4110 REMALIAH -Father of Pekah, king of Israel 2KI 15:25,27,30; 16:1,5; 2CH 28:6; ISA 7:1,4; 8:6 4111 REMMON -See RIMMON, number two » 4169 4112 REMMON-METHOAR -See RIMMON, number three » 4169 4113 REMORSE -General scriptures concerning PS 31:10; 38:2-6; 51:1-4,7-17; PR 1:25-27; 5:7-13; 28:1; ISA 2:19,21; 6:5; 48:22; 57:20,21; LA 1:20; EZE 7:16-18,25,26; 33:10; LU 13:28; AC 2:37; 9:6; 1JO 3:20 -INSTANCES OF .David PS 51 .Peter MT 26:75 .Judas MT 27:3-5 .See CONVICTION, OF SIN » 1222 .See PENITENTS » 3790 .See REPENTANCE » 4116 .See SIN, CONFESSION OF » 4587 4114 RENDING -(Ripping, tearing)) .Of garments, an outward sign of affliction GE 37:29,34; 44:13; NU 14:6; JUD 11:35; 2SA 1:2,11; 3:31; 13:19,31; 15:32; 2KI 2:12; 5:8; 6:30; 11:14; 19:1; 22:11,19; EZR 9:3,5; Job 1:20; 2:12; ISA 36:22; 37:1; JER 41:5; MT 26:65; AC 14:14 -FIGURATIVE JOE 2:13 .Symbol of the dissolution of a kingdom 1SA 15:27,28 4115 RENTING -Land MT 21:33-41; LU 20:9-16 -Houses AC 28:30 4116 REPENTANCE -(A complete reversal of one's attitude and values, i. e. a turning toward God) -Attributed to God GE 6:6,7; EX 32:14; DE 32:36; JUD 2:18; 1SA 15:11,29,35; 2SA 24:16; 1CH 21:15; PS 106:45; 110:4; 135:14; JER 15:6; 18:8,10; 26:3; 42:10; JOE 2:13; AM 7:3,6; JON 3:9,10 -The burden of the preaching .Of John the Baptist MT 3 .Of Jesus MT 4:17; MR 1:15 -Exhortation to PR 1:23-33; JER 7:3,5; 26:3; HO 14:1-3; AM 5:4-6; MT 3:2 -Condition of God's favor LE 26:40-42; 2CH 7:14 -Unavailing .To Israel NU 14:39-45 .To Esau HEB 12:16,17 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO LE 26:40-42; DE 4:29-31; 10:16; 30:1-3,8-10; 32:29; 1KI 8:33-50; 2CH 6:36-39; 7:14; 30:6-9; NE 1:9; Job 11:13-15; 22:23; 33:26-28; 34:31,32; 36:10; PS 22:27; 34:14,18; 51:17; 95:7,8; 147:3; PR 1:22,23; 9:6; 28:13; ISA 10:21; 22:12; 31:6; 44:22; 46:8; 55:6,7; 57:15; 59:20; 61:1,2; JER 3:4,12-14,19; 4:1-4,14; 6:8,16; 7:5,7; 13:15,16; 18:8,11; 24:7; 25:5; 26:3,13; 31:9; 36:3,7; 50:4,5; EZE 7:16; 11:18-20; 12:3; 14:6; 16:61-63; 18:21-23,27,28,30-32; 20:43; 33:10-12,14-16,19; 36:31; 37:23; DA 4:27; HO 2:7; 3:5; 5:15; 10:12; 12:6; 14:1,2; JOE 1:14; 2:12,13,15-18; AM 4:12; 5:6,15; JON 3:8,9; HAG 1:7; ZEC 1:3; 12:10; MAL 3:7; MT 3:2,7,8; 4:17; 5:4; 9:13; MR 1:4,15; 2:17; 6:12; LU 3:3; 5:32; 6:21; 10:13; 13:1-5; 15:1-10; 18:10-14; 24:47; AC 2:38,40; 3:19; 5:31; 8:22; 17:30; 20:21; 26:20; RO 2:4; 11:23; 14:11; EPH 5:14; 2TI 2:25; HEB 6:1; JAS 4:8-10; 1JO 1:9; RE 2:5; 3:2,3,19 .See CONVICTION » 1222 .See PENITENCE » 3789 .See REMORSE » 4113 .See SIN, CONFESSION OF » 4587 .See SIN, FORGIVENESS OF » 4587 -INSTANCES OF .Joseph's brothers, of their maltreatment of Joseph GE 42:21; 50:17,18 .Pharaoh, of his hardness of heart EX 9:27; 10:16,17 .Balaam, of his spiritual blindness NU 22:34; with 22:24-35 .Israelites .Of worshiping the golden calf EX 33:3,4 .Of their complaining because of lack of bread and water, when the plague of fiery serpents came upon them NU 21:4-7 .When rebuked by an angel for not expelling the Canaanites JUD 2:1-5 .Of their idolatry, when afflicted by the Philistines JUD 10:6-16; 1SA 7:3-6 .In asking for a king 1SA 12:16-20 .In the time of Asa, by the preaching of Azariah 2CH 15:1-15 .By the preaching of Oded 2CH 28:9-15 .Under the influence of Hezekiah 2CH 30:11 .Achan, because of his theft JOS 7:20 .Saul, at the rebuke of Samuel for not destroying the Amalekites 1SA 15:24; with 15:6-31 .David, at the rebuke of Nathan, the prophet, for his sins of adultery and murder 2SA 12:11,13; with 12:7-14 .See PSALMS, PENITENTIAL » 3987 .Rehoboam, when his kingdom was invaded, and Jerusalem was besieged 2CH 12:1-12 .Hezekiah, at the time of his sickness 2CH 32:26 .When reproved by the prophet Micah JER 26:18,19 .Ahab, when reproved by Elijah for Ahab's idolatry 1KI 21:27; with 21:17-29 .Jehoahaz 2KI 13:4 .Josiah, when he heard the law of God which had been discovered in the temple by Hilkiah 2KI 22:11-20 .Manasseh, when he was carried away captive to Babylon by the king of Assyria 2CH 33:12,13 .The Jews of the exile .At the dedication of the second temple EZR 6:21 .Because of their idolatrous marriages EZR 10 .Because of their oppressive usury NE 5:1-13 .After hearing the law expounded by Ezra NE 8:1-12; 9:1-3 .By the preaching of Haggai HAG 1 .Jonah, after his punishment JON 2:2-9 .The Ninevites, by the preaching of Jonah JON 3:5-9 .The Jews, by the preaching of John the Baptist MT 3:6 .The woman who anointed Jesus with oil LU 7:37-48 .The disobedient son MT 21:29 .The Prodigal Son LU 15:17-21 .Peter, because of his denial of Jesus MT 26:75; MR 14:72; LU 22:62 .Judas MT 27:3-5; AC 1:16,18 .The Ephesians, by the preaching of Paul AC 19:18 -EXEMPLIFIED NU 21:7; 2SA 24:10,17; 1CH 21:17; 2CH 29:6; EZR 9:4,6,10,13,14; NE 1:6,7; 9:16-37; Job 7:20; 9:20; 13:23; 40:4; 42:5; PS 32:5; 38:3,4,18; 40:12; 41:4; 51:1-4,7-17; 69:5,10; 73:21,22; 106:6; 119:59,176; 130:1-3; ISA 6:5; 38:15,17; 59:12-15; 64:5-7; JER 3:21,22,25; 8:14; 14:7,20; 31:18,19; LA 3:40,41; DA 9:5-7; 10:12; HO 6:1; 14:3,8; JON 3:10; MIC 7:9; LU 15:17-20; 1CO 15:9; 2CO 7:9-11; 1PE 2:25 .See SIN, CONFESSION OF » 4587 4117 REPETITION -IN PRAYERS .See PRAYERS » 3935 4118 REPHAEL -A porter of the temple during the time of David 1CH 26:7 4119 REPHAH -A grandson of Ephraim 1CH 7:25 4120 REPHAIAH -1. A descendant of David 1CH 3:21 -2. A Simeonite captain 1CH 4:42 -3. Son of Tola, from the tribe of Issachar 1CH 7:2 -4. A descendant of Jonathan 1CH 9:43 .Called RAPHA 1CH 8:37 -5. Governor over half of Jerusalem during the time of Nehemiah NE 3:9 4121 REPHAIM -1. An ancient people of Palestine, of great stature GE 14:5; 15:20; DE 2:11,20; 3:11,13 .R. V.) JOS 12:4; 13:12; 17:15 -2. A valley; the boundary between the territories of Judah and Benjamin JOS 15:8; 18:16 .The battleground of David and the Philistines 2SA 5:18,22; 23:13; 1CH 11:15; 14:9 .The productiveness of ISA 17:5 4122 REPHIDIM -A camping place of Israel in their wandering of forty years EX 17:1,8; 19:2; NU 33:14,15 4123 REPORTS -MAJORITY AND MINORITY .Of spies NU 13:26-33; 14:6-10 4124 REPROBACY -General scriptures concerning GE 6:5-7; 19:13; DE 28:15-68; 31:17,18; PS 81:11,12; PR 1:24-28; ISA 6:9,10; 22:12-14; 28:13; 29:9-12; 65:12; JER 6:30; 7:16; 15:1; HO 5:6; MT 13:14,15; 15:14; 25:8-13; MR 3:29; LU 13:24-28; 14:24; JOH 10:26; 17:12; RO 9:21,22; 11:7,8,17-20; 2CO 13:5-7; 2TH 2:7-12; 2TI 3:8; HEB 3:10-12,17-19; 6:4-8; 10:26-31; 12:15-17; 1JO 5:16; Jude 1:4-13; RE 22:11 -See OBDURACY » 3615 -INSTANCES OF .Israel NU 14:26-45; DE 1:42,43 .Eli's house 1SA 3:14 .Saul 1SA 15:23; 16:14; 18:12; 28:15 4125 REPRODUCTION -See PROPAGATION » 3972 4126 REPROOF -General scriptures concerning LE 19:17; PS 141:5; PR 9:7,8; 10:17; 12:1; 13:18; 15:5,10,12,31,32; 17:10; 19:25; 21:11; 25:12; 26:5; 27:5,6; 28:23; EC 7:5; AM 5:10; MT 18:15-17; LU 17:3,4; JOH 7:7; GA 4:16; EPH 4:15; 5:11,13; PHP 3:1; 1TH 5:14; 1TI 5:1,2,20; 2TI 4:2; TIT 1:13; HEB 3:13; RE 11:10 -FAITHFULNESS IN .Instances of .Moses, of Pharaoh EX 10:29; 11:8 .Moses, of the Israelites EX 16:6,7; 32:19-30; NU 14:41; 20:10; 32:14; DE 1:12,26-43; 9:16-24; 29:2-4; 31:27-29; 32:15-18 .Moses, of Eleazar LE 10:16-18 .Moses, of Korah NU 16:9-11 .Israelites, of the two and one-half tribes JOS 22:15-20 .Israelites, of the tribe of Benjamin JUD 20:12,13 .Samuel, of Saul 1SA 15:14-35 .Jonathan, of Saul 1SA 19:4,5 .Nathan, of David 2SA 12:1-9 .Joab, of David 2SA 19:1-7; 24:3; 1CH 21:3 .The prophet Gad, of David 2SA 24:13 .Shemaiah, of Rehoboam 2CH 12:5 .A prophet of Judah, of Jeroboam 1KI 13:1-10; 2CH 13:8-11 .Elijah, of Ahab 1KI 18:18-21; 21:20-24 .Elijah, of Ahaziah 2KI 1 .Micaiah, of Ahab 1KI 22:14-28 .Elisha, of Jehoram 2KI 3:13,14 .Elisha, of Gehazi 2KI 5:26 .Elisha, of Hazael 2KI 8:11-13 .Elisha, of Jeroboam 2KI 13:19 .Isaiah, of Hezekiah 2KI 20:17 .Jehoash, of Jehoiada 2KI 12:7 .Azariah, of Asa 2CH 15:2 .Azariah, of Uzziah 2CH 26:17,18 .Hanani, of Asa 2CH 16:7-9 .Jehu, of Jehoshaphat 2CH 19:2 .Zechariah, of the princes of Judah 2CH 24:20 .Oded, of the people of Samaria 2CH 28:9-11 .Jeremiah, of the cities of Judah JER 26:8-11 .Ezra, of the men of Judah and Benjamin EZR 10:10 .Nehemiah, of the Jews NE 5:6-13 .Nehemiah, of the corruptions in the temple, and of the violation of the Sabbath NE 13 .Daniel, of Nebuchadnezzar DA 4:27 .Daniel, of Belshazzar DA 5:17-24 .Amos, of the Israelites AM 7:12-17 .Jesus, of the Jews, when the Pharisees and the Sadducees came to him desiring a miraculous sign MT 16:1-4; MR 8:11,12 .Jesus, of the scribes and Pharisees MT 23; LU 11:37-54 .Jesus, of the Pharisees LU 16 .Jesus, of the Pharisees, when they brought the woman to him who had been caught in the act of adultery JOH 8:7 .In the parables of Jesus .Of the king's feast LU 14:16-24 .Of the two sons MT 21:28-32 .Of the vineyard MT 21:33-46; MR 12:1-12; LU 20:9-20 .Of the barren fig tree LU 13:6-9 .The withering of the fig tree MT 21:17-20; MR 11:12-14 .John the Baptist, of the Jews MT 3:7-12; LU 3:7-9 .John the Baptist, of Herod Antipas MT 14:3; MR 6:17; LU 3:19,20 .Peter, of Simon, the sorcerer AC 8:20-23 .Stephen, of the high priest AC 7:51-53 .Paul, of Elymas (Bar-Jesus), the sorcerer AC 13:9-11 .Paul, of Ananias, the high priest AC 23:3 .Paul and Silas, of the civil officers of Philippi AC 16:37-40 -DESPISED .By the Israelites NU 14:9,10; JER 26:11 .By Ahab 1KI 18:17; 21:20; 22:8 .By Asa 2CH 16:10 .By Herodias MR 6:18,19 .By the people of Nazareth LU 4:28,29 .By the Jewish leaders AC 5:33; 7:54 .See REPROBACY » 4124 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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