Welcome | What you will find here | What you will not find here | Dedication | Contributions | Dear Experts | Pre-Requisites | Hazard Disclaimer | Browser Recommendations | Suggested Reading | Copyright Information

Welcome to one of my small niches in the world wide web! This one, of course, being dedicated to the learning of C++. It is a result of some hard work and a few sleepless nights so I can only hope that this is of some use to you!

I know how difficult it is to find good resources on the information sluggish highway. There's a ton of pages that have weak information, hard to understand explanations, dead links, a plethora of banner ads, and bad coloring schemes (the kind that make you wonder if your eyeballs are melting or if the room is just dancing by itself). I also know, first hand, the struggle of of beginners with a teacher who can't seem to help them. So here you have my weak solution to the problem, Neil's C++ Stuff!

Just one quick note ... there are still many good teachers out there. Most of the time you get stuck with the ones that do want to help you and make their best attempt at that. So just because your instructor piles work on you does not mean they automagically fall into the category that inspired this site.

What you will find here
I have put together several "articles" of which I have been known to call "tutorials", "references", or "sections" in the older versions. From now on, taking after other sites, I have decided to name these my "articles". In these I attempt to explain various C++ concepts in real/human terms.

They are the soul of this site, reflect my own twisted inner nature *tee hee hee HA HA HA HA HO HO HO!*, and date back as far as September 25th, 1998. Many of these are updated spasmatically, so some are broken off, others left unfinished for long periods of time. They're always on my mind and eventually they will all be finished!

Additional Resources
Under a main section I have "Additional Resources". Apart from my articles you can learn about C++ through the items listed here as well. It also contains information about contacting me for when you're in dire need of answers or when you want to give me money (woohoo!). Comments are also welcome.

Pages other than my articles have been thrown together in record time. So please point out any errors or inconsistancies.

What you will not find here
Funny Jokes
No funny joke listings here. But if you email my friend Aiken Drum (doughels@erols.com) then you can get jokes daily. Just tell him you want to subscribe and that I (Neil) sent your sorry butt. Oops! I mean your not-so-sorry butt .

My Resume
Or other personal things. None of that is listed here except a little ditty about myself. You can find stuff like that on my personal homepage: Gibdon Moon.

Web Page Services
Those you'll have to seek out at my brother and I's web designing company page. It's still in a state of rough draft because we never find time to work on it, but for web pages that don't $uck check us out!

Multimedia Works of Genius
Seek out CyCLONE7 for that as well...

And I bet you thought all web pages had some kind of pornography. Heh heh. No, but this word may catch some of those search engine bots, especially if I say things like Cameron Diaz nude not here! Heh heh.

I have to dedicate this site to somebody. Why? Because there was a great need for something like this in my class, but I was too lazy to do anything about it. However, one person turned that tide. I dedicate this site to my good friend Melissa Diana Paul. And because I'm a sucker cheeseball I want to say that, if I can ever do anything to prevent it, I will never let you fall.

This is not simply my site. It is yours. If you have a load of good bookmarks (related to C++) then by George send me the file! If you have an article, send it! If you have a very well documented program, send it! If you know how to make something on here better, tell me! I've had a very few people actually contribute to this site, other than myself. Which is sad. I know that many of you have good things to tell me or show me, so if you do, don't hesitate! What if I died suddenly!? What would happen then if you don't help out *chuckle*? To send me contributions please email me at obremski@foxinternet.net. Please ask me before sending attachments over 10k. And please, no spamming or viruses, thanx .

Dear Experts
I had to add this section in here because I received an e-mail where the poor person had been smacked around by the "experts" about using void main instead of int main. Now, there are probably "expert" C++ nuts out there looking at my page and whining about all the "non-proper" code that I may have put on here. The purpose of this code is to be portable and easy to understand, not necessarily "proper" or "stylish". You'll probably find a better way of doing things later on after you've gotten a good grasp of the language.

As for the void main, I used that because my classmates (back when I was in C++ class - not anymore) were using a really shitty book that did that all the time (and put the function prototypes inside function definitions ... ahhhhhhhhhh nooooooooo!). So rather than confuse the class more, I simply let it be. Change it? Nah, not worth it. Doesn't really matter anyway - not with the programs I'm detailing here.

So for all those "experts" that are reading this, don't blow a vessel if you see something not organized to your liking. Thanx

There are some simple things you should know before being able to utilize the articles here. I don't start you out from the beginning, I only cover subjects that people request the most information on. The more people that badger me about certain subjects, the more chance that I will write an article on that subject.

If you're starting programming altogether and deciding to go with C++ then I suggest you first read a good book. Actually if you're only just beginning programming in general then I suggest you start with something simpler (IMHO) like QBasic or C. Its much easier to move into C++ from there than it is from no background at all.

If you're moving to C++ from one of the BASIC languages then you may have to read up on what compilers are and how to use them. Moving from C to C++ is fairly simple and this page is really not the place to be if you're an advanced C programmer .

So, a sum of what you'll need:

Hazard Disclaimer
Just in case any of the net loonies (like me) somehow get damaged by reading or trying anything on this page I have to write a nice disclaimer. This basically says that if something bad happens to you, it is in no way my fault!

By viewing the documents on this web site you are automatically removing any liabilities from me (Neil C. Obremski) that may or may not have been caused by the contents of this site. Any reading, typing, or licking is done out of your own free will and is not my responsibility. I also wave any responsibility for the content of links that I have listed. In downloading anything directly from my site or others you will not hold me (Neil C. Obremski) responsible for any damages caused by the material. I don't care if because of reading all this you lose your (boy)girlfriend, your wife, house, car, or bladder control; because its simply not my fault. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Browser Recommendations
About any browser I know of can show this site without much difficulty. I mainly targeted the Netscape 3+, Internet Explorer 3+, and Opera 3.21+ audience because they can do the interactive exercises that I've scattered among these pages. However, I added little <NOSCRIPT> tags so that non-JavaScript browsers can still use my contact forms. Um, so any ol' browser will do. I even made sure it was compatible with Netscape 2! For some reason I can't get the contact form working in Netscape 2 JavaScript ... hmmm. Anyone want to help me out with that?

This page looks mighty fine in 800x600 resolution or higher. Any lower than that and there will be a horizontal scroll-bar at the bottom of your window which ain't too pretty. Any color depth is fine because you'll rarely find million-colored images here (if at all).

Suggested Reading
I've tried to organize the sections on the main page in order of how I think you should browse through them. Articles with easier topics are arranged more towards the top and the more difficult concepts are lower down. I actually listed arrays lower (harder) than classes because I think they're harder *shrug*.

Copyright Information
Written: The entire worded contents of this site are copyrighted by Neil C. Obremski. Please do not cut & paste anything and use it as your own unless you first ask my permission.

Linking: Adding a link to my site from yours is fine as long as the link title is "Neil's C++ Stuff" and the URL points to the main page: http://www.cyclone7.com/cpp/.

Icons & Buttons: Any icons (16x16 pixels) and buttons (27x24 pixels) are free for anyone to rip and mangle.

Other Copyrights: ICQ graphics (flowers) and conventions are copyright of Mirabilis. I also cloned graphics from the following products: Netscape Communicator, Windows98, TextPad, and Office97.

Other Art: All other and hand-drawn art is NOT public property and may not be downloaded, modified, or claimed as your own. If you wish to use any of this art please ask my express permission first. The art was drawn specifically for this site and should not be located anywhere else on the world wide web. All hand-drawn art was created by either Tarraccas Obremski or Neil C. Obremski.

Thank you for respecting the copyrights on this site!

The End (for now, *muh ha ha ha*)

Page Content & Design ©1998
By Neil C. Obremski










