0034 ABIHUD -Also called AHIHUD, son of Bela 1CH 8:3 0035 ABIJAH -1. Son of Jeroboam 1KI 14:1-18 -2. ABIJAH .See ABIAH » 0022 .See ABIJAM » 0036 0036 ABIJAM -Also called ABIJAH and ABIA -King of Judah 1KI 14:31; 15:1; 2CH 12:16 -History of 1KI 15:1-8; 2CH 11:22; 13 -Succeeded by Asa 1KI 15:8; 2CH 14:1 0037 ABILENE -A Roman province in Palestine LU 3:1 0038 ABIMAEL -Son of Joktan GE 10:28; 1CH 1:22 0039 ABIMELECH -1. King of Gerar GE 20; 21:22-32 -2. King of Gerar GE 26 -3. Son of Gideon JUD 8:31; 9; 2SA 11:21 -4. ABIMELECH .See ACHISH » 0073 .See AHIMELECH » 0167 0040 ABINADAB -1. A Levite, in whose house the ark of God rested twenty years 1SA 7:1,2; 2SA 6:3,4; 1CH 13:7 -2. Son of Jesse 1SA 16:8; 17:13 -3. Also called ISHUI, son of Saul 1SA 14:49; 31:2 -4. Father of one of Solomon's purveyors. Called in R. V. Ben-Abinadab 1KI 4:11 0041 ABINOAM -Father of Barak JUD 4:6 0042 ABIRAM -1. An Israelite who conspired with Dathan against Moses and Aaron NU 16; 26:9,10; DE 11:6; PS 106:17 -2. Son of Hiel 1KI 16:34 0043 ABISHAG -Wife of David 1KI 1:1-4; 2:13-25 0044 ABISHAI -Son of Zeruiah, David's sister 1CH 2:16 -One of David's chief men 2SA 23:18 -Seeks Saul's life 1SA 26:6-8 -Pursues and kills Abner 2SA 2:24; 3:30 -Defeats the Edomites 1CH 18:12 -Defeats the Ammonites 2SA 10:10,14 -Seeks the life of Shimei 2SA 16:9; 19:21 -Leads a division of David's army against Absalom 2SA 18:2,5 -Overthrows Sheba 2SA 20:1-22 -Saves David from being slain by a Philistine 2SA 21:17 -Obtains water from the well of Bethlehem for David 1CH 11:15-20 0045 ABISHALOM -General scriptures concerning 1KI 15:2,10 -See ABSALOM » 0056 0046 ABISHUA -1. A high priest 1CH 6:4 -2. A son of Bela 1CH 8:4 0047 ABISHUR -Son of Shammai 1CH 2:28,29 0048 ABITAL -Wife of David 2SA 3:4; 1CH 3:3 0049 ABITUB -A Benjamite 1CH 8:11 0050 ABIUD -Ancestor of Jesus MT 1:13 0051 ABLUTION -General scriptures concerning EX 19:10,14; MT 15:2; MR 7:2-5,8,9; LU 11:38; HEB 9:10 -Of priests EX 29:4; 36:18-21; 40:12,31,32; LE 8:6; 16:4,24,26,28; NU 19:7-10,19; 2CH 4:6 -Of burnt offerings LE 1:9,13; 9:14; 2CH 4:6 -Of the dead AC 9:37 -Of infants EZE 16:4 -Of the face MT 6:17 -Of the feet GE 18:4; 19:2; 24:32; 43:24; EX 30:19,21; 40:31; JUD 19:21; 2SA 11:8; SO 5:3; LU 7:38,44; JOH 13:5 -Of the hands EX 30:18-21; 40:30-32 -Of the hands, as a token of innocency DE 21:6; PS 26:6; MT 27:24 -For defilement .Of lepers LE 14:8,9 .Those having bloody issue LE 15:5-13 .Those having eaten that which died LE 17:15,16 -Traditional forms of, not observed by Jesus LU 11:38,39 -See PURIFICATION » 4001 -See DEFILEMENT » 1369 -FIGURATIVE PS 51:2,7; 65:3; 73:13; 79:9; PR 16:6; 20:9; ISA 1:16,18; 4:3,4; DA 12:10; ZEC 13:1; JOH 13:8; AC 22:16; 1CO 5:7; 6:11; 2CO 7:1; EPH 5:26; TIT 3:5,6; HEB 1:3; 9:14; 10:22; JAS 4:8; 2PE 1:9; 1JO 1:7,9; RE 1:5; 7:14; 22:14 .See REGENERATION » 4097 0052 ABNER -(Son of Ner) -Cousin of Saul 1SA 14:50,51; with 9:1 -Captain of the host 1SA 14:50; 17:55; 26:5,14 -Dedicated spoils of war to the tabernacle 1CH 26:27,28 -Loyalty of, to the house of Saul 2SA 2:8-32 -Alienation of, from the house of Saul 2SA 3:6-21 -Murdered by Joab; David's sorrow for 2SA 3:27-39 0053 ABOMINATION -Things that are, to God .Idolatry DE 7:25; 27:15; 32:16 .Unjust weights and measures DE 25:13-16; PR 11:1; 20:1,23 .Uncleanness LE 18:22; 20:13; DE 24:4 .Incest LE 18:6-18 .Lying with a woman in her menses LE 18:18,20 .Adultery LE 18:20 .Sodomy LE 18:22,23 .Offering seed to Molech LE 18:21 .Offering children in sacrifice DE 18:10 .Sorcery and necromancy DE 18:10,11 .The hire of a whore and price of a dog, as a consecrated gift DE 23:18 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO DE 22:5; PR 3:32; 6:16-19; 8:7; 11:20; 12:22; 15:8,9,26; 16:5; 17:15; 20:10,23; 21:27; 24:9; 28:9; 29:27 0054 ABORTION -General scriptures concerning EX 21:22,23 -As a judgment HO 9:14 -Of animals, caused by thunder PS 29:9 0055 ABRAHAM -Also called ABRAM -Son of Terah GE 11:26,27 -Marries Sarah GE 11:29 -Lives in Ur, but removes to Haran GE 11:31; NE 9:7; AC 7:4 -And Canaan GE 12:4,5,6; AC 7:4 -Divine call of GE 12:1-3; JOS 24:3; NE 9:7; ISA 51:2; AC 7:2,3; HEB 11:8 -Canaan given to GE 12:1,7; 15:7-21; EZE 33:24 -Lives in Bethel GE 12:8 -Sojourns in Egypt GE 12:10-20; 26:1 -Deferring to Lot, chooses Hebron GE 13; 14:13; 35:27 -Lives in Gerar GE 20; 21:22-34 -Defeats Chedorlaomer GE 14:5-24; HEB 7:1 -Is blessed by Melchizedek GE 14:18-20; HEB 7:1-10 -God's covenant with GE 15; 17:1-22; MIC 7:20; LU 1:73; RO 4:13; 15:8; HEB 6:13,14; GA 3:6-18,29; 4:22-31 -Called ABRAHAM GE 17:5; NE 9:7 -Circumcision of GE 17:10-14,23-27 -Angels appear to GE 18:1-16; 22:11,15; 24:7 -His questions about the destruction of the righteous and wicked in Sodom GE 18:23-32 -Witnesses the destruction of Sodom GE 19:27,28 -Ishmael born to GE 16:3,15 -Lives in Gerar; deceives Abimelech concerning Sarah, his wife GE 20 -Isaac born to GE 21:2,3; GA 4:22-30 -Sends Hagar and Ishmael away GE 21:10-14; GA 4:22-30 -Trial of his faith in the offering of Isaac GE 22:1-19; HEB 11:17; JAS 2:21 -Sarah, his wife, dies GE 23:1,2 -He purchases a place for her burial, and buries her in a cave GE 23:3-20 -Marries Keturah GE 25:1 -Provides a wife for Isaac GE 24 -Children of GE 16:15; 21:2,3; 25:1-4; 1CH 1:32-34 -Testament of GE 25:5,6 -Wealth of GE 13:2; 24:35; ISA 51:2 -Age of, at different periods GE 12:4; 16:16; 21:5; 25:7 -Death GE 15:15; 25:8-10 -In Paradise MT 8:11; LU 13:28; 16:22-31 -Friend of God ISA 41:8; 2CH 20:7; JAS 2:23 -Piety of GE 12:7,8; 13:4,18; 18:19; 20:7; 21:33; 22:3-13; 26:5; NE 9:7,8; RO 4:16-18; 2CH 20:7; ISA 41:8; JAS 2:23 -A prophet GE 20:7 -Faith of GE 15:6; RO 4:1-22; GA 3:6-9; HEB 11:8-10,17-19; JAS 2:21-24 -Unselfishness of GE 13:9; 21:25-30 -Independence of, in character GE 14:23; 23:6-16 -Ancestors of, idolatrous JOS 24:2 -How regarded by his descendants MT 3:9; LU 13:16,28; 19:9; JOH 8:33-40 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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