Mail+ Online Help Manual  

Preferences Dialog

The Preferences dialog can be access through the "Preferences..." command in the Options menu of the Main Form. It allows you to configure general preferences for Mail+.

Include Message in Reply - If checked, this will include the original email in the reply.

Confirm Delete - If checked, it will prompt you before permanently deleting an email.

Include Signature File - If Checked, it will append the signature file (whatever is in the field below the "Signature:" in fig 1) to the end of the email.

Place Signature Before Reply - If Checked and replying to an email, it will place the signature file before the reply section of the email.

The signature field is where you write you signature. A signature is kind of like a business card. You can put important contact information about yourself and who you are here.

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Fig 1: Preferences Dialog

Copyright © 1999-2000 by Nathan Buggia. All rights reserved.