5 am in China

(This is the e-mail I sent to some friends while I was on the road. The response was so overwhelming,I have reproduced it.)

We had a great time in China. I managed to visit 5 provinces while I was there. God is doing a powerful work with the people in the country, the city folk are still yet to experience revival.

There are many things to tell, but rather than go on about my minor exploits, let me tell you about the people. After all if missions are not about people what are they about?

The people in the North particularly touched my heart. When it comes time for spiritual matters they are like lions! They know how to get a hold of God fast.

Every morning at 5am in China the devil trembles as the greatest army the world has ever seen, shakes itself and marches into battle as one man.. The people understand the dynamics of prayer, how to flow, how to shout at the devil and how to weep in the presence of God. When it comes to praise and worship they lift up their voices and sing with their whole heart. Many bawl uncontrollably in adoration for their savior. They know the bible like the back of their hands.

I spoke to many who have been imprisoned and tortured for their faith. They smile from ear to ear and laugh about the experience. All of them say that they are not afraid of beatings or prison (they usually get the whole prison saved while there). The only thing they are afraid of is becoming a Judas and selling out their brothers and sisters!

When they are not praying and preaching they put their giftings up on the shelf and operate out of the fruit of the spirit. They walk in the most perfect love, servanthood and humility toward one another. I received the best hospitality I have ever had. They didn't have much to offer materially, but all they had was freely given.

Boy we sure have a lot to learn in the west, we have our priorities totally twisted. I felt totally humbled and convicted while there. I felt so inadequate, how could I minister to these people? I think I was sent to be changed, more than me changing them.

China is doing very well without help from the West. One thing the Lord showed me is that our role as missionaries in China is not evangelism or leadership, but to help equip and give a biblical foundation for what they are already doing. If we westerners would shut up for a minute, and first observe and be teachable and not go charging in to bring Western Christianity, we would see a more pure gospel preached. We MUST love the people. We must keep opinion and preference to ourselves and not pollute the world with our Western Christian subculture.

Thank God for the resources we have. I pray we will use them wisely. Lets preach the gospel to the whole world - but I pray the US dollar doesn't do to the Chinese church what it has done to some.

Take this right - I am not against prosperity, but I am against Westerners buying their way into leadership in the mission field instead of letting their character do the talking. People, if we are not motivated by a love for the people, we have no right to be out on the mission field. So lets walk in the fruit of the Spirit and be led by the Spirit. Then God has us in a place where He can use us for His exploits.

I love you all.

His servant

(1 Cor 2:4-5 KJV) And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

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