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A few useful tips for the SUSHI hack: Two new rendering modes are available in deathmatch: "r_fullbright 1" removes all shadows, and is usefull for seeing who's standing in the darkness (a cheat..) "r_drawflat 1" boosts rendering (no textures), but is buggy! BUT! r_drawflat is useful anyway, if used momentarily. When you fire a weapon, there's a flash which slows framerate. This means that it's virtually impossible to perform precise rocketjumps on anything slower than PPC. (My qc modifications are an exception, but to my knowledge none of the dedicated quakeservers currently in operation in Europe has disabled flashes) I suggest you add these aliases to your preferred cfg: alias +dflat "r_drawflat 1;+attack" alias -dflat "-attack;r_drawflat 0" If you use +dflat instead of +attack in your binds/aliases, framerate will increase instead of drop - clever eh? As said r_drawflat is buggy, meaning that players, grenades, rockets (in fact everything except the architecture of the level and the ammo boxes) becomes invisible!! - so use these aliases with care - it's NOT a good idea to use it with shaft or nailguns! If you have a rocketjump script, using +dflat instead of +attack will allow greater precision. If you want to have the rocketlauncher bound to a mousekey (like me), use this script: alias +rl "impulse 7;+dflat" alias -rl "-dflat" bind mouse2 +rl Now, pressing 2nd mousebutton will fire a rocket (if available) and framerate will be the double the normal in the moment you fire. Now you can make make more accurate (and higher) rocketjumps on 68060 :) -SuRgEoN