0511 AZBUK -Father of Nehemiah NE 3:16 0512 AZEKAH -A town of Judah JOS 10:10,11; 15:35; 1SA 17:1; 2CH 11:9; NE 11:30; JER 34:7 0513 AZEL -A Benjamite 1CH 8:37,38; 9:43,44 0514 AZEM -A city in the south of Judah. Also called EZEM JOS 15:29; 19:3; 1CH 4:29 0515 AZGAD -1. Ancestor of certain captives who returned from Babylon EZR 2:12; NE 7:17 -2. A returned exile EZR 8:12 -3. A chief who signed Nehemiah's covenant NE 10:15 0516 AZIEL -A temple musician 1CH 15:20 0517 AZIZA -Son of Zattu EZR 10:27 0518 AZMAVETH -1. One of David's heroes 2SA 23:31; 1CH 11:33 -2. A descendant of Jonathan 1CH 8:36; 9:42 -3. Son of Adiel 1CH 27:25 -4. A village of Judah or Benjamin EZR 2:24; NE 12:29 .Called BETH-AZMAVETH NE 7:28 0519 AZMON -A place on the south of Canaan NU 34:4,5; JOS 15:4 0520 AZNOTH-TABOR -A town in Naphtali JOS 19:34 0521 AZOR -Ancestor of Jesus MT 1:13,14 -Perhaps identical with AZRIKAM 1CH 3:23 0522 AZOTUS -See ASHDOD » 0435 0523 AZRIEL -1. A chief of Manasseh 1CH 5:24 -2. Father of Jerimoth 1CH 27:19 -3. Father of Seriah JER 36:26 0524 AZRIKAM -1. Son of Neraiah 1CH 3:23 -2. Son of Azel 1CH 8:38; 9:44 -3. A Levite 1CH 9:14; NE 11:15 -4. Governor of the house of Ahaz 2CH 28:7 0525 AZUBAH -1. Mother of Jehoshaphat 1KI 22:41; 2CH 20:31 -2. Wife of Caleb 1CH 2:18,19 0526 AZUR -Father of Jaazaniah EZE 11:1 0527 AZZAH -(A city of the Philistines) -See GAZA » 1954 0528 AZZAN -Father of Paltiel NU 34:26 0529 AZZUR -1. An Israelite, who sealed Nehemiah's covenant NE 10:17 -2. A Gibeonite JER 28:1 0530 BAAL -1. An idol of the Phoenicians, god of the sun .The Israelites wickedly worshiped in the time of the judges JUD 2:10-23; 1SA 7:3,4 .By the kingdom of Israel 2KI 17:16; JER 23:13; HO 1; 2; 13:1 .Under Ahab 1KI 16:31-33; 18:18; 19:18 .Under Jehoram 2KI 3:2 .By the Jews 2KI 21:3; 2CH 22:2-4; 24:7; 28:2; 33:3 .Jeremiah expostulates against the worship of JER 2:8,23; 7:9 .Altars of, destroyed by Gideon JUD 6:25-32 .Destroyed by Jehoiada 2KI 11:18 .Destroyed by Josiah 2KI 23:4,5 .Prophets of, slain by Elijah 1KI 18:40 .All worshipers of, destroyed by Jehu 2KI 10:18-25 -2. A Benjamite 1CH 8:30; 9:36 -3. A Reubenite 1CH 5:5 -4. A city in the tribe of Simeon 1CH 4:33 .Called BAALATH-BEER JOS 19:8 0531 BAALAH -1. A city in the south of Judah JOS 15:29 .Apparently identical with BALAH JOS 19:3 .And BILHAH 1CH 4:29 -2. A city in the north of Judah also called KIRJATH-JEARIM, which see » 2944 -3. A mountain in the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:11 .Probably identical with MOUNT JEARIM JOS 15:10 0532 BAALATH -A city of the tribe of Dan JOS 19:44; 1KI 9:18; 2CH 8:6 0533 BAALATH-BEER -See BAAL, number four » 0530 0534 BAAL-BERITH -A god of the Shechemites JUD 9:4 -Worshiped by Israelites JUD 8:33 -Called BERITH JUD 9:46 0535 BAALE -A city of Judah 2SA 6:2 -See KIRJATH-JEARIM » 2944 0536 BAAL-GAD -A city of the Canaanites JOS 11:17; 12:7; 13:5 -Probably identical with BAAL-HERMON JUD 3:3; 1CH 5:23 0537 BAAL-GUR -See GUR-BAAL » 2101 0538 BAAL-HAMON -A place in Mount Ephraim SO 8:11 -Called HAMMON JOS 19:28 0539 BAAL-HANAN -1. A king of Edom GE 36:38,39; 1CH 1:49,50 -2. One of David's overseers 1CH 27:28 0540 BAAL-HAZOR -The place where Amnon was killed 2SA 13:23 0541 BAAL-HERMON -1. A city near Mount Hermon 1CH 5:23 .Identical with BAAL-GAD, which see » 0536 -2. A mountain of Lebanon JUD 3:3 0542 BAALIM -Plural form of BAAL JUD 2:11; 1SA 7:4; HO 2:13,17; 11:2 -See BAAL » 0530 0543 BAALI -An title(name) of JEHOVAH HO 2:16 0544 BAALIS -King of the Ammonites JER 40:14 0545 BAAL-MEON -A city of the Reubenites NU 32:38; 1CH 5:8; EZE 25:9 -Called BETH-MEON JER 48:23 -BETH-BAAL-MEON JOS 13:17 -BEON NU 32:3 0546 BAAL-PEOR -An idol of Moab NU 25:3,5; DE 4:3; PS 106:28; HO 9:10 0547 BAAL-PERAZIM -A place in the valley of Rephaim 2SA 5:20; 1CH 14:11 -Called PERAZIM ISA 28:21 0548 BAAL-SHALISHA -A place near Gilgal 1SA 9:4; 2KI 4:42 0549 BAAL-TAMAR -A place near Gibeah JUD 20:33 0550 BAAL-ZEBUB -A god of the Philistines 2KI 1:2,3,6,16 0551 BAAL-ZEPHON -An Egyptian city on the Red Sea EX 14:2,9; NU 33:7 0552 BAANA -1. Son of Ahilud 1KI 4:12 -2. Father of Zadok NE 3:4 0553 BAANAH -1. A captain of Ish-bosheth's army 2SA 4:2,5,6,9 -2. Father of Heleb 2SA 23:29; 1CH 11:30 -3. A chief Jew of the exfle EZR 2:2; NE 7:7; 10:27 -4. The name is spelled BAANA (R. V.). Son of Hushai 1KI 4:16 0554 BAARA -Wife of Shaharaim 1CH 8:8 -Called HODESH 1CH 8:9 0555 BAASEIAH -A Levite 1CH 6:40 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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