0056 ABSALOM -Also called ABISHALOM -Son of David by Maacah 2SA 3:3; 1CH 3:2 -Beauty of 2SA 14:25 -Kills Amnon 2SA 13:22-29 -Flees to Geshur 2SA 13:37,38 -Is permitted by David to return to Jerusalem 2SA 14:1-24 -His demagogism 2SA 15:2-6,13 -Conspiracy 2SA 15:17 -Death and burial 2SA 18:9-17 -David's mourning for 2SA 18:33; 19:1-8 -Children of 2SA 14:27; 18:18; 1KI 15:2; 2CH 11:20 -Pillar of 2SA 18:18 0057 ABSTEMIOUSNESS -General scriptures concerning PR 23:1-3 -INSTANCES OF .Daniel and his Hebrew companions DA 1:8-16 .John the Baptist MT 11:19 .See ABSTINENCE » 0058 .See TEMPERANCE » 4860 0058 ABSTINENCE, TOTAL -FROM INTOXICATING BEVERAGES LE 10:8-10; NU 6:3,4; JUD 13:4,13,14; ES 1:8; PR 23:20,31,32; 31:4; JER 35:6-8,14; LU 1:15 -INSTANCES OF .Israelites in the wilderness DE 29:6 .Samson JUD 16:17; with 13:3-5,13,14; NU 6:3,4 .Daniel DA 1:8,12 .Rechabites JER 35:6-14 .John the Baptist MT 11:18; LU 1:15; 7:33 .See TEMPERANCE » 4860 0059 ACCAD -A city conquered by Nimrod GE 10:10 0060 ACCESSORY -See COMPLICITY » 1174 0061 ACCHO -Also called PTOLEMAIS, a town of Phoenicia JUD 1:31; AC 21:7 0062 ACCOMPLICE -See COMPLICITY » 1174 0063 ACCOUNTABILITY -See RESPONSIBILITY » 4132 0064 ACCURSED -What so called DE 21:23; JOS 6:17; 7:1; 1CH 2:7; ISA 65:20; GA 1:8 0065 ACCUSATION, FALSE -General scriptures concerning EX 23:1,7; LE 19:16; PS 41:5-9; MT 5:11; LU 3:14; 2TI 3:3; 1PE 4:14 -See CONSPIRACY » 1204 -See EVIDENCE » 1741 -See FALSE WITNESS » 1789 -See PERSECUTION » 3811 -See SPEAKING, EVIL » 4661 -See TALEBEARER » 4799 -INCIDENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF .Against Joseph by Potiphar's wife GE 39:7-20 .Against Joseph's brethren by Joseph GE 42:9-14 .Against Moses by Korah NU 16:3,13 .Against the prophet Ahimelech by Saul 1SA 22:11-16 .Against Abner by Joab 2SA 3:24-27 .Against David by the princes of Ammon 2SA 10:3 .Against Elijah by Ahab 1KI 18:17,18 .Against Naboth by Jezebel 1KI 21:10,13 .Against Jews, returned under Ezra EZR 4:6-16; NE 6:6-8 .Against Jeremiah JER 26:8,11; 37:13,14; 43:2,3 .Against Amos AM 7:10,11 .Against Mary MT 1:19 .Against Jesus MT 9:34; 10:25; 12:2-14; 26:59-61; MR 3:22; 14:53-65; LU 23:2; JOH 18:30 .Against Stephen AC 6:11,13 .Against Paul AC 17:7; 21:28; 24:5,6,13; 25:2,7; RO 3:8 .Against Paul and Silas AC 16:20,21 .Satan falsely accuses Job Job 1:9,10; 2:4,5 0066 ACELDAMA -The field of blood MT 27:8; AC 1:19 0067 ACHAIA -(A region of Greece) -Paul visits AC 18; 19:21; RO 16:5; 1CO 16:15; 2CO 1:1 -Benevolence of the Christians in RO 15:26; 2CO 9:2; 11:10 0068 ACHAICUS -A citizen of Corinth 1CO 16:17,18 0069 ACHAN -Sin and punishment of JOS 7; 22:20; 1CH 2:7 0070 ACHAZ -See AHAZ » 0151 0071 ACHBOR -1. Father of King Baal-hanan GE 36:39; 1CH 1:49 -2. Or ABDON. One of Josiah's courtiers 2KI 22:14; 2CH 34:20 -3. Father of Elnathan JER 26:22; 36:12,25 0072 ACHIM -Ancestor of Jesus MT 1:14 0073 ACHISH -(King of the Philistines, also called ABIMELECH) -David escapes to 1SA 21:10-15; 27; 28:1,2; 29; 1KI 2:39,40 0074 ACHMETHA -A Persian city EZR 6:2 0075 ACHOR -A valley near Jericho JOS 7:26; 15:7; ISA 65:10; HO 2:15 0076 ACHSAH -Caleb's daughter JOS 15:16-19; JUD 1:9-13 -Called ACHSA 1CH 2:49 0077 ACHSHAPH -An ancient city in North Palestine JOS 11:1; 12:20; 19:25 0078 ACHZIB -1. A city of Asher JOS 19:29; JUD 1:31 -2. Also called CHEZIB, a city of Judah GE 38:5; JOS 15:44 0079 ACRE -The indefinite quantity of land a yoke of oxen could plow in a day, with the kinds of plows, and modes of plowing, used in the times referred to 1SA 14:14; ISA 5:10 0080 ACROSTIC POETRY -See POETRY » 3907 0081 ACTIONS AT LAW -Duty of defendant MT 5:40 -See ADJUDICATION » 0101 -See ARBITRATION » 0362 0082 ADADAH -A city of Judah JOS 15:22 0083 ADAH -1. Wife of Lamech GE 4:19-23 -2. Wife of Esau GE 36:10-12 0084 ADAIAH -1. Grandfather of Josiah 2KI 22:1 -2. A musician 1CH 6:41 -3. A priest 1CH 9:12; NE 11:12 -4. A Benjamite 1CH 8:21 -5. Father of Maaseiah 2CH 23:1 -6. Two sons of Bani EZR 10:29,39 -7. Son of Joiarib NE 11:5 0085 ADALIA -Son of Haman ES 9:8 0086 ADAM -1. The first man. Creation of GE 1:26-28; 2:7; 1CO 15:45; 1TI 2:13 .History of, before he sinned GE 1:26-30; 2:16-25 .Temptation and sin of GE 3; Job 31:33; ISA 43:27; HO 6:7 .See R. V.) RO 5:14-21; 1TI 2:14 .Subsequent history of GE 3:20-24; 4:1,2,25; 5:1-5 .His death GE 5:5 .Progenitor of the human race DE 32:8; MAL 2:10 .Brought sin into the world 1CO 15:22,45 .Type of Christ RO 5:14 -2. A name of Christ 1CO 15:45,47 -3. A city near the Jordan JOS 3:16 0087 ADAMAH -Also called ADAMI, a city of Naphtali JOS 19:33,36 0088 ADAMANT -A flint EZE 3:9; ZEC 7:12 -See DIAMOND » 1403 0089 ADAMI -See ADAMAH » 0087 0090 ADAR -1. Twelfth month in Jewish calendar EZR 6:15; ES 3:7; 8:12; 9:1 -2. Son of Bela 1CH 8:3 -3. ADAR .See HAZAR-ADAR » 2237 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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