0482 ATHENS -A city of Greece AC 17:15-34; 1TH 3:1 0483 ATHLAI -A son of Bebai EZR 10:28 0484 ATOMS OF MATTER -General scriptures concerning PR 8:26 0485 ATONEMENT -For tabernacle and furniture LE 16:15-20,33 -In consummation of the Levites NU 8:21 -For those defiled by the dead NU 6:11 -Made for houses LE 14:53 -For sin, see below -By meat offerings LE 5:11-13 -By jewels NU 31:50 -By money EX 30:12-16; LE 5:15,16; 2KI 12:16 -By incense NU 16:46-50 -By animals, see below -By Jesus, see below -DAY OF .Time of EX 30:10; LE 23:27; 25:9; NU 29:7 .How observed EX 30:10; LE 16:2-34; 23:27-32; NU 29:7-11; AC 27:9; HEB 5:3; 9:7,19,22 -MADE BY ANIMAL SACRIFICES EX 29:36; 30:12-16; LE 1:4; 4:20,22-35; 5:6-10; 6:7; 9:7; 10:17; 12:6-8; 14:12-32; 16:6,10,11,15-19,24-34; 17:11; 19:22; NU 15:22-28; 28:22,30; 29:5,10,11; HEB 9:22 -MADE BY JESUS .Divinely ordained LU 2:30,31; GA 4:4,5; EPH 1:3-12,17-22; 2:4-10; COL 1:19,20; 1PE 1:20; RE 13:8 .A mystery 1CO 2:7 .With context 1PE 1:8-12 .Made but once HEB 7:27; 9:24-28; 10:10,12,14; 1PE 3:18 .Redemption by MT 20:28; AC 20:28; GA 3:13; 1TI 2:6; HEB 9:12; RE 5:9 .Typified GE 4:4; with HEB 11:4; GE 22:2; with HEB 11:17,19; EX 12:5,11,14; with 1CO 5:7; EX 24:8; with HEB 9:20; LE 16:30,34; with HEB 9:7,12,28; LE 17:11; with HEB 9:22 .See SALVATION, PLAN OF » 4232 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO PS 40:6,7; ISA 53:4-12; DA 9:24-27; ZEC 13:1; MT 26:28; LU 22:20; 24:46,47; JOH 1:29,36; 6:51; 11:49-51; AC 17:2,3; 20:28; RO 3:24-26; 4:25; 5:1,2,6-11,15-21; 1CO 1:17,18,23,24; 15:3; 2CO 5:18,19; GA 1:3,4; 4:4,5; EPH 1:7; 2:13-18; 5:2,25; COL 1:14,19-22; 1TH 5:9,10; 1TI 2:5,6; TIT 2:14; HEB 1:3; 2:9,17; 9:12-15,25,26; 10:1-20; 12:24; 13:12,20,21; 1PE 1:18-20; 2:24; 3:18; 1JO 1:7; 2:2; 3:5; 4:10; 5:6; RE 1:5; 5:9; 7:14; 12:11 .See BLOOD » 0832 .See JESUS, DEATH OF » 2780 .See JESUS, MISSION OF » 2780 .See JESUS, SUFFERINGS OF » 2780 .See REDEMPTION » 4086 .See SALVATION » 4232 0486 ATTAI -1. A Gadite warrior 1CH 12:11 -2. Son of Rehoboam 2CH 11:20 -3. Grandson of Sheshan 1CH 2:35,36 0487 ATTALIA -A seaport of Pamphylia AC 14:25 0488 ATTORNEY -Employed AC 24:1,2 -See LAWYER » 3008 0489 AUGUSTUS -An important Roman emperor LU 2:1; AC 25:21,25; 27:1 0490 ATROPHY -Of the hand MT 12:10-13 0491 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD -See GOD » 2043 0492 AVA -Also called IVAH -A district near Babylon 2KI 17:24; 18:34; 19:13 -See EZR 4:9 0493 AVARICE -General scriptures concerning EC 4:7,8; 5:10,11; 1TI 3:2,3; 6:5,10; TIT 1:7 -See COVETOUSNESS » 1255 -See RICH » 4164 -See RICHES » 4165 -INSTANCES OF .The descendants of Joseph JOS 17:14-18 0494 AVEN -1. "The plain of the Sun," AM 1:5 -2. Another name for ON EZE 30:17 -3. BETH-AVEN HO 10:8 0495 AVENGER OF BLOOD -Premosaic GE 9:5,6 -Cain fears GE 4:14,15 -Lamech fears GE 4:24 -Law concerning, set aside. by David 2SA 14:4-11 -See HOMICIDE » 2373 -FIGURATIVE -SCRIPTURES RELATING TO GE 9:5,6; NU 35:19-29; DE 19:4-13; JOS 20:1-9 0496 AVIM -1. A city of Benjamin JOS 18:23 -2. A tribe in southern Palestine .See AVITES » 0497 0497 AVITES -1. A nation in southern part of Canaan DE 2:23; JOS 13:3 -2. Colonists of Samaria 2KI 17:31 0498 AVITH -Capital city of the Edomites GE 36:35; 1CH 1:46 0499 AWL -A tool EX 21:6; DE 15:17 0500 AX -An implement DE 19:5; 1SA 13:20,21; 2SA 12:31; PS 74:5,6 -Elisha causes to swim 2KI 6:5,6 -Battle-ax EZE 26:9 -FIGURATIVE JER 46:22; 51:20; MT 3:10 0501 AXLETREE -Part of a wheeled vehicle 1KI 7:32,33 0502 AZAL -A place near Jerusalem ZEC 14:5 0503 AZALIAH -Father of Shaphan 2KI 22:3; 2CH 34:8 0504 AZANIAH -Father of Jeshua NE 10:9 0505 AZARAEL -See AZAREEL » 0506 0506 AZAREEL -1. An Aaronite of the family of Korah 1CH 12:6 -2. A musician in the temple 1CH 25:18 .Called UZZIEL 1CH 25:4 -3. A Danite prince 1CH 27:22 -4. A son of Bani EZR 10:41 -5. A priest NE 11:13; 12:36 0507 AZARIAH -1. Son of Ethan 1CH 2:8 -2. Son of Jehu 1CH 2:38,39 -3. Son of Zadok 1KI 4:2 -4. Captain of Solomon's guards 1KI 4:5 -5. A prophet, called OBED 2CH 15:1,8 -6. A high priest 1CH 6:9 .Also called AMARIAH 2CH 19:11 -7. Son of Jehoshaphat 2CH 21:2 -8. King of Judah, called AHAZIAH 2CH 22:6 .See AHAZIAH » 0152 -9. Son of Jeroham 2CH 23:1 -10. Son of Obed 2CH 23:3 -11. Son of Johanan, possibly identical with ZECHARIAH, son of Jehoiada 1CH 6:10,11; 2CH 24:20-22 -12. AZARIAH .See UZZIAH, king of Judah » 5063 -13. Chief of the tribe of Ephraim 2CH 28:12 -14. A Levite 1CH 6:36 .Called UZZIAH 1CH 6:24 -15. High priest in Hezekiah's reign 2CH 31:10,13 .Probably identical with AHITUB mentioned in 1CH 6:11,12 -16. Son of Hilkiah 1CH 6:13,14; 9:11; EZR 7:1,3 -17. Son of Hoshaiah JER 43:2-7 -18. Hebrew name of ABED-NEGO DA 1:7,19 -19. A captive returned from Babylon NE 7:7; 10:2 .Also called SERAIAH EZR 2:2 0508 AZAZ -Father of Bela 1CH 5:8 0509 AZAZEL -The scapegoat LE 16:8,10,26 0510 AZAZIAH -1. A harper in the temple 1CH 15:21 -2. Father of Hoshea 1CH 27:20 -3. Overseer in temple 2CH 31:13 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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