0556 BAASHA -King of Israel 1KI 15:16-22,27-34; 16:1-7; 21:22; 2KI 9:9; 2CH 16:1-6; JER 41:9 0557 BABBLER -A sarcastic epithet applied to Paul AC 17:18 0558 BABEL -A city in the plain of Shinar. Tower built, and tongues confused at GE 11:1-9 -See BABYLON » 0560 0559 BABES -In the mouths of, is praise perfected MT 21:16 -A symbol of the guileless PS 8:2; MT 11:25; LU 10:21 -A symbol of the children of the kingdom of heaven MT 18:2-6; MR 10:15; LU 18:17 -FIGURATIVE .Of weak Christians RO 2:20; 1CO 3:1; HEB 5:13; 1PE 2:2 .See CHILDREN » 1076 .See PARENTS » 3726 0560 BABYLON -1. CITY OF .Built by Nimrod GE 10:10 .In the land of Shinar GE 10:10; 11:2 .Tower of GE 11:1-9 .Capital of the kingdom of Babylon DA 4:30; 2KI 25:13; 2CH 36:6,7,10,18,20 .Gates of ISA 45:1,2; JER 51:58 .Walled JER 51:44,58 .Splendor of ISA 14:4 .Peter writes from 1PE 5:13 .Prophecies concerning PS 87:4; 137:8,9; ISA 13; 14:4-26; 21:1-10; 46:1,2; 47; 48:14,20; JER 21:4-10; 25:12-14; 27:1-11; 28:14; 32:28; 34:2,3; 42:11,12; 43; 46:13-26; 49:28-30; 50; 51; EZE 21:19; 26; 29:17-20; 30:10; 32:11; DA 2:21-38; 4:10-26; 5:25-29; 7; HAB 1:5-11; ZEC 2:7-9 -FIGURATIVE RE 14:8; 16:19; 17; 18 -2. EMPIRE OF .Founded by Nimrod GE 10:10 .Called LAND OF SHINAR GE 10:10; 11:2; 14:1,9; ISA 11:11; DA 1:2; ZEC 5:11 .SHESHACH JER 25:26; 51:41 .MERATHAIM JER 50:21 .Called also CHALDEA, which see » 1020 .Divisions of 2KI 17:24; 24:7; ISA 23:12,13; DA 3:1; AC 7:4 .Extent of, at the time of Nebuchadnezzar DA 2:37,38; 4:1; 6:1 .At the time of Ahasuerus ES 1:1; 8:9; 9:30 .Armies of, invade ancient Canaan GE 14 .Samaria 2KI 17:5-24 .Judah 2KI 24:1-16 .Jews carried to 2KI 25; 1CH 9:1; 2CH 33:11; 36:17-21; JER 32:2; 39; 52 .Colonists from, sent to Samaria EZR 4:9,10; with 2KI 17:29-32 .Conquest of Egypt by 2KI 24:7 .Prophecies of conquests by 2KI 20:16-19; JER 20:4-7; 21; 22; 25:1-11; 27; 28; 29; 32:28,29; 34; 36:29; 38:17,18; 43:8-13; 46:13-26; EZE 12; 17; 19; 21; 24; 26; 29:18-20; 30; 32 .Prophetic denunciations against PS 137:8,9; ISA 13; 14:21; 43:14-17; 47; JER 50; 51 .GOVERNMENT OF .A limited monarchy ES 1:13-19; 8:8; DA 6:8,14,17 .Tyrannical ES 3:7-15; DA 3 .Sovereigns of .See BELSHAZZAR » 0674 .See CYRUS » 1311 .See DARIUS » 1333 .See EVIL-MERODACH » 1745 .See NEBUCHADNEZZAR » 3532 .See CHALDEA » 1020 0561 BACA -Valley of PS 84:6 0562 BACKBITING -General scriptures concerning PS 15:1-3; PR 25:23; RO 1:28,30; 2CO 12:20 -See ACCUSATION, FALSE » 0065 -See SLANDER » 4611 -See SPEAKING, EVIL » 4661 0563 BACKSLIDERS -General scriptures concerning LE 26:14-42; DE 4:9; 8:11-14; 28:15-68; 29:18-28; 32:15-30; JOS 24:20-27; 1KI 9:6-9; 2CH 15:2-4; EZR 8:22; Job 34:26,27; PS 44:20,21; 73:27; 85:8; 125:5; PR 2:17; 14:14; 24:16; 26:11; JER 17:13; EZE 3:20; 18:24,26; 23:35; 33:12,13,18; HO 11:7,8; JON 2:4; MT 5:13; 12:45; 24:12; 26:31; MR 4:7,15-19; 8:38; 9:50; LU 9:62; 11:21-26; 17:32; JOH 6:67; 15:6; 1CO 10:1-13; 2CO 12:20,21; GA 1:6,7; 3:1; 4:9,11; 5:7; 1TI 1:19; 5:15; 6:10,20,21; 2TI 1:8; 2:12; 4:10; HEB 3:12,13; 4:1,11; 5:11,12; 6:4-8; 10:26-29,38,39; 11:14,15; 12:15; 2PE 1:9; 2:20,21; 2JO 1:9; RE 2:4,5,21; 3:2,3; 21:8 -See APOSTASY » 0337 -See BACKSLIDING OF ISRAEL, below -See CHURCH, BACKSLIDDEN » 1107 -See REPROBACY » 4124 -INSTANCES OF .Saul 1SA 15:11,26-28 .Solomon 1KI 11:4-40; NE 13:26 .Amon 2KI 21:22,23 .Rehoboam 2CH 12:1,2 .Asa 2CH 16:7-9 .Joash 2CH 24:24 .Amaziah 2CH 25:27 .Syrians ISA 17:10,11 .Jonah JON 1:3 .The disciples MT 26:56; JOH 6:66 .Peter MT 26:69-75 .Corinthian Christians 1CO 5:1-8; 2CO 12:20,21 .Galatians GA 1:6; 3:1; 4:9-11; 5:6,7 .Hymenaeus and Alexander 1TI 1:19,20 .Phygellus and Hermogenes 2TI 1:15 .Demas 2TI 4:10 .Churches of Asia 1TI 5:15; RE 2:4,14,15,20; 3:2,3,15-18 -PROMISES TO LE 26:40-42; DE 4:29,30; 30:1-10; 32:26,28,29; 1KI 8:33-53; 2CH 30:9; Job 22:23-30; PS 17:5; 56:13; 81:13,14; ISA 42:3; 57:18,19; JER 3:4-7,12-22; 4:1,2,14; 6:16; HO 14:4; ZEC 10:6; MAL 3:7; MT 23:37; RE 3:8,15-21 .See PENITENCE » 3789 .See PENITENT » 3790 .See SEEKERS » 4301 -RETURN OF PS 80:3-7,14-19; ISA 17:7; 29:24; 31:6,7; JER 50:4-6; HO 3:5; 6:1-3 -INSTANCES OF .Jews EZR 6:16-21; 10 .Jonah JON 2; 3 .Peter MT 26:75; MR 14:72; LU 22:62 .Thomas JOH 20:27-29 -BACKSLIDING OF ISRAEL EX 17:7; NU 14:43; DE 4:25-31; 31:16-30; 32:5,6,15,18; JUD 2:12; 10:12-14; 2CH 24:20; 2KI 18:1,12; 2CH 13:11; 27:2; 29:6,8; EZR 9:10,13,14; NE 9:26; PS 78:10,11,40-43,56-64; 106:13,14; ISA 1:4-7,21,22; 2:6; 5:12-30; 9:13-21; 17:10,11; 24:5,6; 30:9,15; 31:6; 43:22,24; 50:1; 51:17-20; 63:17; 65:2,3; JER 2:5,11-13,17,19,21,27,31,32; 3:1-25; 5:1-31; 6:30; 7:12-34; 8:1-22; 10:17-22; 11:9-17; 12:7; 13:24,25; 14:7,10; 15:1-14; 18:13-15; 19; 32:30,31; 50:6; EZE 2:3-8; 5:1-17; 11:1-21; 15; 16:43; 22:18; 23; HO 1:1-9; 2; 3; 4:6,10,16; 5:1-15; 6:4-11; 8:14; 9:1-17; 11:2,7; 13:16; 14:1; AM 2:4; ZEP 1:6; MAL 1:6; 3:7; HEB 3:16-18 -INSTANCES OF ISRAEL'S BACKSLIDING .At Meribah EX 17:1-7 .When Aaron made the golden calf EX 32 .After Joshua's death JUD 2 .During Asa's reign 2CH 15 .Hezekiah's reign 2CH 30:2-12 0564 BAD COMPANY -See COMPANY, EVIL » 1170 0565 BADGER -(R. V., SEAL or PORPOISE.) -Skins of, used for covering of the tabernacle EX 25:5; 26:14; 35:7,23; 36:19; 39:34; NU 4:6,8,10,11,12,14,25 -For shoes EZE 16:10 -(R. V., SEALSKIN.) 0566 BAG -See PURSE »(n/a) 0567 BAGPIPE -(R. V.,) DA 3:5 0568 BAHURIM -A village between the fords of the Jordan River and Jerusalem 2SA 3:16; 16:5; 17:18; 19:16; 1KI 2:8 0569 BAIL -See SURETY » 4747 -See CREDITOR » 1266 -See DEBT » 1353 -See DEBTOR » 1354 0570 BAJITH -A place of idolatrous worship in Moab ISA 15:2 0571 BAKBAKKAR -A Levite 1CH 9:15 0572 BAKBUK -An ancestor of the Nethinim EZR 2:51; NE 7:53 0573 BAKBUKIAH -A Levite NE 11:17; 12:9,25 0574 BAKER -General scriptures concerning 1SA 8:13; JER 37:21; HO 7:4,6 -Pharaoh's chief baker GE 40 -See BREAD » 0884 0575 BALAAM -(Son of Beor) -From Mesopotamia DE 23:4 -A soothsayer JOS 13:22 -A prophet NU 24:2-9; 2PE 2:15,16 -Balak sends for, to curse Israel NU 22:5-7; JOS 24:9; NE 13:2; MIC 6:5 -Anger of, rebuked by his ass NU 22:22-35; 2PE 2:16 -Counsel of, an occasion of Israel's corruption with the Midianites NU 31:16; RE 2:14,15 -Covetousness of 2PE 2:15; Jude 1:11 -Death of NU 31:8; JOS 13:22 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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