people the art of #2SA 22:35 . Strengthens His people for #LE 26:7,8 . Gives the victory in #NU 21:3; DE 2:33; 3:3; 2SA 23:10; PR 21:31 . Causes to cease #PS 46:9 . Scatters those who delight in #PS 68:30 - Large armies frequently engaged in #2CH 13:3; 14:9 - Weapons used in #JOS 1:14; JUD 18:11 - PRECEDED BY . Consultation #LU 14:31; PR 24:6 . Great preparation #JOE 3:9 . Rumors #JER 4:19; MT 24:6 - Frequently long continued #2SA 3:1 - Frequently sore and bloody #1SA 14:22; 1CH 5:22; 2CH 14:13; 28:6 - OFTEN ATTENDED BY . Famine #ISA 51:19; JER 14:15; LA 5:10 . Pestilence #JER 27:13; 28:8 . Cruelty #JER 18:21; LA 5:11-14 . Devastation #ISA 1:7 - Records often kept of #NU 21:14 - Often sent as a punishment for sin #JUD 5:8 - THE JEWS . Were expert in #1CH 12:33,35,36; SO 3:8 . Frequently engaged in (See Joshua chapters 6 through 11) #1KI 14:30; 15:7,16 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Our contest with death #EC 8:8 . The contest of saints with the enemies of their salvation #RO 7:23; 2CO 10:3; EPH 6:12; 1TI 1:18 . The contest between Antichrist and the Church #RE 11:7; 13:4,7 . The malice of the wicked #PS 55:21 606 Warfare of Saints - Is not after the flesh #2CO 10:3 - Is a good warfare #1TI 1:18,19 - Called the good fight of faith #1TI 6:12 - IS AGAINST . The devil #GE 3:15; 2CO 2:11; EPH 6:12; JAS 4:7; 1PE 5:8; RE 12:17 . The flesh #RO 7:23; 1CO 9:25-27; 2CO 12:7; GA 5:17; 1PE 2:11 . Enemies #PS 38:19; 56:2; 59:3 . The world #JOH 16:33; 1JO 5:4,5 . Death #1CO 15:26; HEB 2:14,15 - Often arises from the opposition of friends or relatives #MIC 7:6; MT 10:35,36 - TO BE CARRIED ON . Under Christ, as our captain #HEB 2:10 . Under the Lord's banner #PS 60:4 . With faith #1TI 1:18,19 . With a good conscience #1TI 1:18,19 . With steadfastness in the faith #1CO 16:13; 1PE 5:9; HEB 10:23 . With earnestness #Jude 1:3 . With watchfulness #1CO 16:13; 1PE 5:8 . With sobriety #1TH 5:6; 1PE 5:8 . With endurance or hardness #2TI 2:3,10 . With self-denial #1CO 9:25-27 . With confidence in God #PS 27:1-3 . With prayer #PS 35:1-3; EPH 6:18 . Without earthly entanglements #2TI 2:4 - Mere professors do not maintain #JER 9:3 - SAINTS . Are all engaged in #PHP 1:30 . Must stand firm in #EPH 6:13,14 . Exhorted to diligence #1TI 6:12; Jude 1:3 . Encouraged in #ISA 41:11,12; 51:12; MIC 7:8; 1JO 4:4 . Helped by God in #PS 118:13; ISA 41:13,14 . Protected by God in #PS 140:7 . Comforted by God in #2CO 7:5,6 . Strengthened by God in #PS 20:2; 27:14; ISA 41:10 . Strengthened by Christ in #2CO 12:9; 2TI 4:17 . Delivered by Christ in #2TI 4:18 . Thank God for victory in #RO 7:25; 1CO 15:57 - ARMOUR FOR . Girdle of truth #EPH 6:14 . Breastplate of righteousness #EPH 6:14 . Preparation of the gospel #EPH 6:15 . Shield of faith #EPH 6:16 . Helmet of salvation #EPH 6:17; 1TH 5:8 . Sword of the Spirit #EPH 6:17 . Called armor of God #EPH 6:11 . Called armor of righteousness #2CO 6:7 . Called armor of light #RO 13:12 . Not carnal #2CO 10:4 . Mighty through God #2CO 10:4,5 . The whole, is required #EPH 6:13 . Must be put on #RO 13:12; EPH 6:11 . To be on right hand and left #2CO 6:7 - VICTORY IN, IS . From God #1CO 15:57; 2CO 2:14 . Through Christ #RO 7:25; 1CO 15:27; 2CO 12:9; RE 12:11 . By faith #HEB 11:33-37; 1JO 5:4,5 . Over the devil #RO 16:20; 1JO 2:14 . Over the flesh #RO 7:24,25; GA 5:24 . Over the world #1JO 5:4,5 . Over all that exalts itself #2CO 10:5 . Over death and the grave #ISA 25:8; 26:19; HO 13:14; 1CO 15:54,55 . Triumphant #RO 8:37; 2CO 10:5 - THEY WHO OVERCOME IN, SHALL . Eat of the hidden manna #RE 2:17 . Eat of the tree of life #RE 2:7 . Be clothed in white raiment #RE 3:5 . Be pillars in the temple of God #RE 3:12 . Sit with Christ in his throne #RE 3:21 . Have a white stone, and, in it a new name written #RE 2:17 . Have power over the nations #RE 2:26 . Have the name of God written upon them by Christ #RE 3:12 . Have God as their God #RE 21:7 . Have the morning-star #RE 2:28 . Inherit all things #RE 21:7 . Be confessed by Christ before God the Father #RE 3:5 . Be sons of God #RE 21:7 . Not be hurt by the second death #RE 2:11 . Not have their names blotted out of the book of life #RE 3:5 - Illustrated #ISA 9:5; ZEC 10:5 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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