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This is the support Homepage of the Directory Opus 4 project of Jacek Rzeuski. From here you can download public releases and the latest beta versions.

We will try to make as much additional information and tools available as possible, including documentation, ARexx scripts, hints and tips etc. For a start, have a look at the download section.

We have also set up a mailing list, in case you need answers for specific questions, want to suggest new features or report bugs. Jacek aswell as several experienced DirOpus users will certainly proof quite useful for you :-)

What is Directory Opus 4 ?

DirectoryOpus 4 (or 'Diropus', or 'DOpus') is a legendary file manager for Amiga Computers. It features two directory windows, a very intuitive graphical user interface (including Drag'n drop functionality) and is probably one of the most configurable programs you'll ever come across.

It was developed by Jonathan Potter, the first (commercial) version was released in 1990. Development continued until 1994 (up to version number 4.12), when Jonathan joined GP Software as a partner, due to disputes with his former distributor about the non-payment of outstanding royalties.

Together, they rewrote the program from scratch, turning it into a complete Workbench replacement. That 'new' DirOpus (called DirOpus5, later versions are entitled 'Magellan' or 'Magellan 2') is still available for the Amiga from GP Software and most Amiga dealers, but the decline of the Amiga market has forced the development of the Amiga version to be put on indefinite hold.

Jon Potter and Greg Perry of GP Software are still developing Directory Opus. Currently a Windows 95/98/NT version is nearing completion. This builds on the concepts of DOpus4 and DOpus5 and introduces a number of new features and design elements for the PC market.

The 'old' DirOpus4 was released on several magazine coverdisks, but it retained its copyrighted status until 1999. At that time, GP Software decided that the program had lost all its commercial value, and they released the source codes under the GNU Public License.

The GPL release of DirOpus4 was highly appreciated among the Amiga community, but the source codes turned out to be quite awful and the program had its heydays when graphics cards and fast (PPC-) CPUs weren't common to Amiga users. From several programmers that tried to improve DirOpus only Jacek's project is left...

A note to DirOpus 5 / Magellan users:

Sorry, but these pages are absolutely useless for you. DirOpus 4 just shares the name with the later incarnations, everything else differs quite much :)

But there are several excellent support sites for later versions of DirOpus, for a start, have a look at MagnumOpus...

Copyright Notice

Note: Opus, Directory Opus, DOpus, Opus File Manager, OpusPC, PCOpus are copyrights and trademarks of GPSoftware and associated companies and may not be used except under licence.

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This page was last updated: 31 July 2000