4085 RED -See COLOR » 1159 4086 REDEMPTION -Of persons or property LE 25:25-34; 27:2-13,14-33; RU 4:3-10 -Redemption money paid to priests NU 3:46-51 -Of the firstborn .See FIRSTBORN » 1837 -Of land .See JUBILEE » 2869 -OF OUR SOULS PS 111:9; 130:7; MT 20:28; MR 10:45; LU 2:38; AC 20:28; RO 3:24-26; 1CO 1:30; 6:20; 7:23; GA 1:4; 2:20; 4:4,5; EPH 1:7; 5:2; COL 1:14,20-22; 1TI 2:6; TIT 2:14; HEB 9:12,15; 1PE 1:18,19; RE 5:9,10 .See ATONEMENT. » 0485 .See RANSOM » 4059 4087 RED HEIFER -Of purification NU 19 4088 RED SEA -The locusts which devastated Egypt destroyed in EX 10:19 -Israelites cross; Pharaoh and his army drowned in EX 14; 15:1,4,11,19; NU 33:8; DE 11:4; JOS 2:10; 4:23; 24:6,7; JUD 11:16; 2SA 22:16; NE 9:9-11; PS 66:6; 78:13,53; 106:7-11,22; 136:13-15; ISA 43:16,17; AC 7:36; 1CO 10:1,2; HEB 11:29 -Israelites camp beside EX 14:2,9; NU 14:25; 21:4; 33:10,11; DE 1:40; 2:1-3 -The boundary of the promised land EX 23:31 -Solomon builds ships beside 1KI 9:26 -The wilderness of EX 13:18 4089 REED -A water plant ISA 19:6,7; 35:7; JER 51:32 -Used as a measuring device (six cubits) EZE 40:3-8; 41:8; 42:16-19; 45:1; RE 11:1; 21:15,16 -Mockingly given to Jesus as a symbol of royalty MT 27:29 -Jesus hit with MT 27:30; MR 15:19 -FIGURATIVE .Of weakness 1KI 14:15; 2KI 18:21; ISA 36:6; 42:3; EZE 29:6; MT 11:7; 12:20 4090 REELAIAH -A returned captive from Babylon EZR 2:2 -Called RAAMIAH NE 7:7 4091 REFINING -(The process of eliminating impurities by fire) -Of gold 1CH 28:18 -Of silver 1CH 29:4 -Of wine ISA 25:6 -FIGURATIVE .Of the corrective judgments of God ISA 1:25; 48:10; JER 9:7; ZEC 13:9; MAL 3:2,3 .Of the purity of the word of God PS 18:30; 119:140 4092 REFUGE -CITIES OF .From the avenger of blood EX 21:13,14; NU 35:11-32; DE 4:41-43; 19:2-13; JOS 20:1-6 .List of JOS 20:7-9 .Roads made to DE 19:3 -FIGURATIVE .Of Christ HEB 6:18 4093 REFUGEE SLAVES -Laws concerning DE 23:15,16 -See SERVANT, BOND » 4350 4094 REGEM -Son of Jahdai 1CH 2:47 4095 REGEM-MELECH -A captive sent as a messenger from the Jews in Babylon to Jerusalem ZEC 7:2 4096 REGENCY -General scriptures concerning 1KI 22:47; 2KI 15:5 4097 REGENERATION -General scriptures concerning DE 29:4; 30:6; 1KI 8:58; PS 36:9; 51:2,7,10; 65:3; 68:18; 87:4,6; 110:3; PR 4:23; 12:28; 14:27; 16:1; ISA 1:16,17,25; 4:4; 12:3; 26:12; 29:23; 32:3,4,15,17; 35:5,6; 42:16; 43:7; 44:3-5; 49:9; 55:1-3; JER 13:23; 17:13,14; 24:7; 31:3,33,34; 32:38-40; 33:6; EZE 11:19,20; 16:9; 18:31; 36:26,27,29; 37:1-14; 44:7,9; ZEC 12:10; MT 12:33-35,43,44; 13:23,33; 18:3; MR 4:20,26-29; 5:19,20; 10:15; LU 1:16,17; 8:35,38,39; 13:21; 18:17; JOH 1:4,13,16; 3:3-8; 4:10,14; 5:24; 6:44,45,47,50,51,57; 8:12,32,36; 10:9,10; 13:8; 15:1,3; 17:2; AC 2:38,47; 3:26; 11:17,21; 15:9; 16:14; 21:19; 26:18; RO 2:28,29; 6:3-23; 7:6,24,25; 8:2-6,9,13-16; 12:2; 15:16; 1CO 1:9,24,30; 2:12,14-16; 3:6,7,9; 6:11; 12:6,13; 15:10; 2CO 1:21,22; 3:3,18; 4:6; 5:5,17; GA 2:20; 4:29; 6:15; EPH 2:1,5,8,10; 4:7,8,16,21-24; 5:14; PHP 1:6; COL 2:11-13; 3:9,10; 2TH 2:13; TIT 3:5,6; HEB 4:1-12; 8:10,11; 10:16,17,22,23; JAS 1:18; 5:19,20; 1PE 1:2,3,22,23; 2:3; 2PE 1:3,4; 1JO 2:27,29; 3:9,14; 4:7; 5:1,4,5,11,12,18 -See ATONEMENT » 0485 -See RECONCILIATION » 4081 -See REDEMPTION » 4086 -See SANCTIFICATION » 4241 -See SIN, FORGIVENESS OF » 4587 -INSTANCES OF .Jacob GE 32:29 .King Saul 1SA 10:9 .Saul of Tarsus AC 9:3-18 .All righteous persons .See RIGHTEOUS » 4167 4098 REGICIDE -(Assassinating a king) -Of Ehud JUD 3:16-23 -Of King Saul 2SA 1:16 -Of Ish-bosheth 2SA 4:5-8 -Of Nadab 1KI 15:27-29 -Of Elah 1KI 16:9-11 -Of Joram 2KI 9:24 -Of Ahaziah 2KI 9:27 -Of Joash 2KI 12:20,21 -Of Amaziah 2KI 14:19,20 -Of Zachariah 2KI 15:10 -Of Shallum 2KI 15:14 -Of Pekahiah 2KI 15:25 -Of Pekah 2KI 15:30 -Of Sennacherib 2KI 19:36,37; ISA 37:37,38 -See HOMICIDE » 2373 4099 REGISTRATION -Of citizens ISA 4:3 -See CENSUS » 1010 4100 REHABIAH -Son of Eliezer 1CH 23:17; 24:21; 26:25 4101 REHOB -1. Father of Hadadezer, king of Zobah 2SA 8:3,12 -2. A Levite who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah NE 10:11 -3. A town in northern Palestine .The limit of the investigation made by the twelve spies NU 13:21 .Possessed by the Syrians 2SA 10:6,8 .Called BETH-REHOB 2SA 10:6 -4. An unlocated town of Asher JOS 19:28 -5. A Levitical city of Asher JOS 19:30; 21:31; 1CH 6:75 .Canaanites not driven from JUD 1:31 4102 REHOBOAM -Successor to Solomon as king 1KI 11:43; 2CH 9:31 -Refuses to reform abuses 1KI 12:1-15; 2CH 10:1-15 -Ten tribes, under the leadership of Jeroboam, successfully revolt from 1KI 12:16-24; 2CH 10:16-19; 11:1-4 -Builds fortified cities; is temporarily prosperous 2CH 11:5-23 -Invaded by the king of Egypt and plundered 1KI 14:25-28; 2CH 12:1-12 -Death of 1KI 14:31; 2CH 12:16 -Genealogy and descendants of 1CH 3; MT 1 -Called ROBOAM MT 1:7 4103 REHOBOTH -1. A city built by Asshur GE 10:11 -2. A city of the Edomites GE 36:37; 1CH 1:48 -3. The name given to a well that was dug by Isaac and his servants GE 26:22 4104 REHUM -1. A captive who returned to Jerusalem from Babylon EZR 2:2 .Called NEHUM NE 7:7 -2. A chancellor who wrote a letter to Artaxerxes, influencing him against the Jews EZR 4:8,9,17,23 -3. A Levite who repaired part of the wall of Jerusalem NE 3:17 -4. A Jew of the exile who signed the covenant with Nehemiah NE 10:25 -5. A priest who returned to Jerusalem from the captivity in Babylon NE 12:3 4105 REI -An Israelite who remained loyal to David at the time of the usurpation of Adonijah 1KI 1:8 4106 REJECTION -Of God .See GOD, REJECTED » 2043 -Of JESUS .See JESUS, REJECTED » 2780 4107 REKEM -1. A king of the Midianites, killed by the Israelites NU 31:8; JOS 13:21 -2. A son of Hebron 1CH 2:43,44 -3. A city in territory of Benjamin JOS 18:27 4108 RELEASE -YEAR OF .See JUBILEE, YEAR OF » 2869 4109 RELIGION -FALSE DE 32:31-33 .See IDOLATRY » 2460 .See INTOLERANCE » 2535 .See TEACHERS, FALSE » 4833 -FAMILY .See FAMILY » 1792 -NATIONAL .Supported by taxes EX 30:11-16; 38:26 .Priests supported by the State 1KI 18:19; 2CH 11:13-15 .Subverted by Jeroboam 1KI 12:26-33; 2CH 11:13-15 .Established by Jeroboam 1KI 12:26-33 -NATURAL Job 12:7-16; 35:10-12; 37:1-24; PS 8:1-9; 19:1-6; AC 14:17; 17:23-28; RO 1:18-20; 10:16-18 .See REVIVALS » 4150 -TRUE MT 5:1-48; 6:1-34; 7:1-29; 22:36-40; AC 10:34,35; RO 8:1-18; 10:1-13; 12:1-21; 1CO 13:1-13; GA 5:22-25; 1TH 5:15-23; JAS 1:27; 2:8-26; 2PE 1:5-9; Jude 1:20,21 .See BLESSINGS, SPIRITUAL » 0829 .See COMMANDMENTS » 1164 .See DUTY » 1491 .See GRACES » 2072 .See REGENERATION » 4097 .See REPENTANCE » 4116 .See SANCTIFICATION » 4241 .See SIN, FORGIVENESS OF » 4587 -INSTANCES OF OUTSTANDING RELIGIOUS PERSONS .Abel GE 4:4-8; HEB 11:4 .Noah GE 6; 7; 8; 9 .Abraham GE 12:1-8; 15; 17; 18:22-33 .Jacob GE 28:10-22; 32:24-32 .Moses EX 3:2-22; DE 32; 33 .Jethro EX 18:12 .Joshua JOS 1 .Gideon JUD 6; 7 .Samuel 1SA 3 .David .See PSALMS OF DAVID » 3987 .Solomon 1KI 5:3-5; 2CH 6 .Jehu 2KI 10:16-30 .Hezekiah 2KI 18:3-7; 19:14-19 .Jehoshaphat 2CH 17:3-9; 19; 20 .Jabez 1CH 4:9,10 .Asa 2CH 14; 15 .Josiah 2KI 22; 23 .Daniel DA 6:4-22 .The three Hebrews (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego) DA 3 .Zacharias LU 1:13,67-79 .Simeon LU 2:25-35 .Anna, the prophetess LU 2:36,37 .The Roman centurion LU 7:1-10 .Cornelius, another centurion AC 10 .Eunice and Lois 2TI 1:5 .See, for additional instances, each of the apostles, disciples, and John, PAUL, PETER, STEPHEN; also see each of the prophets GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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