Pro One Spanish Level Three

Thank you for using SOFSOURCE Pro One Spanish!

How Pro One Spanish Works

This program is "browser-ready." To use it:
  1. Start Netscape® Navigator (version 3.0 or higher)
  2. For Navigator 3.0, use Open Page... in the File Menu
    For Navigator 4.0, use Open File... in the File Menu
    and open the file named index.htm in the span1web directory.
That's all there is to it. You use the program just as if you were browsing through pages on the World Wide Web.

(You may go directly to the index now.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need a Modem or an Internet Connection?

No. All the material comes directly from the CD. The only exceptions are the link to SOFSOURCE's home page on the main index and the links at the end of each "country profile." These will attempt to connect to the Internet.

What If I Don't Have Netscape Navigator?

Windows® Users: Inside the winextra directory on this CD you will find a directory named Netscape Inside it are the files you will need to install Navigator on your machine.

If you are using Windows 3.1, look in the WIN16 folder with File Manager.

If you are using Windows 95, double-click the My Computer icon, then the CD icon, then the winextra folder, and so on, until you are looking in the WIN32 folder

Macintosh® Users: Inside the macextra folder on this CD you will find folders for Navigator versions for 68000-based and PowerPC Macintosh computers.

What Do Those Icons and Buttons Do?

See more detailed information here.

Why Do I See A Message About JavaScript?

And what is JavaScript, anyway? See more detailed information here.

Why Don't I See The Video?

The video tutorials require you to have the QuickTime™ installed.

Windows 95:

Windows 3.1: Macintosh Users:

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