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QuakeWorld PPC Client & Server (beta):

  • Download latest versions at homepage of Frank Wille

    Patched Executables (30-jan-00)


    Here's patched versions of QUAKE and QWCL by Frank Wille & Steffen Haeuser
    The patched Quake executables has disabled palette shift in liquids (polyblend hack).
    Besides, pickup flash can be togled on/off - an improved feature from the last versions,
    where the flash was permanently disabled.
    Pickup flash can be toggled on/off with the commands 'flash_1' and 'flash_0, provided that you
    execute the supplied flash.cfg from the console or paste the
    contents of flash.cfg to your autoexec.cfg.
    The flash.cfg MUST be executed, or you will have "bf" messages printed on screen

    You can edit the deafult setting, which is the last line in flash.cfg
    flash_0 (default off)
    flash_1 (default on)

    If you need more fps and/or some good configs for getting started,
    you should check GUIDE/FAQ and PROXIES sections.

    The executables are also prepared for my ambience.pak (see below).
    The QuakeWorld client executables (qwcl) has the same features, except that palette shift in liquids is controlled with the command v_contentblend

    The sound.pak contains modified/null wav's for some of the big samples.
    Helps framerate on CB's 68K version. Don't know about PPC.

  • (90K)

    The ambience.pak contains null wav's in place of all ambient sounds
    - it helps fps slightly with CB's 68K version, but more importantly:
    it removes a distraction factor in deathmatch.
  • (400 bytes)

    The progs.pak contains modified versions of missile, grenade, shaft, weapons, backpack,
    null gibs and null torches + powerup and armor mdl's without rotation.
    It improves performance significantly with all versions of quake and quakeworld.
  • (50K)

    Installation: the paks must be named logically - if you have, say pak0.pak and pak1.pak in your ID1 dir,
    name the new paks cronologically (pak2.pak and pak3.pak...)