4058 RAMOTH-GILEAD -Also called RAMAH 2KI 8:2; 2CH 22:6 -A city of the territory of the tribe of Gad, and one of the cities of refuge DE 4:43; JOS 20:8; 1CH 6:80 -One of Solomon's commissaries there 1KI 4:13 -In the possession of the Syrians 1KI 22:3 -Besieged by Israel and Judah; Ahab killed there 1KI 22:29-36; 2CH 18 -Recovered by Joram; Joram wounded there 2KI 8:28,29; 9:14,15; 2CH 22:5,6 -Elisha anoints Jehu to be king there 2KI 9:1-6 4059 RANSOM -Of a man's life EX 21:30; 30:12; Job 36:18; PS 49:7,8; PR 6:35; 13:8; HO 13:14 -FIGURATIVE Job 33:24; ISA 35:10; 51:10; MT 20:28; 1TI 2:6 .See JESUS » 2780 .See SAVIOUR » 4268 .See REDEMPTION » 4086 4060 RAPE -The law of Moses imposed death penalty for DE 22:25-27 -Captives afflicted with ISA 13:16; LA 5:11; ZEC 14:2 -INSTANCES OF .Of the servant of a Levite, by Benjamites; the tribe of Benjamin nearly exterminated by the army of the other tribes, punishment for JUD 19:22-30; 20:35 .Of Tamar by Amnon; avenged in the death of Amnon at the hand of Absalom, Tamar's brother 2SA 13:6-29,32,33 4061 RAPHA -1. Son of Benjamin 1CH 8:2 -2. Also called REPHAIAH .A descendant of Jonathan 1CH 8:37; 9:43 -3. An ancestor of certain Philistine warriors, (margins) 2SA 21:16,20,22; 1CH 20:4,6,8 4062 RAPHU -A Benjamite NU 13:9 4063 RASHNESS -General scriptures concerning PS 116:11; PR 14:29; 19:2; 21:5; 25:8; 29:20; EC 5:2; 7:9 -INSTANCES OF .Moses, in killing the Egyptian EX 2:11,12; AC 7:24,25 .When he struck the rock NU 20:10-12 .Jephthah's vow JUD 11:31-39 .Israel's vow to destroy the Benjamites JUD 21:1-23 .Uzzah, in steadying the ark of the covenant 2SA 6:6,7 .David, in his generosity to Ziba 2SA 16:4; with 19:26-29 .Rehoboam, in forsaking the counsel of the old men 1KI 12:8-15 .Josiah, in fighting against Pharaoh-necho 2CH 35:20-24 .Naaman, in refusing to immerse (LXX: baptizo) himself in the Jordan River 2KI 5:11,12 .James and John, in desiring to call down fire upon the Samaritans LU 9:54 .Paul, in persisting in going to Jerusalem, against the repeated admonitions of the Holy Spirit AC 21:4,10-15 .Julius, the Roman centurion, in rejecting Paul's counsel AC 27:11 4064 RAVEN -A black carnivorous bird PR 30:17; SO 5:11 -Forbidden as food LE 11:15; DE 14:14 -Preserved by Noah in the ark GE 8:7 -Fed Elijah 1KI 17:4-6 -Cared for by divine providence LU 12:24 4065 RAVISHMENT -See RAPE » 4060 4066 RAZOR -Nazarite forbidden to use NU 6:5 -FIGURATIVE PS 52:2; ISA 7:20; EZE 5:1 4067 READING -Taught DE 6:9; 11:20 4068 READINGS, SELECT -JUDAH'S DEFENSE GE 44:18-34 -JOSEPH REVEALING HIS IDENTITY GE 45:1-15 -THE DELIVERANCE OF THE ISRAELITES FROM PHARAOH EX 14:5-30 -SONG OF MOSES WHEN PHARAOH AND HIS ARMY WERE OVERTHROWN EX 15:1-19 -DAVID'S LAMENT OVER ABSALOM 2SA 18:19-33 -LIGHTS AND SHADOWS RU 1:1-22 -ELIJAH'S MIRACULOUS PRESERVATION 1KI 17:1-16 -ELISHA AND THE WIDOW'S OIL 2KI 4:1-7 -NAAMAN THE LEPER 2KI 5:1-14 -ESTHER'S TRIUMPH ES 4:1-17; 7:1-10 -THE BREVITY OF LIFE Job 14:1-10 -NATURE'S TESTIMONY Job 28:1-28 -GOD'S CHALLENGE TO Job Job 38 -THE ANIMALS OF THE FIELD Job 39 -THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE WICKED IN CONTRAST PS 1 -THE TRIUMPHANT KING PS 2 -MANKIND IN NATURE PS 8 -MANKIND IN EXTREMITY PS 18:1-19 -CONFIDENCE IN GOD PS 23 -THE KING OF GLORY PS 24 -THE GLORY OF GOD PS 29 -GOD, OUR REFUGE PS 46 -THE MAJESTY OF GOD PS 77:13-20 -THE JOY OF THE RIGHTEOUS Ps PS 84 -THE STATE OF THE GODLY PS 91 -THE NEW SONG PS 98 -THE MAJESTY AND PROVIDENCE OF GOD PS 104 -IN CAPTIVITY PS 137 -THE OMNIPRESENCE OF GOD PS 139 -OLD AGE EC 12:1-7 -CHRIST'S KINGDOM FORESHADOWED ISA 35:1-10 -THE OMNIPOTENCE AND INCOMPARABLENESS OF GOD ISA 40:1-31 -THE WRATH OF GOD AM 9:1-6 -THE MAJESTY OF GOD HAB 3:3-12 -MARY'S MAGNIFICAT LU 1:46-56 -THE PROPHETIC BLESSING OF ZACHARIAS LU 1:67-80 -THE BEATITUDES MT 5:1-16 -GOD'S PROVIDENCE MT 6:26-34 -WISE AND FOOLISH BUILDERS MT 7:21-27 -THE PARABLE OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN LU 10:25-37 -THE PARABLE OF THE PRODIGAL SON LU 15:11-32 -THE RAISING OF LAZARUS JOH 11:1-3,18-46 -THE BETRAYAL OF JESUS BY JUDAS ISCARIOT LU 22:47-62 -THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST LU 24:1-12 -PETER ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST AC 2:1-36 -STEPHEN'S DEFENSE AC 7:1-56 -PAUL AND SILAS IN PRISON AC 16:16-40 -PAUL ON MARS' HILL AC 17:22-31 -PAUL IN FRONT OF GOVERNOR FELIX AC 24:1-27 -PAUL IN FRONT OF AGRIPPA AC 26 -CHARITY 1CO 13:1-13 -THE NEW HEAVEN AND THE NEW EARTH RE 21:1-27 -THE RIVER OF LIFE RE 22:1-21 -For other selections .See ELEGY » 1555 .See PERSONIFICATION » 3816 4069 REAIA -Son of Micah, a Reubenite 1CH 5:5 4070 REAIAH -1. A man of Judah, son of Shobal 1CH 4:2 .Apparently called HAROEH 1CH 2:52 -2. Ancestor of a family which returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon EZR 2:47; NE 7:50 4071 REAPING -General scriptures concerning PS 129:7 -The ark of the covenant returned by the Philistines at the time of 1SA 6:13 -Laws concerning gleaning at the time of .See GLEANING » 2032 -FIGURATIVE PS 126:6; HO 10:12,13 4072 REASONING -With God Job 13:3,17-28 -God reasons with men EX 4:11; 20:5,11; ISA 1:18; 5:3,4; 43:26; HO 4:1; MIC 6:2 -Natural understanding DA 4:36 -To be applied to godly living 1CO 10:15; 1PE 3:15 -Not a sufficient guide in human affairs DE 12:8; PR 3:5; 14:12 -Of the Pharisees LU 5:21,22; 20:5 -Of Paul from the Scriptures AC 17:2; 18:4,19; 24:25 -The gospel cannot be explained by 1CO 1:18-28; 2:1-14 -See INVESTIGATION » 2541 -See PHILOSOPHY » 3848 4073 REBA -(A king of Midian) -Killed by the Israelites NU 31:8; JOS 13:21 4074 REBECCA -See REBEKAH » 4075 4075 REBEKAH (REBECCA) -The daughter of Bethuel, the grandniece of Abraham GE 22:20-23 -Becomes Isaac's wife GE 24:15-67; 25:20 -Mother of Esau and Jacob GE 25:21-28 -Passes as Isaac's sister GE 26:6-11 -Displeased with Esau's wives GE 26:34,35 -Prompts Jacob to deceive Isaac GE 27:5-29 -Sends Jacob to Laban, her brother GE 27:42-46 -Burial place of GE 49:31 -Called REBECCA RO 9:10 4076 REBELLION -Treasonable PR 17:11 -INSTANCES OF .Absalom 2SA 15; 16; 17; 18 .Sheba 2SA 20 .Revolt of the ten tribes 1KI 12:16-20; 2CH 10; 13:5-12 .See SIN » 4587 4077 RECHAB -1. Son of Rimmon .Murders Ish-bosheth, son of Saul; put to death by David 2SA 4:5-12 -2. Father of Jehonadab 2KI 10:15,23; 1CH 2:55; JER 35:6,8,16,19 .Ancestor of the Rechabites JER 35 -3. Father of Malchiah NE 3:14 4078 RECHABITES -A family of Kenites descended from Rechab, through Jonadab 1CH 2:55; JER 35:6 -Enjoined by Jonadab to drink no wine JER 35:6 -Adhere to the injunction of abstinence; perpetuation of the family promised as a reward JER 35 -See ABSTINENCE, TOTAL » 0058 -See NAZARITES » 3524 4079 RECHAH -A city of unknown location 1CH 4:12 4080 RECIPROCITY -General scriptures concerning RO 15:27; 1CO 9:11; GA 6:6 4081 RECONCILIATION -Between man and man MT 5:23-26 -Between Esau and Jacob GE 33:4,11 -Between Pilate and Herod Antipas LU 23:12 -BETWEEN GOD AND MAN LE 8:15; EZE 45:15; DA 9:24; RO 5:1,10; 11:15; 2CO 5:18-21; EPH 2:15-18; COL 1:20-22; HEB 2:17 .See ATONEMENT » 0485 .See JESUS, MISSION OF » 2780 .See PROPITIATION (expiation, sin-offering) » 3977 .See REDEMPTION » 4086 4082 RECONNOISSANCE -Of Jericho JOS 2:1-24 -Beth-el JUD 1:23 -Laish JUD 18:2-10 4083 RECORDER -See SCRIBE » 4283 -See SECRETARY » 4295 4084 RECREATION (REST) -Jesus takes, from the pressures of his ministry MR 6:31,32; 7:24 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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