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Presentation of some of my custom maps for "Sushi Combat Server"
Rocketarena mode

None of my maps has non-functional cosmetic architecture, which could slow down rendering
(The one exception is docra4, but it's every bit as fast as the the other maps)
r_speeds on these maps are truly awesome, without loosing in the gameplay department
- as for texture alignment, well.... It's all about gameplay, right?

DOCRA1 - from "SushiCombat"
arena with a central plateau, surrounded by slime
omicrons play extremely good here!

download docra1

DOCRA2 - from "SushiCombat"
large arena with a pusher in the lowered periphery
unique style of play

download docra2

DOCRA4 - from "SushiCombat"
small cramped map leads to furious dogfights
omicrons are formidable opponents here too.

download docra4

DOCRA3 - from "SushiCombat"
as seen from spectators point of view

download docra3

DOCRA5 - from "SushiCombat"
as seen from spectators point of view

download docra5