Known Bugs
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Known Bugs


  • Copy progress indicator lost some of its accuracy because of speed-up.

  • GURUes after exiting from file viewer if search function was in use (same happens in original version). It happens when some other program keeps lock on viewed file.

  • After reopening window due to message from screennotify.library displayed directories aren't preserved. This is some kind of magic :(

  • Clashes with Birdie when opened on own screen. You have to set Birdie to ignore DOpus' screen to avoid that bug. I don't know yet what's causing it.

  • Problems with returning from configuration window. It happens when you open another DOpus or configuration window in meanwhile. Just avoid it to avoid that bug :)

  • If DOpus is opened on own hi/truecolor screen it's window gets trashed after returning from WB screen. Either use DOpus on WB screen or select only upto 8bit screens for it until that bug is fixed. Resizing the window also removes trashed parts.

  • If you rename directory to an already existing name the old directory will be deleted. Needs fixing ASAP.


  • Support for dynamic-palette IFFs (SHAM, DHiRes) is reverse-engineered (sources for pchg.lib weren't provided) and untested as I don't have such pictures.

  • problems with MagicMenu - could be related to some very old version as 2.29 works fine here.

  • can crash after deleting files. Could be caused by other program trashing memory.

  • ConfigOpus crashes with some fonts (in Screen/Fonts).

  • Problems with accessing menu. RMB needs to be clicked twice to open menu. Could be related to some versions of MagicMenu.

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This page was last updated: 20 July 2000