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Numeric keypad note!:
In the current release of qwcl (30-JAN-00) white keys works like this:
1: End - use this to jump to bottom of console output
2: Downarrow - like corresponding cursor key
3: PgDn - use this to scroll forward in console output
4: Leftarrow - like corresponding cursor key
5: No Function
6: Rightarrow - like corresponding cursor key
7: Home - makes console unusable! - use "1" to reverse
8: Uparrow - like corresponding cursor key
9: PgUp - use this to scroll backward in console output

QuakeWorld documentation from ID's source release:
Covers setup for qwcl & qwsv incl complete command list.
(note that some parameters/cmds are not supported in current amiga releases)

main.cfg and servers.cfg
Download and place in your ID1 dir. These configs contain a very good setup for getting started
incl. a selection of aliases for 40 servers!

Download and place in your ID1 dir. In your console, type exec connection.cfg.
You will then the be asked to type what connection speed you have.
The aliases are "c.28k","c.56k","c.isdn","c.cable","c.dsl","c.t1" and "c.t3".
This should cover most systems :)
You don't need to memorize anything - all needed info is printed in your console
when you type this alias, rate and pushlatency (movement prediction) will be set to suitable values.
As an extra feature, the most common prediction values for your connection speed can be accessed
with the F2,F3 & F4 keys. When you press the the F keys, you will be notified about the magnitude
of current prediction, measured in ms. You should as a rule choose a prediction value ranging
from 1/2 to 3/4 of your average ping, but the default values should be ok for most situations.

QWstartup for amiga
Some allround tips for getting started... qwstartup

QuakeWorld Guide

QW Console Comands:

  • QW Commands

    qwcl cmds not covered in current faq's:
    v_contentblend 0/1 :default is 1, 0 turns off palette shift in liquids
    cl_chasecam 0/1 : if you connect as spectator (spectator 1), setting
    cl_chasecam to 1 will enable viewing through players eyes instead of camera.

    Special note for qwcl68k
    According to timerefresh under identical conditions (same map, same position)
    qwcl68k runs 5% faster without the -hack parameter. I recommend not to use it.