Colin Smith's biography

"And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." (1 Cor 2:4-5 KJV)

"This is God's mandate to Spirit Power Ministries. It is time for the power of God to be demonstrated again. The aim of this ministry is the uncompromised Word of God preached with accompanying signs and wonders to confirm the Word."

From the Nations - To the Nations

Colin Smith was born in Glasgow, Scotland. At the age of 5, Colin migrated to New Zealand with his family. While growing up in New Zealand, God supernaturally spoke to Colin and told him, "If you don't return to me by the end of this year, you never will!" This frightened him into action, immediately, he gave up his present lifestyle and pursued God.

The next four years were taken up by intensively seeking God, studying the Word, praying and listening to teaching tapes daily for hours and hours. This became Colin's passion and driving force. It was during this time that God granted a vision of the final moments on earth, calling Colin into the ministry as a mouthpiece, calling men everywhere back to Him.

Shortly after this Colin began as Youth Pastor and he spearheaded the evangelism department in his home church. He also pioneered "Crosstalk Ministries," a rock band that traveled extensively in New Zealand, declaring the good news of Jesus Christ.

The Lord brought Colin to the United States in 1993 to attend Spirit Life Bible College, founded by Roberts Liardon. During this time he learned, not only theory but the practical aspects of living a life of faith, and walking in the Spirit.

After graduating in 1995, he was positioned at the International Headquarters of Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, where Colin serves as the Associate Editor of VOICE magazine.

Colin has traveled through America and internationally preaching the Gospel with unusual manifestations following, especially miraculous Healings. The revelation gifts flow during these meetings, with accurate prophetic preaching. Colin has a heart for the local church and his desire is to help the body breakthrough to new levels and cause a strong hunger for the things of God return to the congregation. He believes in the role of the local pastor and seeks to encourage and bring refreshing to the work.

Colin is Licensed through Embassy Ministerial Association and
Ordained through Life in Christ Ministries.

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"The time is upon you now,
and I will send you forth like an arrow."

"The winds of adversity will not blow you off course,
And the pressure of the atmosphere will not cause you to fall short of the mark.

"Fly straight and true until you sink your tip deep
into the purpose of God."

"The strength of the bow determines the altitude, But, the integrity of the arrow determines the accuracy."

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