4019 RAAMAH -1. Son of Cush GE 10:7; 1CH 1:9 -2. A place in Arabia EZE 27:22 4020 RAAMIAH -One of those who returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon NE 7:7 -Called REELAIAH in EZR 2:2 4021 RAAMSES -See RAMESES » 4055 4022 RABBAH -1. Also called RABBATH .A city east of the Jordan River, originally belonging to the Ammonites JOS 13:25 .Bedstead of the giant named Og, kept at DE 3:11 .Captured by David 2SA 11:1; 12:26-31; 1CH 20:1-3 .Possessed again by the Ammonites; prophesied against JER 49:2,3; EZE 21:20; 25:5; AM 1:14 -2. A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:60 4023 RABBATH -See RABBAH » 4022 4024 RABBI -(Literally, the Hebrew word means "my great one.") -The title of a Jewish teacher MT 23:7,8; JOH 3:2 -Ostentatiously used by the Pharisees MT 23:7 -Used in addressing John the Baptist JOH 3:26 -Used in addressing Jesus JOH 1:38,49; 3:2; 6:25 -R. V MT 26:25,49; MR 9:5; 11:21; 14:45; JOH 4:31; 9:2; 11:8 -Jesus called "Rabboni," MR 10:51 -R. V.) JOH 20:16 -Forbidden by Jesus as a title to his disciples MT 23:8 4025 RABBITH -A city in the territory of the tribe of Issachar JOS 19:20 4026 RAB-MAG -An Assyrian prince, or, possibly, a second name given to Nergal-sharezer JER 39:3,13 4027 RABSARIS -1. A title of an Assyrian officer .See RAB-SHAKEH (RABSHAKEH) » 4028 .See TARTAN » 4825 .Sent by Sennacherib against Jerusalem 2KI 18:17 -2. An Assyrian prince during the time of Nebuchadnezzar, or, possibly, a second name given to Nebushazban (also spelled NEBO-SARSEKIM or SARSEKIM, N. I. V.) JER 39:3,13 4028 RAB-SHAKEH (RABSHAKEH) -(A title of an Assyrian officer) -Sent by Sennacherib against Jerusalem; undertakes to cause disloyalty to Hezekiah and the surrender of Jerusalem by a speech in the Jews' native language 2KI 18:17-36; 19:4,8; ISA 36; 37 4029 RACA -(Roughly translated "fool" but means "You good-for-nothing moron!")) MT 5:22 4030 RACE -1. Human .Unity of GE 3:20; MAL 2:10 -2. FOOT RACE .Figurative PS 19:5; EC 9:11; 1CO 9:24; GA 5:7; PHP 2:16; HEB 12:1,2 4031 RACHAB -See RAHAB » 4037 4032 RACHAL -A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah 1SA 30:29 4033 RACHEL -(Daughter of Laban and the favorite wife of Jacob) -Meets Jacob at a well GE 29:9-12 -Jacob serves Laban for an additional seven years to obtain her as his wife GE 29:15-30 -Sterility of GE 29:31 -Her grief in consequence of her sterility; gives her maid, to Jacob in order to obtain children in her own name GE 30:1-8,15,22-34 -Later productiveness of; becomes the mother of .Joseph GE 30:22-25 .Benjamin GE 35:16-18,24 -Steals the household images (teraphim, legal deed) of her father GE 31:4,14-19,33-35 -Her death and burial GE 35:18-20; 48:7; 1SA 10:2 4034 RADDAI -Son of Jesse 1CH 2:14 4035 RAGAU -Also called REU -Son of Peleg and an ancestor of Jesus GE 11:18-21; 1CH 1:25; LU 3:35 4036 RAGUEL -Also called REUEL and JETHRO -Moses' father-in-law NU 10:29 -See JETHRO » 2784 4037 RAHAB -1. Also called RACHAB -(A woman of Jericho) .Assists the spies of the Israelites JOS 2 .Is spared when the Israelites captured Jericho JOS 6:17-25 .An ancestor of Joseph of Nazareth MT 1:5 .The faith of, commended HEB 11:31; JAS 2:25 -2. A symbolic name applied to Egypt PS 87:4; 89:10; ISA 30:7; 51:9 4038 RAHAM -Son of Shema 1CH 2:44 4039 RAILING -(Reviling, using harsh, insolent, or vituperative language; scoffing) -Forbidden 1CO 5:11; 1TI 6:4; 1PE 3:9; 2PE 2:11; Jude 1:9 -See SLANDER » 4611 -See SPEAKING EVIL » 4661 -INSTANCES OF 1SA 25:14; 2SA 16:7; MR 15:29 4040 RAIMENT (CLOTHING) -See DRESS » 1472 4041 RAIN -Forty days of, at the time of the great flood of Noah GE 7:4,10-12,17-24 -The plague of, upon Egypt EX 9:22-26,33,34 -Miraculously caused .By Samuel 1SA 12:16-19 .By Elijah 1KI 18:41-45 -David delivered by 2SA 5:17-21; ISA 28:21 -North wind unfavorable to PR 25:23 -Withheld as judgment DE 11:17; 28:24; 1KI 8:35; 2CH 7:13; JER 3:3; AM 4:7; ZEC 14:17 -The earth will never again be destroyed by GE 9:8-17 -Sent by God DE 11:13,14; Job 37:6; ISA 30:23; JER 5:24; 14:22 -Contingent upon obedience LE 26:3,4; DE 11:13,14 -Prayer for 1KI 8:35,36; 2CH 6:26,27 -Answer to prayer for, promised 2CH 7:13,14; ZEC 10:1 -Withheld, in answer to prayer JAS 5:17,18 -Rainy season in Palestine is in the ninth month, corresponding to December EZR 10:9,13 -See METEOROLOGY » 3332 -FIGURATIVE PS 72:6 4042 RAINBOW -A sign that the earth will no longer be destroyed by flood GE 9:8-16; EZE 1:28 -Symbolical RE 4:3; 10:1 -See METEOROLOGY » 3332 4043 RAISINS -(Dried grapes) -Given by Abigail to David 1SA 25:18 -Given to the starving Egyptian to revive him 1SA 30:12 -Given by Ziba to David 2SA 16:1 -Given to David at Ziklag 1CH 12:40 4044 RAISING -From death .See DEAD » 1347 -See RESURRECTION » 4137 4045 RAKEM -A descendant of Machir, son of Manasseh 1CH 7:16 4046 RAKKATH -A city in the territory of the tribe of Naphthali JOS 19:35 4047 RAKKON -A city in the territory of the tribe of Dan JOS 19:46 4048 RAM -1. Son of Hezron and an ancestor of Jesus RU 4:19; 1CH 2:9,10 .Called ARAM MT 1:3,4; LU 3:33 -2. Son of Jerahmeel 1CH 2:25,27 -3. An ancestor, probably of Elihu, mentioned in Job 32:2 -4. A sheep .Skins of, used for the roof of the tabernacle EX 26:14; 39:34 .Seen in Daniel's vision DA 8:3,20 .Used in sacrifice .See OFFERINGS » 3632 .Trumpets made of the horns of .See TRUMPETS » 5003 4049 RAMA -See RAMAH, number one » 4050 4050 RAMAH -1. Called RAMA MT 2:18 .A city allotted to the tribe of Benjamin JOS 18:25; JUD 19:13 .Attempted fortification of, by King Baasha; destruction of, by Asa 1KI 15:17-22; 2CH 16:1-6 .People of, return from the Babylonian captivity EZR 2:26; NE 7:30; 11:33 .Jeremiah imprisoned in JER 40:1 .Prophecies concerning ISA 10:29; JER 31:15; HO 5:8; MT 2:18 -2. A city of the territory of the tribe of Asher JOS 19:29 -3. A city of the territory of the tribe of Naphthali JOS 19:36 -4. Also called RAMATHAIM-ZOPHIM .A city near Mount Ephraim Jude 1:4,5; 1SA 1:1 .Home of Elkanah 1SA 1:1,19; 2:11 .Home of Samuel 1SA 1:19,20; 7:17; 8:4; 15:34; 16:13 .David flees to 1SA 19:18 .Samuel dies and was buried in 1SA 25:1; 28:3 -5. RAMAH .See RAMOTH-GILEAD » 4058 4051 RAMATH -A city of the tribe of Simeon JOS 19:8 4052 RAMATHAIM-ZOPHIM -See RAMAH, number four » 4050 4053 RAMATH-LEHI -The place where Samson killed one-thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey JUD 15:17 4054 RAMATH-MIZPEH -A town in the territory of the tribe of Gad JOS 13:26 4055 RAMESES -(Called also Raamses.) -The district in Egypt which was inhabited by the Israelites GE 47:11; EX 1:11; 12:37; NU 33:3,5 .City of, built by the Israelites as a treasure city for one of the Pharaohs EX 1:11 4056 RAMIAH -(An Israelite at the time of Ezra) -Had taken a non-Israelite wife EZR 10:25 4057 RAMOTH -1. An Israelite at the time of Ezra .Had taken a non-Israelite wife EZR 10:29 -2. Called RAMATH OF THE SOUTH .A place probably in the south of the tribe of Simeon JOS 19:8; 1SA 30:27 -3. A city of the territory of the tribe of Issachar, allotted to the Levites 1CH 6:73 -4. Ramoth in Gilead .See RAMOTH-GILEAD » 4058 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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