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Since May 12th 99

Check QuakeWorld section for news

Links updated 15-jan-00

Serverinfo updated with italian & german server 13-jan-00

Sushi Combat Server v1.0 beta2 released 09/12 99
Very good performance - Network traffic reduced by 50%!
* Functionality similar to ClanRing servermod
* 3 different servermodes: FFA, Match and RocketArena
* Vastly improved framerate during combat, due to 'cosmetics' reduction

Download from SushiCombat section

British and Dutch server added to serverinfo 09/12 99

Two Swedish DM-servers added to serverinfo 01/12 99

New modification at RocketArena section 22/11 99

New version of TFboost 14/11 99

RocketArena section opened 11/11 99

TeamFortress section opened 09/11 99

Malicemod bugfix-release 07/11 99
- Quake crashed when torpedos were launched - it's fixed now

Tips for SUSHI68K/PPC hack 26/10 99
- explains how to squeeze more speed out of SUSHI
Get it from 'other goodies' or here: sushi_tips.txt

Speedometer updated 25/10 99
- now shows currentspeed and maxspeed + graph

BTW: My current record speed is 513.2 - anyone to beat it?
Here's the demo - only 21K archived:) surgeon.lha
I'll be happy to put up your demos, but remember to use standard setup
- that is no changes in "sv_..." cmds !
Demo submissions:

Speedometer released 24/10 99
- a speedjump training utility
Get it from 'other goodies' (misc section)

SushiPPC - 15/10 99
'other goodies'

Sushi68K - 14/10 99
Combined pak/exe patch for max performance with 68K Amiga

- Check 'other goodies' section

Polyblend2 hack updated 07/10 99
Pickup flash removal was missing from normal quake.pch - fixed!

Malicemod (FPS booster & bot modification) updated 06/10 99

Skyfixed replacement PAK for RocketArena 25/8 99

"Bluesky" hack added to 'other goodies' section 24/8 99
It removes the infamous AmigaQuake "skybug" from all ID maps !!

3 UK servers added to serverinfo 4/8 99

Added pickup flash removal to polyblend hack 2/8 99
download from 'other goodies' section

Polyblend hack for Amiga 68K & PPC Quake executables 1/8 99
download from 'other goodies' section