0091 ADBEEL -Son of Ishmael GE 25:13; 1CH 1:29 0092 ADDAN -Also called ADDON, uncertain whether person or town EZR 2:59; NE 7:61 0093 ADDER -A venomous serpent GE 49:17; PS 91:13; 58:4; 140:3; PR 23:32 0094 ADDON -See ADDAN » 0092 0095 ADER -A Benjamite 1CH 8:15 0096 ADIEL -1. A man of the tribe of Simeon 1CH 4:36 -2. A priest 1CH 9:12 -3. Father of Azmaveth 1CH 27:25 0097 ADIN -A Jewish captive EZR 2:15; 8:6; NE 7:20 0098 ADINA -One of David's heroes 1CH 11:42 0099 ADINO -One of David's valiant men 2SA 23:8 0100 ADITHAIM -A city of Judah JOS 15:36 0101 ADJUDICATION AT LAW -TO BE AVOIDED PR 17:14; 20:3; 25:8-10; MT 5:25 -See ACTIONS AT LAW » 0081 -See ARBITRATION » 0362 -See COMPROMISE » 1175 -See COURTS » 1251 -See JUSTICE » 2890 0102 ADLAI -Father of Shaphat 1CH 27:29 0103 ADMAH -A city in the vale of Siddim GE 10:19; 14:2; DE 29:23; HO 11:8 0104 ADMATHA -A Persian prince ES 1:14 0105 ADMONITION -See WICKED, WARNED » 5141 0106 ADNA -1. A son of Pahath-Moab EZR 10:30 -2. A priest NE 12:15 0107 ADNAH -1. One of David's captains 1CH 12:20 -2. A military chief 2CH 17:14 0108 ADONI-BEZEK -King of Bezek JUD 1:4-7 0109 ADONIJAH -1. Son of David and Haggith 2SA 3:4; 1KI 1:5,6; 1CH 3:2 .Usurpation of, and downfall 1KI 1 .Executed by Solomon 1KI 2:13-25 -2. A Levite 2CH 17:8 -3. ADONIJAH .See ADONIKAM » 0110 0110 ADONIKAM -Also called ADONIJAH, a Jew who returned with Ezra from Babylon EZR 2:13; NE 7:18; 10:16 0111 ADONIRAM -Also called ADORAM, a tax gatherer 2SA 20:24; 1KI 4:6; 5:14; 12:18 0112 ADONI-ZEDEK -A king of Jerusalem JOS 10:1-27 0113 ADOPTION -General scriptures concerning GE 15:3 -OF CHILDREN. INSTANCES OF .Of Joseph's sons GE 48:5,14,16,22 .Of Moses EX 2:5-10; AC 7:21; HEB 11:24 .Of Esther ES 2:7 -SPIRITUAL EX 4:22,23; NU 6:27; DE 14:1; 26:18; 27:9; 28:10; 32:5,6; 2SA 7:14; 1CH 22:10; 28:6; 2CH 7:14; PR 14:26; ISA 8:18; 43:6,7; 63:8,16; JER 3:19; 31:9,20; HO 1:9; 11:1; MT 5:9,45; 13:43; LU 6:35; JOH 1:12,13; 11:52; AC 15:17; RO 8:14-19,21,29; 9:8,26; 2CO 6:17; GA 3:26,29; 4:5-7; EPH 1:5; 2:19; 3:6,15; PHP 2:15; HEB 1:5; 2:10,13; 12:6,7,9; 1JO 3:1,2,10; 4:4; RE 21:7 -TYPIFIED, in Israel EX 4:22 .See GOD, FATHERHOOD OF » 2043 .See RIGHTEOUS, UNION OF, WITH CHRIST » 4167 0114 ADORAIM -A city of Judah 2CH 11:9 0115 ADORAM -1. Officer over the tribute 2SA 20:24 -2. See ADONIRAM 0116 ADRAMMELECH -1. An Assyrian idol 2KI 17:31 -2. Son of Sennacherib 2KI 19:37; ISA 37:38 0117 ADRAMYTTIUM -A city of Mysia AC 27:2 0118 ADRIA -Sea of AC 27:27 0119 ADRIEL -Saul's son-in-law 1SA 18:19; 2SA 21:8,9 0120 ADULLAM -1. A cave near the Dead Sea .David takes refuge in 1SA 22:1; 2SA 23:13; 1CH 11:15 .See titles of PS 57; 142 -2. An ancient city of Canaan GE 38:1; JOS 12:15; 15:35; 2CH 11:7; NE 11:30; MIC 1:15 0121 ADULTERY -General scriptures concerning GE 20:3; 2SA 12:14; Job 24:15-18; 31:1,9-12; PR 2:16-19; 5:3-22; 6:24-29,32,33; 7:5-23; 9:13-18; 22:14; 23:27,28; 29:3; 30:18-20; 31:3; ISA 57:3,4; JER 3:1; 5:7,8; 7:9,10; 23:10; EZE 18:5,6; HO 4:1,2,11; MT 5:28,32; 15:19; 19:9; MR 7:21; 10:11,12,19; LU 16:18; AC 15:20,29; RO 1:28,29,32; 7:3; 1CO 5:9,10; 6:15-18; 10:8; 2CO 12:21; GA 5:19,21; 1TI 1:9,10; 2TI 3:6; JAS 2:11; 1PE 4:3,4; 2PE 2:9,10,14; Jude 1:7; RE 2:20-22; 9:21 -See LASCIVIOUSNESS » 2999 -See RAPE » 4060 -See SENSUALITY » 4332 -See SODOMY » 4636 -See WHORE » 5138 -See WHOREDOM » 5139 -FORBIDDEN EX 20:14; LE 18:20; 19:29; DE 5:18; 23:17; MT 5:27; 19:18; LU 18:20; AC 15:20; RO 13:9,13; 1CO 5:9-11; 6:13,15,18; 10:8; EPH 4:17,19,20; 5:3,11,12; COL 3:5; 1TH 4:3-5,7; JAS 2:11 -FORGIVENESS OF. INSTANCES OF JUD 19:1-4; JOH 8:10,11 -PENALTIES FOR GE 20:7; 26:11; 38:24; EX 22:16,17; LE 19:20-22; 20:10-12; 21:9; NU 5:11-29; DE 22:13-29; 27:20,22,23; 2SA 12:10-12; JER 29:22,23; EZE 16:38,40,41; 23:45,47,48; MAL 2:5; JOH 8:4,5; 1CO 5:1-13; 6:9,10; 10:8; GA 5:19,21; EPH 5:5,6; HEB 13:4; RE 18:9,10; 21:8; 22:15 -FIGURATIVE JER 3:2; EZE 16:15,16; HO 1 .See WHOREDOM » 5139 .See IDOLATRY » 2460 -INSTANCES OF .Sodomites GE 19:5-8 .Lot GE 19:31-38 .Shechem GE 34:2 .Reuben GE 35:22 .Judah GE 38:1-24 .Potiphar's wife GE 39:7-12 .The Levite's concubine JUD 19:2 .The Gibeahites JUD 19:22-25 .Gilead JUD 11:1 .Samson JUD 16:1 .Sons of Eli 1SA 2:22 .David 2SA 11:1-5 .Amnon 2SA 13:1-20 .Absalom 2SA 16:22 .Israelites EX 32:6,25; JER 29:23; EZE 22:9-11; 33:26; HO 7:4 .Herod MT 14:3,4; MR 6:17,18; LU 3:19 .The Samaritan woman JOH 4:17,18 .The woman brought to Jesus in the temple JOH 8:4-11 .Corinthians 1CO 5:1-5 .Heathen EPH 4:17-19; 1PE 4:3 0122 ADUMMIM -A place on the road leading from the fords of the Jordan to Jerusalem JOS 15:7; 18:17 0123 ADVENT -See JESUS, SECOND COMING OF » 2780 -See MILLENNIUM » 3373 0124 ADVICE -See COUNSEL » 1246 0125 ADVOCATE -Tertullus AC 24:1-9 -FIGURATIVE 1JO 2:1 0126 AENEAS -Healed AC 9:33,34 0127 AENON -See ENON » 1654 0128 AFFECTIONS -Should be supremely set upon God DE 6:5; MR 12:30 -Should be set upon the commandments of God PS 19:8-10; 119:20,97,103,167 -Should be set upon the house and worship of God 1CH 29:3; PS 26:8; 27:4; 84:1,2 -Should be set upon the people of God PS 16:3; RO 12:10; 2CO 7:13-16; 1TH 2:8 -Should be set upon heavenly things COL 3:1,2 -Should be zealously engaged for God PS 69:9; 119:139; GA 4:18 -Christ claims the first place in MT 10:37; LU 14:26 -Enkindled by communion with Christ LU 24:32 -Blessedness of making God the object of PS 91:14 -Should not grow cold PS 106:12,13; MT 24:12; GA 4:15; RE 2:4 -Of saints, supremely set on God PS 42:1; 73:25; 119:10 -Of the wicked, not sincerely set on God ISA 58:1,2; EZE 33:31,32; LU 8:13 -Carnal, should be mortified RO 8:13; 13:14; 1CO 9:27; COL 3:5; 1TH 4:5 -Carnal affections crucified in saints RO 6:6; GA 5:24 -False teachers seek to captivate GA 1:10; 4:17; 2TI 3:6; 2PE 2:3,18; RE 2:14,20 -Of the wicked, are unnatural and perverted RO 1:31; 2TI 3:3; 2PE 2:10 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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