C O N T A C T     &     G U I D E L I N E S

Intro | Disclaimer | ICQ | E-Mail | Guidelines | Example | Brownie Points

I figured that since I provide a decent free service to all those future programmers, my viewers would have the respect to give me meaningful questions to answer and comments to cherish. I respect all of you who have, and I thank you whole-heartedly for being a visitor to my humble site. However for all of you who haven't, I wrote this page targeted directly at you and those of you who abuse my nifty contact form!

In contacting me in any way shape or form, via directly from this site or methods displayed on it you are agreeing to the following disclaimer.

I, Neil C. Obremski have full, exclusive rights to the message you transfer to me, including all miscelanous information bundled with it, such as names, server path information, date, and email address. Your personal information will not be directly subjectable to spam-oriented businesses, internet listings, or any other unholsom advertising gimmics.

Messages received that do not fully comply with the guidelines written here, those that I deem offensive, or messages that contain unholsome content by standard moral laws will, along with all miscelanous information, be considered entirely public material. Messages of this nature may be posted on this site or other, possibly unrelated, sites for example, amusement, or any other purpose without privacy of his/her included information such as name and email address. However I, Neil C. Obremski, will not expose these or any other message to harrassment, threats, spamming, or any other illegal activity.

Messages received that are deemed appropriate by me or the contact guidelines will be considered wholey confidential unless otherwise explicitely disallowed from being so by the sender. Confidential messages and included information will not be given out under any circumstance without permission from both parties, i.e. Neil C. Obremski and the original sender. The one exception to confidential messages is if they contain a statement of commentary about the site. Messages of this kind may have the commentary statement posted on the site as a form of vain public advertisement.

Messages sent that contain general information relating to the site may be posted as F.A.Q. entries or somewhere else on the site that pertains.

ICQ is a nifty internet pager developed by Mirabilis. I find it very useful in keeping close tabs with my friends and a great forum for exchanging all kinds of information. Like anything great, it can also be easily abused.

It is fine if you add me to your contact list, but be forewarned that I will probably not be adding you to mine. I simply don't have the patience to afford a contact list that is more than one page long. This does not mean to say that you will not get a response if you message me, but I will not (easily) sport unfounded "friendly" chats or message banter. Also do not expect immediate response from me, just because I am online does not mean I am at my computer.

ICQ Contact Rules
send nothing other than plain ol' MESSAGES unless previously cleared with me. (I recently put someone on my ignore list because he sent me URLs FOUR times and each time I had told him to stop. See!? Nobody listens to me! )

I love getting email, its true! But there is the lovable kind of email and the tedious kind. But it is also a very enduring process to answer it. Previous to November I had a lot of opportunities each day to check my email, but this no longer holds true. Be patient in getting a return response, it may be the same day, a week later, or worse if I'm on vacation. The speed of my response also coincides with how well you follow my guidelines!

E-Mail Contact Rules
do not spam me! If you send me more than one email (accidents are of course allowed) with the same contents then you will not get positive feedback from me.

do not cross-post! Never send the same question to more than one of my e-mail addresses except under special (explanable) conditions (like if the server for one address is down).

It is my choice to make a special exception to any one or all of the guidelines presented here. It should be noted, however, that this does not normally happen and nor does it happen at all to messages that violate multiple guidelines. It isn't hard to write a decent email with an acceptable question, statement, comment, suggestion, or anything else. Yet, after reading through all the messages I've received I suppose it isn't very hard to write crap either. Please do your best to meet these:


I received an email that was a perfect example of what not to send me. This kind warrants either a rude response from me or none at all. I decided to post it here so you can take pointers:

From: basitshahzad@hotmail.com (Basit Shahzad)
Subject: C++ Page
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 20:35:53 -0800 (PST)

last time i sent you the mail about a question.that how can we convert 32768 in "thirty two thousand seven hundred and sixty eight" using a c++ program .Sir please do it for me. and please return it to me within two hiurs .because after this i have the exam and i am expecting this question. return this please,please!!!!!!!!

If I get enough e-mails of this kind I may be tempted to start an archive, just so I have something to laugh at in my spare time.

Brownie Points
If you are pleased with this site or wish to score brownie points with me then please visit any of my sponsors (preferably the top most). And if you decide to buy a book from Amazon.com, reach their site through one of my links on the books page. Doing either of these SIMPLE tasks will not only help me, but inspire me to write further articles. Thank you.

The End (for now, *muh ha ha ha*)

Page Content & Design ©1998
By Neil C. Obremski










