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Version 4.14i (beta)

  • removed lots (all?) pre-OS3.0 conditional code
  • removed PowerPacker support completely (replaced by XFDMaster support)
  • XFDMaster.library is opened only when needed and if it has already been opened by another program. This prevents loading all decrunchers from libs:xfd/ directory. That feature can be overriden by setting FORCEOPENXFD tooltype in program's icon or -x (case important!) argument if started from CLI.
  • fixed canceling "DOpus already running" requester. Now it uses ARexx and requires RexxMaster running to work. "Bring to front" option added.
  • ConfigOpus: removed bug in command list (the list was too long)
  • DOpus_Icon: fixed OS3.5 icon support. NewIcons still do not work :(
Version 4.14h (beta)
  • FPU-less 68060 correctly detected
  • fixed incorrect displaying free space in K/M/G on titlebar for K's
  • support for partitions bigger than 2G updated; maybe now it will work ;-)
  • font screen opens with default width and height now
  • corrected system alert if DOpus is started under too old kickstart
Version 4.14g (beta)
  • If you answer 'Cancel' in "DOpus already running" requester then existing DOpus window/screen is brought to front.
  • Disk modules don't open on new screen when started asynchronously and DOpus is working on its own screen.
  • Font and print screens don't require mode promotion on GFX cards anymore.
  • HUNT function do not show file names during scanning (only directories). This speeds it up a lot.
  • Support for partitions bigger than 2GB.
  • 68060 FPU should be correctly reported now.
Version 4.14f (beta)
  • Search function in file viewer supports all chars now (not upto $79 only)
  • GetSizes functions do not show file names during scanning (only directories). This speeds it up a lot.
  • Fixed FPU recognition with 68060 CPU.
  • DOpus_Icon: OS 3.5 icon support changed
  • DOpus_Icon: Key shortcuts obey localization
Version 4.14e (beta)
  • XFDMaster doesn't use external decrunchers from libs:xfd drawer. It should speed-up opening the library a lot.
  • DOpus_Icon: True localization
  • Dopus_Icon: Experimental OS 3.5 icon support.
Version 4.14d (beta)
  • fixed bug in sort popup menu which caused incorrect active sorting mode marking
  • key shortcuts in file viewer are passed through keymap now so they should work correctly on non-QWERTY keyboards
  • U,D,T,B,S,P,Q key shortcuts in file viewer obey localization. X,J,N,C keys remained as they're not localizable.
  • file viewer uses XFDMaster instead of PowerPacker to read files.
  • in file viewer reading of the file can be aborted with RMB (checked every 128kB).
Version 4.14c (beta)
  • fixed bug in file viewer when TAB wasn't at the beginning of the line. Uff, that was hard!
  • minor corrections to iconify code (WB change during ButtonIconify or WindowIconify still doesn't work!)
Version 4.14b (beta)
  • Increased maximum displayed file name characters to 64.
  • file viewer respects TABs
Version 4.14a (beta)
  • Re-enabled DOPUS:libs/dopus.library search path for main program
  • Default pattern for file selection by date is current day.
  • Increased room for filesize in lister from 7 to 9 digits (Pavel Cizek)
  • Removed 16 color limit for custom DOpus screen. DOpus still uses upto 16 colors for its GUI.
  • DosType in DiskInfo function returns correct value for non-standard filesystems.

Version 4.14
  • 68060 and RTG system support for Version requester.
  • additional keystrokes in file viewer (Pavel Cicek):
    • Space - PageDown (doesn't activate scroll mode anymore!)
    • BackSpace - PageUp, / - Search requester
  • 'Sort by' popup menu added (requires popupmenu.library). Press RMB over diskname bar to display it.
  • standard version string for main program.
  • allows CGX/P96 custom screens (still 16-color limit).
  • icon filename creation changed to the same as used by AmigaDOS
  • removed 30 chars limit for ADDICON function (I wonder how many such limits still hide somewhere in the sources...)
  • added screennotify.library support (if available) so DOpus doesn't block WB screenmode changes anymore
  • CHIP RAM problems finally solved! It was so simple...
  • removed possible race condition which could cause a freeze after processing files when progress window was opened. But I don't relly think it helps ;-)
  • ConfigOpus: Increased maximum displayed file name characters to 64.
  • ConfigOpus: Fixed bug in filetype editing hex view.
  • ConfigOpus: Fixed bug in screenmode selection for ConfigOpus. Sometimes it preferred PAL over CGX

Version 4.13
  • long filename support (upto 107 characters)
  • fixed stack problem when started from CLI.
  • ConfiOpus: If config window cannot be opened on WB due to insufficient number of free pens it tries to find best screenmode using BestModeID() under OS3.0+. No more annoying PAL screenmode.
  • ConfigOpus: screenmode filter allows CGX/P96 modes now (still upto 16 colors).
  • DOpus.library: CHIP RAM bug removed. No more trashed graphic on native displays.
  • requires OS 3.0+ to run

Version 4.12
  • recompiled with GCC 2.95.2 and PhxAss 4.39
  • optimized for 68020 CPU
  • directly uses memory pools in KickStart 3.0+.
  • speeded-up file copying with progress indicator enabled (almost as fast as in DOpus Magellan!)
  • added up-to-date asyncIO routines (from aminet:dev/c/asyncio.lha)
  • doesn't hang-up during copying/moving files anymore (probably due to new asyncIO routines).

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This page was last updated: 23 July 2000