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What Do Those Icons and Buttons Do?

Previous This button will take you back to the previous question when you're doing an exercise.
Next This button will take you back to the next question when you're doing an exercise.
Index This button will take you back to the lesson index.
Check During a fill-in-the-blank exercise, you click the Check button to have the computer check to see if you entered the correct answer. (You get two tries to fill in the blanks correctly.)
Hint If you don't know how to fill in a blank during an exercise, click the Hint button to turn the question into a multiple-choice question.
Hint Some exercises have audio so that you can listen to the correct response. When sound is on, you'll see this icon. If you click it, that will turn the sound off.
Hint When sound is off, you'll see this icon. If you click it, that will turn the sound on again for the next question.

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